====== Course Enrolment System: Instructions for Teaching Staff ====== ===== -#2 Check and change personal details ===== In **Change my personal data** you can view your details: \\ {{ :lsf:manual:en:teacher:2_personaldaten1_en.png?direct |}} \\ Your details are saved on several consecutive pages (register cards). You can access these or alternate between pages by clicking on the links **Person, Business Address, Home Address, Documents** and **Privacy Data**. Please check these details, changing or adding any incorrect or missing information if necessary. Before leaving each "register card" you have to click on **Save** to change your details permanently. \\ **Person:** This register card is "at the front" and will appear first. **Business Address:** This address is your **contact address, e.g. for students**. This address is **visible to everyone** on the course enrolment system as soon as the status is set as **activated**. In order to set up a contact address for university lecturers, please enter your address at ASH with your room and telephone numbers, along with your **ASH e-mail address**. All other teaching staff, please enter your **address details (Home Adress, telephone number, e-mail adress)** where students can reach you. You can enter the address of your ASH internet page (if available) in the **Hyperlink box**. **Home Address:** This is the address used by the university to make contact with you. The personnel office is automatically informed of any changes. Please remember to **enter any changes to your details here as soon as possible**. This is very important, as the university will contact you through this address. Your private address is **not** visible to the public, but **only for you**, the teaching programme office and the system administrator. If you do, however, wish to make some of your private details public, add these to your **Business Address**. **Documents:** This is your own personal storage space where you can upload and save documents and images. **Privacy Data:** Here you can define to whom you wish to make what specific personal information available ("visible"): \\ {{ :lsf:manual:en:teacher:2_personaldaten2_en.png?direct |}} \\ ---- [[https://www.ash-berlin.eu/qisserver/rds?state=user&type=0|{{ :start:lsf_en.png?200 |}}]] ---- [[https://www.ash-berlin.eu/|{{ :start:logo_ash_berlin_rgb_2016.png?200 |}}]]