Further education, Events in English, Weiterbildung, Events in English International Summer School Berlin - from 1st-7th of July

The summer school will deal with the topic „Digitalization in Fields of Social Work and Health Promotion“. Apply now!

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International Summer School Berlin - from 1st-7th of July

ASH Berlin

ASH/FH Salzburg/Europa-Institut

This year's 25th International Summer School Berlin with the topic of „Digitalization in Fields of Social Work and Health Promotion“ will take place from the 1st-7th of July at the Alice Salomon University Berlin. You can apply here.

The event is hosted by the Europe-Institute for Social and Health Research and FH Salzburg. With several seminars, workshops, field visits and expert keynote speakers we will discuss and examine the fast development of Digitalization and how it affects and potentially benefits the fields of social work and health education. What are the risks, limitations and possibilities?

For your attendance/participation you will receive a valuable certificate and either 3 or 5 ECTS credits that will be counted towards your degree. Besides the academic program we will explore the capital city of Germany - Berlin, as part of our sightseeing tours and student-get togethers. We are looking forward to meeting you!