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Semester: SoSe 2024 Hilfe Sitemap Switch to english language

Exemplary Introduction into one Focus Area (U2 Part 2 to M11 Culture - Aesthetics - Media) - Einzelansicht

Exemplary Introduction into one Focus Area (U2 Part 2 to M11 Culture - Aesthetics - Media)

Sprache: englisch   
SoSe 2024
jedes Semester

Erwartete Teilnehmer_innen 30
Max. Teilnehmer_innen 30

Belegfrist: SozArb - ab Sem2 - Dir-Bel - VL,1züg+weiterf LV 13.03.2024 12:00:00 - 30.04.2024 23:59:00
Gruppe: 8. Gruppe iCalendar Export für Outlook
  Tag Zeit Rhythmus Dauer Raum Dozent_in Status Bemerkung fällt aus am/Änderungen Max. Teilnehmer_innen
Einzeltermine anzeigen
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Do. 08:00 bis 12:00 14tägl 11.04.2024 bis 25.04.2024  007 B. Hägele     25.04.2024: Ausfall! 30
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Do. 08:00 bis 12:00 Einzel am 23.05.2024 007 B. Hägele       30
Einzeltermine anzeigen
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Fr. 18:30 bis 21:00 woch 24.05.2024 bis 31.05.2024  ausserhalb- ausserhalb B. Hägele  

Mauerpark Prenzlauer Berg

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Do. 18:00 bis 21:00 woch 06.06.2024 bis 13.06.2024  ausserhalb- ausserhalb B. Hägele  

Tempelhofer Feld

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Fr. 16:00 bis 21:00 Einzel am 21.06.2024 ausserhalb- ausserhalb B. Hägele  

Auftritt bei der "Fête de la musique" Kollwitzplatz

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Fr. 12:00 bis 19:00 Einzel am 28.06.2024 007 B. Hägele       30
Gruppe 8. Gruppe:
Zur Zeit keine Belegung möglich
Abschluss Studiengang Semester Prüfungsversion
Bachelor of Arts B.A. Soziale Arbeit - 2021
Bachelor of Arts B.A. Soziale Arbeit - 2008
Semester Termin Prüfer_in Datum Beginn Dauer Raum Zweitprüfer_in Abschluss Stg Pversion Kzfa
SoSe 2024 01 HaegeB 84 883 2008 H
SoSe 2024 01 HaegeB 84 883 2021 H
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen
B.A. Soziale Arbeit
Kommentar Gruppe 8

Community dance in- and outdoors

Community dance in- and outdoors is a way to get to know each other, the city, its rhythm and people in Berlin through dancing.

The first two seminar dates we will meet indoors at the Alice-Salomon Hochschule to get to know each other through dancing exercises.

In May, depending on the weather. I planned to join two free outdoor dance classes in Berlin in parks. We may join a dance class called „Folkswiese”, Friday evening from 6.30p.m. to 9. p.m. (I planned three times). There you learn easy to difficult circle, row, alley and couple dances to self-played music from all over the world on the lawn of Berlin's Mauerpark in Prenzlauer Berg. And on Thursday evening we will join the "Paranza del Tempelhofer Feld" a couple of times – a kind of Tarantella workshop where people meet with a passion for music and dance and for the lively folk culture of southern Italy. On Friday, 21 June, we will go together with this group to dance the Tarantella at Kollwitzplatz in Prenzlauer Berg for the Fête de la musique. And on Friday 28 June we will have a blockday at the Alice-Salomon-Hochschule and afterwards we will present what we learned in the seminar at an event called „Boulevard der Klänge” nearby the university.

If students want to join this seminar, it is very important to be present at the first two dates (Thursday, 11.04. and Thursday, 25.04.2023 from 8.30 - 12 a.m. at the Alice-Salomon-Hochschule) so that we can plan the seminar, the exams and the possible dates of excursions.

Die Veranstaltung wurde 2 mal im Vorlesungsverzeichnis SoSe 2024 gefunden:
4. Semester  - - - 2