====== Course Enrolment System: Instructions for Teaching Staff ====== ===== Search for Rooms for your own courses ===== \\ To check for availability of rooms with specific equipment at a particular time, click on the link **Rooms** to reach **Search for Rooms** or **Detailed search for rooms**: \\ {{ :lsf:manual:en:teacher:9_raumsuche1_en.png?direct |Search for Rooms}} \\ **Roombooking for the purposes of teaching**: Please contact [[lehrbetrieb@ash-berlin.eu]] Faculty I: Lars Mueller Faculty II: Aliya Akhmetova \\ **Roombooking for faculty I beyond the purposes of teaching**: Please contact [[verwaltung_fb1@ash-berlin.eu]] Contactperson: Nailin Welke \\ **Roombooking for faculty II beyond the purposes of teaching**: Please contact [[verwaltung_fb2@ash-berlin.eu]] Contactperson: Julian Plenefisch / Stephanie Bohmeyer \\ **Roombooking beyond the purposes of teaching or not related to one of the faculties**: Please contact [[fm-raumbuchung@ash-berlin.eu]] Responsible department: Facility Management \\ ---- [[https://www.ash-berlin.eu/qisserver/rds?state=user&type=0|{{ :start:lsf_en.png?200 |}}]] ---- [[https://www.ash-berlin.eu/|{{ :start:logo_ash_berlin_rgb_2016.png?200 |}}]]