The ASH Berlin alumni network

ASH Berlin stays in contact with its graduates. We would like to invite you to make the dialog between theory and practice more lively. We would like to give you the opportunity to participate in the further development of the university through direct feedback. At the same time, we provide you with university resources that you can use for your personal development.

We welcome all alumni to join us, even if you graduated and left ASH some years ago. You can benefit from ideas, concepts and research results from ASH and the university can benefit more from your practical experience.

In this way, you will help ASH Berlin to align its services more closely with the needs of society and to consistently fulfill its mission: The elimination of social problems and the constant further development of these in the interests of all its members.

Why, wherefore, why?

What is the purpose and benefit of alumni networks at universities? Answers can be found here:

Miersch, K. and Winkelmann, C.: Wechselseitiger Wissenstransfer, Zum Alumninetzwerk der ASH, Online-Magazin der Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin, 2023


Offers of the alumni network

  • You will be invited to university events and receive programs and invitations to ASH Berlin's lecture series and conferences.
  • The Center for Continuing Education offers a wide range of continuing education opportunities, which we will inform you about regularly.
  • You can use the Center for Continuing Education voucher to attend one of the continuing education courses at a reduced price.
  • We regularly organize alumni dayswhich you can use for professional exchange and networking with university members and practice representatives.
  • We send out a newsletter with current information about life at the university.
  • We will send you the university magazine "alice" by e-mail.
  • The career planning offers special seminars and events for starting your career. You will also be supported after graduation in shaping your career path, e.g. if you want to become self-employed. You will be given access to the ASH Career Center's job exchange for recruitment and job searches.
  • The Internship Office offers you support in your search for interns. For example, you can have your institution listed in the internship database.
  • Are you looking for specialists? As an ASH alumna/alumnus, would you like to support a student financially during their studies? Are you looking for future employees? Then the Deutschlandstipendium is the right place for you. Germany Scholarship? What is it? Just ask us!
  • You have the opportunity to receive a free library card.


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To register for the alumni network

Register in the alumni network database. Please let us know how we can contact you. We also use the information from the database to send you regular information from the ASH alumni network, e.g. we will send you the ASH alumni newsletter.


Here you can find the registration form



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The ASH alumni network on LinkedIn

Would you like to find out about current university events at ASH via LinkedIn? Would you like to network with ASH alumni?

Then link to the ASH LinkedIn network here.

Our alumni

Several hundred graduates leave the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin every year. They soon find themselves working in a wide variety of fields in education, healthcare and social work. Would you like to know what careers are possible with degrees from ASH? We give you an insight into the careers of our graduates.

Here we introduce you to alumni from the degree programs

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Would you like to find out about the wide range of employment opportunities after studying at ASH? Are you interested in a particular field of employment? Would you like to know what development prospects employers in the social and health professions offer their employees?

This is where alumni introduce themselves as employers and alumni introduce their employers.

Alumni Days

ASH organizes an Alumni Day every other year. It invites alumni, university members and university lecturers to a specialist networking meeting at ASH. With the Alumni Days, ASH creates a further opportunity for dialog between future graduates of the university, graduates registered in the alumni network and university lecturers. Join us, we look forward to seeing you too.


Information on the 1st Alumni Day on 26.03.2021 can be found here:

Information on the 2nd Alumni Day on 20.06.2024 can be found here:

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As an ASH alumna/alumnus, would you like to support a student financially during their studies? Would you like to support particularly high-performing and committed ASH students with the Deutschlandstipendium? Are you looking for high-performing future employees? Then the Deutschlandstipendium is the right place for you.ofnI

Information for scholarship providers

Information for applicants

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Interesting dates

You can take part in any public event at ASH as an alumna/alumnus of the university, provided the event is not communicated as closed. If you have any doubts, please ask the organizer.

You can find important information here.


ASH News

The ASH Alumni Network Newsletter

Publications and publications

"alice in the field" is a member of

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Contact us

M.A. Kerstin Miersch


Janusz-Korczak-Str. 8, 12627 Berlin
H406, 4.OG

Alice-Salomon-Platz 5, 12627 Berlin

T 030 99245 437

Kerstin Miersch

Prof. Dr. Gesine Bär

Vizepräsidentin für Forschung, Kooperation und Weiterbildung

Leitung Kompetenzzentrum Integration und Gesundheit, Professorin für partizipative Ansätze in den Sozial- und Gesundheitswissenschaften

Room No. 302

Sprechstundentermine: nach Vereinbarung

T +49 30 99 245 303

Gesine Bär