Conference Open Access Days 2023 of the Berlin Universities: "Shaping Visions".

Central annual conference in the German-speaking world on the topic of Open Access and Open Science

Open Access Days 2023 of the Berlin Universities: "Shaping Visions".

Konferenzort: Freie Universität Berlin

Berliner Hochschulen & Open-Access-Büro Berlin

Open and free access to research results, scientific literature and other materials on the Internet is the focus of the Open Access Days, which will be held this year in Berlin under the motto "Shaping Visions". The international conference is being organized jointly by fifteen Berlin institutions, including universities, colleges, and Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, from September 27 to 29, 2023. The conference venue is Freie Universität Berlin. The Open Access Days are the central annual conference in the German-speaking world on the topics of Open Access and Open Science.


For the Open Access Days program: https: // 
Participation registration is possible until August 31, 2023 at: https: //
The participation fee is 140 euros. Registration for the conference dinner in the dinosaur hall of the Museum für Naturkunde and for the social event at the Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch can be booked for a small fee (limited number of participants).

The Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities was published 20 years ago. Since then, open access has increasingly become an integral part of scientific practice and research-supporting work. This has been accompanied by the emergence of new job profiles, technologies, infrastructures and business areas. However, the process of transforming scholarly publishing is far from complete, and the vision of a better, more efficient, fairer, and inclusive scholarly publishing system is still relevant. This year's conference is therefore dedicated to the motto "Shaping Visions".

The organization of the conference is coordinated by the Open Access Office Berlin, which is located at the University Library of Freie Universität Berlin. The conference is supported by the Senate Department for Science, Health and Care Berlin as the main sponsor. Several other sponsors from the OA sector as well as the Berlin University Alliance support the conference.

In addition to numerous sessions, workshops, a poster exhibition and a tool marketplace, three renowned keynote speakers are expected this year.

On Wednesday, September 27, 2023, 11:00 a.m., Henriette Rösch (University of Leipzig, University Library) will speak on the topic "Publication Managers instead of Cataloguers? Requirements for organizational and professional development in libraries in the course of the Open Access transformation".

On Thursday, September 28, 9:00 a.m., Vera Meyer (Technische Universität Berlin) will give a keynote address on "Thinking big: How open research between science, art, and society can accelerate transformation processes".

On Friday, September 29, 11:30 a.m., Amrei Bahr (University of Stuttgart) will give a talk titled: "Access denied! Why access restrictions harm science".

Those wishing to attend this year's Open Access Days on site can register online by the end of August by paying a registration fee. A free livestream of the three keynotes will be available during the conference days and will be linked on the conference website. The presentations will be recorded and made available via TIB's AV Portal( after the conference.

The local committee for the Open Access Days 2023 includes.

  • Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin (ASH)

  • Berlin University of Applied Sciences (BHT)

  • Charité - University Medicine Berlin

  • Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin (EHB)

  • Free University of Berlin (FU)

  • Berlin University of Music (HfM)

  • University of Dramatic Arts (HfS)

  • Berlin School of Economics and Technology (HTW)

  • Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR)

  • Humboldt University Berlin (HU)

  • Catholic University of Applied Sciences Berlin (KHS)

  • Open Access Bureau Berlin (OABB)

  • Berlin University of Technology (TU)

  • Berlin University of the Arts (UdK)

  • Weißensee University of the Arts Berlin (KHB)

Further information