Practical Research in Social Work and Early Education M.A.

The Programme

The consecutive Master’s degree programme in Practical Research in Social Work and Early Education (MA PSP) is aimed at graduates of universities and universities of applied sciences who have completed a Bachelor’s degree in the field of social work, social work / social pedagogy, education and training in childhood, early childhood education, or a comparable course of study. The programme is aimed at interested individuals who are actively participating in the process of their profession’s scientific grounding and would like to develop the professional practice in a research-based way.

Please note: the programme is only offered in German!

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The programme at a glance

Practical research is oriented towards questions in the professional field of social work and childhood education. It comprises scientific empirical research in, with and about practice as well as concepts from scientifically oriented research practice. It serves the development of innovative concepts for social work and pedagogy, the understanding of global, social and local processes of change and the resulting requirements for professional action, quality development in organisations and the evaluation of projects and programmes.

In the context of current social changes, social work and pedagogy are increasingly called upon to analyse conditions and changes, to reflect on traditional fields of work and to develop innovative approaches to promoting participation and social cohesion. Current social challenges are to be understood as cross-sectional tasks that require interdisciplinary cooperation and intervention. They form the starting points for research projects within the framework of the programme. Scientific competencies are increasingly required for leadership functions in social work.


The research-intensive Master's programme in Practice Research in Social Work and Pedagogy deepens not only competencies in the field of specialist knowledge at a higher level, but also competences in the theory formation of the discipline. The study programme enables students to carry out their own practice-related studies and scientific research projects and to solve emerging social problems in a forward-looking manner. Empirical research methods are exemplarily applied and critically reflected on in professionally guided practical research projects.

The study programme focuses on working on practice-relevant questions using scientific methods. It enables you to work independently and on a project-by-project basis, providing opportunities for you to create your own professional profile.

Students of the programme

  • reflect on social conditions and challenges for social work and education
  • analyse theoretical knowledge bases and action approaches of the participating disciplines
  • practise various qualitative and quantitative research methods
  • carry out research projects within practical research projects
  • acquire skills in scientific work, writing and presentations

The master programme is a full-time attendance-based study programme and has a standard duration of three semesters. Auf Antrag ist ein Teilzeitstudium möglich. Der Studiengang ist modularisiert und umfasst 90 Credits.

The Social Work BA is a full-time attendance-based study programme and has a standard duration of seven semesters. Part-time studies are possible on request. The study programme is modular and amounts to a total of 90 credits.

Students who successfully complete the programme will be awarded the title of Master of Arts (M.A.). It is formally equal to Master’s degrees from universities and entitles graduates to apply for a doctorate. Further details can be found in the doctoral regulations of the respective universities. The degree also gives you access to higher civil service positions. The programme has been accredited since 2010.

The Master's degree does not entitle the holder to the state-accredited qualification as a social worker/educator. The B.A. in Social Work programme qualifies students for this.

ASH Berlin does not charge tuition fees for the Social Work BA. Students are only required to pay semester fees and contributions. Approx. 300 euros is payable per semester, which includes the semester ticket for public transport. Further information can be found on the pages of Enrolment Office

In the Master's programme you will learn to carry out your own practice-oriented studies and scientific research projects, solving new social problems in a forward-looking way.  With this second professional qualification, you will be able to take on management or leadership roles at the higher civil service level or tasks in the science of social work. The programme qualifies you for fields of activity in research, project development, implementation and evaluation in the field of social work and pedagogy.

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For further information please switch to our German website.