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Semester: WiSe 2024/25 Hilfe Sitemap Switch to english language

Intercultural Conflict Management - Zugehörige Veranstaltungen   Intercultural Conflict Management

Details ansehen zu: Intercultural Conflict Management
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1013 A1 The Life World Perspective
ICM1130 A1 The Life World Perspective
ICM1004 A2 Power relations Hegemony and Inequality 1
ICM1012 A3 Global Justice and Human Rights
ICM-3004 A4 Global Relations and World Systems
ICMes3007 A4: Relaciones Globales y Sistema - Mundo
ICM220 Africa: Human Rights, Peace, and Conflict Management
ICM216 Audio- visual approaches to social research and political communication
ICMes3004 B1 Métodos Cualitativos y participativos de Investigación Social 2
ICM-3001 B1 Qualitative and Participatory Social Research Methods 2
ICM1005 B2 Networking
ICM-3003 B2 Networking 3
ICMes3006 B2: Networking 3
ICMes3005 B3: Acción Social Planificada 3
ICM-3002 B3 Planned Social Action 3
ICM1003 B3 Planned Social Action / In field Guidance 1
100 Bewerbungsgespräch
ICM-3008 Digital ethnography: approaches to forms of constructing critical knowledge based on visual means
ICM-3122 Digital Transformation and Social Justice
ICMes3011 El análisis de conflictos ambientales en América Latina desde los enfoques de la geografia politica
ICMes3008 Escritura académica
ICMes3014 In field Guidance
ICM208 In field Guidance 2
ICM-3014 In field Guidance 3
ICMes3009 Mediación 3
ICM1015 Mediation I
ICM217 Nature of Conflict & Root causes
ICM201 Networking II
ICM204 Planned Social Action / In field Guidance 2
ICM-3115 Political Ecology of Conflict and Diversity: Thinking Beyond Human Societies
ICM205 Power Relations, Hegemony and Inequality II
ICM221 Protection Work in Humanitarian Action
ICM207 Qualitative and Participatory Social Research Methods I
ICM206 Scientific Writing 2
ICM-3007 Scientific Writing 3
ICM1006 Scientific Writing Workshop
ICM-3010 Socio Ecological Conflict Analysis
1018 Statistical Literacy
ICMes3010 Workshop: Investigación-acción-participativa en Moabit-Berlin: una forma de generación de conocimientos