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Semester: SoSe 2024 Hilfe Sitemap Switch to english language

Reflection on practical work (U1 to M3 Areas, Target Groups and Organisation of Social Work) (Part II) - Einzelansicht

Reflection on practical work (U1 to M3 Areas, Target Groups and Organisation of Social Work) (Part II)

Sprache: deutsch   
Praktische Übung
SoSe 2024
jedes Semester

Erwartete Teilnehmer_innen 35
Max. Teilnehmer_innen 35

Belegfrist: SozArb - ab Sem2 - Dir-Bel - VL,1züg+weiterf LV 13.03.2024 12:00:00 - 30.04.2024 23:59:00
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Di. 14:00 bis 16:00 Einzel am 02.04.2024 018 M. Apak       35
  • 02.04.2024
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Di. 14:00 bis 16:00 Einzel am 16.04.2024 018 M. Apak       35
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Di. 14:00 bis 16:00 Einzel am 04.06.2024 018 M. Apak       35
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Di. 14:00 bis 16:00 14tägl 18.06.2024 bis 02.07.2024  Helle Mitte I- H 28 M. Apak       35
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Abschluss Studiengang Semester Prüfungsversion
Bachelor of Arts B.A. Soziale Arbeit 1 - 2004
Bachelor of Arts B.A. Soziale Arbeit 1 - 2021
Bachelor of Arts B.A. Soziale Arbeit 1 - 2008
Master of Arts M.A. Social Work as a Human Rights Prof. - 2014
Semester Termin Prüfer_in Datum Beginn Dauer Raum Zweitprüfer_in Abschluss Stg Pversion Kzfa
SoSe 2024 01 ApakM 84 883 2008 H
SoSe 2024 01 ApakM 84 883 2021 H
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen
B.A. Soziale Arbeit
Kommentar ohne Gruppe <p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong><span style="font-size: 12pt;">S23101</span></strong></span></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: 14pt;"><strong>REFLECTION ON PRACTICAL SOCIAL WORK</strong></span></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="font-size: 12pt;">(U1 to M3 Areas, Target Groups and Organisation of Social Work) (Part II)</span></span></p><h1 style="text-align: center;"><strong><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: #0000ff;">SYLLABUS</span>  </span></strong></h1><p style="text-align: center;"><strong><span style="font-size: 12pt;"> </span></strong></p><p style="text-align: center;"><strong><span style="font-size: 12pt;">Alice Salomon University – Berlin </span></strong></p><p style="text-align: center;"><strong><span style="font-size: 12pt;">Summer Semester 2024</span></strong></p><p> </p><table style="height: 231px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" width="293"><tbody><tr><td><span style="color: #0000ff; font-size: 10pt;"><strong>COURSE CODE</strong></span></td><td><span style="font-size: 10pt;">8488323101 </span></td></tr><tr><td><span style="color: #0000ff; font-size: 10pt;"><strong>SHORTCODE</strong></span></td><td><span style="font-size: 10pt;">S23101  </span></td></tr><tr><td><span style="color: #0000ff; font-size: 10pt;"><strong>COURSE ROOM</strong></span></td><td><span style="font-size: 10pt;">018</span></td></tr><tr><td><span style="color: #0000ff; font-size: 10pt;"><strong>COURSE HOURS</strong></span></td><td><span style="font-size: 10pt;">14:00 – 15:45</span></td></tr><tr><td><span style="color: #0000ff; font-size: 10pt;"><strong>COURSE DATES</strong></span></td><td><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Tuesdays </span></td></tr><tr><td> </td><td><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><strong>02 April ‘24</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><strong>16 April ‘24</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><strong>30 April ‘24</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><strong>21 May ‘24</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><strong>4 June ‘24</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><strong>18 June ‘24</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><strong>2 July ’24 (Online)</strong></span></p></td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p><h2 style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 14pt; color: #ff0000;">Instructor Information</span></h2><table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; height: 78px;" width="439"><tbody><tr><td><p><strong><span style="font-size: 12pt; color: #0000ff;">Instructor</span></strong></p></td><td><p><strong><span style="font-size: 12pt; color: #0000ff;">Email</span></strong></p></td><td><p><strong><span style="font-size: 12pt; color: #0000ff;">Whatsapp </span></strong></p></td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-size: 10pt;"> Dr. Meral Apak</span></td><td><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">apak@ash-berlin.eu </span></p></td><td><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">0177 974 56 25</span></p></td></tr></tbody></table><h2> </h2><h2><span style="font-size: 14pt; color: #ff0000;">General Information</span></h2><h3><span style="color: #0000ff; font-size: 12pt;">Description</span></h3><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">The objective of the course is to introduce students to the approach and methods of reflective practice by raising their awareness about their cognitive resources and how they use them in their practice. </span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">The course will introduce theories of learning and knowledge generation and provide students with opportunities to experiment with these theories in real life through practical exercises in which they reflect on real situations they have faced in their past professional experiences. Students will ”reflect on the reflection-in-action of practice through these practical exercises.”</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Students will engage in critical thinking, focused dialogue, exploration of theory, examination of practice, and policy analysis utilizing department-specific field experiences. In addition, this course will provide a forum for learning and building practice skills through interaction, self-reflection, role-play, case discussion, and other experiential exercises designed to encourage students’ creativity. Students will also be able to engage in activities that enhance professional communication. Therefore, collaboration, critical thinking, communication, and creativity will be the primary skills to be developed.