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Semester: WiSe 2024/25 Hilfe Sitemap Switch to english language

International Social Work - Einzelansicht

International Social Work

Sprache: englisch   
WiSe 2015/16
jedes Semester

Erwartete Teilnehmer_innen 190
Max. Teilnehmer_innen 200

Belegfrist: SozArb - abSem2-Dir-Bel-LVmitGrup-Frist 2+Sem1-VL 24.09.2024 16:00:00 - 31.10.2024 23:59:00
Belegfrist: SozArb - Sem 1 - Prio-Bel - LV mit Grup - Frist 1 04.10.2024 12:00:00 - 07.10.2024 23:59:00
Gruppe: ohne Gruppe iCalendar Export für Outlook
  Tag Zeit Rhythmus Dauer Raum Dozent_in Status Bemerkung fällt aus am/Änderungen Max. Teilnehmer_innen
Einzeltermine anzeigen
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Mi. 16:00 bis 18:00 Einzel am 07.10.2015 124 Prof. Dr. C. Labonté-Roset       46
Einzeltermine anzeigen
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Mi. 16:00 bis 18:00 woch 14.10.2015 bis 27.01.2016  334 Prof. Dr. C. Labonté-Roset     18.11.2015: Ausfall 46
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Mo. 10:00 bis 16:00 Einzel am 16.11.2015 234 Prof. Dr. C. Labonté-Roset       46
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Mi. 10:00 bis 13:00 Einzel am 03.02.2016 225 Prof. Dr. C. Labonté-Roset       46
Einzeltermine anzeigen
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Mi. 13:00 bis 18:00 Einzel am 03.02.2016 234 Prof. Dr. C. Labonté-Roset       46
Gruppe ohne Gruppe:
Abschluss Studiengang Semester Prüfungsversion
Bachelor of Arts B.A. Soziale Arbeit 4 - 2004
Bachelor of Arts B.A. Soziale Arbeit 4 - 2008
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen
B.A. Soziale Arbeit

In this course  I propose to treat the following themes:

  •          Global definition and ethic principles of  international social work
  •          Social exclusion and poverty in Europe and  the world
  •          Social policy in Europe and new forms of paid work and precarity
  •          Theories and Models of migration and immigration
  •          European migration and asylum policy and Frontex and Eurosur
  •          Racism and right wing movements and parties in  Europe
  •          Theories and practice of transculturality, transnationality and intersectionality
  •          Postcolonialism, land robbery and dictatorship
  •          Human rights and social work
  •          Social work education in different countries ( Europe, developing  countries)
  •          Theories and practice of political transition- the cases of Egypt, Tunisia, Libya
  •          Cross national learning experiences



(most of the articles can be found on the internet, even if here the address  is not given)

Christine Labonté-Roset(2013), The recent economic crisis and their effects on social cohesion and social exclusion and the role of social work (copies will be distributed at the beginning of the course)

A.B. Atkinson, E. Marlier (2011), Human development and indicators of poverty and social exclusion as part of the policy process In: Indian Journal of Human Development 5/12/2011

P. Boccagni, (2012), Rethinking transnational studies: transnational ties and the transnationalism of everyday life. European Journal of Social Theory 15/1/2012

J.A. Buss (2010), Have the poor gotten poorer? The American experience from 1997 -2007, Journal of Poverty 14/2 /2010,http://www. Tandfonline. Com/loi/wpov 26

E.Crettaz, G.Bonoli (2012 ), Why are some workers poor? The mechanism that produce working poverty in a comparative perspective. http://ssrn.com/abstract=1691662

European commission (2015), Managing migration: a common challenge

European commission (2015), Communication from the commission to the European parliament, the council, the European economic and social committee  and the commission of the regions

European Anti Poverty Network (2015), EAPN assessment of the 2015 country specific recommandations

Eurostat (2010), Combating poverty and social exclusion. A statistical portrait of the European Union, epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu

O.Lelkes, E.Zolyomi (2010), Poverty and social exclusion of migrants in the European Union


D. Padovan, A. Alietti (2012)i, The racialisation of public discourse. In: European Societies,


S. Staub-Bernasconi ( 2010 ), Human rights and social work –dialogue between East/Asia and West, Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social, Development, Hongkong 2010


On our first seminar meeting                                       

we can decide about the themes you are most interested in, which we will treat and discuss in depth.. I would think the main emphasis should be on the questions around migration and asylum and what this mean for the plitical and social situation in the different European contries.


And we  can decide if we will have a weekly seminar of 2 hours or instead a  block seminar ( 5 days à 8 hours for example) or a mixed form


Examination can be done as

  •          Seminar paper
  •          Assignement
  •          Oral examination
  •          Written examination


(Besides the seminar paper the other forms of examination can be done besides English also in German, French or Italian)


Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester WiSe 2015/16 , Aktuelles Semester: WiSe 2024/25