</span></p><p> </p><h3><span style="font-size: 14pt; color: #ff0000;">Course Materials</span></h3><ul><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Knott, C., & Scragg, T. (Eds.). (2010). Reflective practice in social work (2nd ed.). Learning Matters. </span></li><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Sicora, A. (2017). Reflective practice and learning from mistakes in social work. Policy Press. </span></li></ul><p> </p><h3><span style="font-size: 14pt; color: #ff0000;">Course Requirements  </span></h3><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Students are required to attend classes with the readings completed and prepared to contribute to the work of the class by entering class discussions and participating in activities.  </span></p><p> </p><h3><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: 14pt;">Grading</span></h3><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Participation in the class discussions                        100 Points</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">                                              <span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>Total                       100 Points</strong></span></span></p><p> </p><h2><span style="font-size: 14pt; color: #ff0000;">Course Schedule</span></h2><p> </p><table style="height: 1001px;" width="1131"><tbody><tr><td><p><strong><span style="font-size: 12pt; color: #0000ff;">Week</span></strong></p></td><td><p><strong><span style="font-size: 12pt; color: #0000ff;">Topic</span></strong></p></td><td><p><strong><span style="font-size: 12pt; color: #0000ff;">Reading</span></strong></p></td></tr><tr><td><p><strong><span style="font-size: 10pt;">02 April ‘24           </span></strong></p></td><td><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Getting Started with Reflective Practice</span></p></td><td><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Knott, C., & Scragg, T. (Eds.). (2010). Reflective practice in social work (2nd ed.)</span></p><ol><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Reflective practice revisited</span></li><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Getting started</span></li></ol></td></tr><tr><td><p><strong><span style="font-size: 10pt;">16 April ‘24</span></strong></p></td><td><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Developing the reflective practitioner</span></p></td><td><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Knott, C., & Scragg, T. (Eds.). (2010). Reflective practice in social work (2nd ed.)</span></p><ol><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Reflecting on emotion in social work</span></li><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Reflection as a catalyst for change</span></li><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Listening to carers and service users</span></li></ol></td></tr><tr><td><p><strong><span style="font-size: 10pt;">30 April ‘24</span></strong></p></td><td><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Maintaining reflective practice-1</span></p></td><td><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Knott, C., & Scragg, T. (Eds.). (2010). Reflective practice in social work (2nd ed.)</span></p><ol><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Reflection and Avoiding Professional Dangerousness</span></li><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Gender and reflective practice</span></li><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Reflective practice on placement </span></li></ol></td></tr><tr><td><p><strong><span style="font-size: 10pt;">21 May ‘24</span></strong></p></td><td><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Maintaining reflective practice-2</span></p></td><td><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Knott, C., & Scragg, T. (Eds.). (2010). Reflective practice in social work (2nd ed.)</span></p><ol><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Working with your manager.</span></li><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Reflective practice for collaborative working</span></li></ol></td></tr><tr><td><p><strong><span style="font-size: 10pt;">4 June ‘24</span></strong></p></td><td><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">What is a mistake in social work?</span></p></td><td><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Sicora, A. (2017). Reflective practice and learning from mistakes in social work.</span></p><ul><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Errors and other unpleasant events (p. 45-49)</span></li><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Heuristics, shortcuts and errors (p. 50-58)</span></li><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">The changing nature of error (p. 59-66)</span></li><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">In the Jungle of Errors in Social Work Before, during and After (p. 67-74)</span></li></ul></td></tr><tr><td><p><strong><span style="font-size: 10pt;">18 June ‘24</span></strong></p></td><td><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Risks, responsibilities and opportunities from mistakes in social work</span></p></td><td><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Sicora, A. (2017). Reflective practice and learning from mistakes in social work.</span></p><ul><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Introduction (p. 77-78)</span></li><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Why do social workers ‘need’ mistakes? (p. 79-86)</span></li><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">The dark side of the ‘planet mistake’ (p. 87-93)</span></li><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Codes of Ethics and Errors in Social Work: A Global Picture (p. 94-100)</span></li></ul></td></tr><tr><td><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><strong>02 July ’24</strong>  </span></p></td><td><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Questions and narratives: basic tools for enhancing learning from professional mistakes</span></p></td><td><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Sicora, A. (2017). Reflective practice and learning from mistakes in social work.</span></p><ul><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Introduction (p. 113-114)</span></li><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">The art of asking questions (p. 115-124)</span></li><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Reflective frameworks (p. 125-143)</span></li><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Reflective writing (p. 144-151)</span></li><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Reflective journal to learn how to navigate through the calms and storms of professional practice (p. 152-155)</span></li><li><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Metaphors, art and imagination as catalysts for reflection (p. 156162)</span></li></ul></td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p>

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