B.A. Early Childhood Education

The degree programme in Early Childhood Education (B.A.) has been part of the curriculum at ASH Berlin since summer semester 2004. This first undergraduate degree programme for early childhood educators in Germany qualifies students to work with children ages 0 to 12. The programme is offered as an attendance-based programme and as a programme for students who integrating their studies with their professional work in the field

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The course enables students with a secondary school diploma and people changing careers, without any prior knowledge of the field, to acquire an academic qualification for working with children aged 0 to 12. 

The programme is characterised by a close link between theory and practice, assured by practical phases as part of the course, and two three-month internships. The interdisciplinary learning/teaching context, oriented towards practical actions, offers students a broad, academically well-founded qualification as a basis for their professional practice as early educators in pedagogical contexts such as child and youth welfare as well as in primary schools.

Das didaktische Konzept der Werkstattarbeit eröffnet Lehr- und Lernräume für die Entwicklung von Fragen, für Selbstbildungs- und ko-konstruktive Lernprozesse sowie für das eigenständige, entdeckende und forschende Lernen:

  • Forschendes Lernen im Rahmen von Fallarbeit und projektbezogenen Forschungswerkstätten
  • Mögliche Schwerpunktbildungen in den Bereichen Naturwissenschaft und Technik, Bewegungspädagogik, Ästhetische Bildung, Sprachbildung
  • Querschnittthemen in allen Modulen: Inklusive Pädagogik, Arbeit mit Kindern in den ersten drei Lebensjahren und ihren Familien
  • Förderung der Selbstreflexionskompetenz der Studierenden und eine kritisch-achtsame Auseinandersetzung mit der eigenen Biografie.

Die Alice Salomon Hochschule ist mit zahlreichen Spezialräumen, wie z.B. einer Medienwerkstatt, einem Foto-Labor oder einem Musikraum ausgestattet. Aktivitäten im Bewegungsraum, in der Lernwerkstatt Naturwissenschaft und Technik, in der Werkstatt freier Ausdruck sowie in der Werkstatt für ästhetische Praxis ermöglichen die Verknüpfung von theoretisch erworbenem Wissen mit eigener Handlungspraxis.

In the module ‘educational systems’, the students engage closely with the situation in other European and non-European countries. English for early education experts (on two different levels) is part of the curriculum, as is a study trip, usually abroad, that includes a visit to another college as well as to a facility of early education.

In addition, students are encouraged to do one of their twelve-week internships abroad. There is also the possibility to study for one semester at one of our partner institutions. The International Office will support you in your search for suitable internships or in applying for scholarship.

After studying for seven semesters and passing the exam, students receive the academic degree Bachelor of Arts. The state recognition as early childhood educator is granted on the basis of the law about recognising social professions (Sozialberufe-Anerkennungsgesetz) upon application to the Senate Department of Education, Science, and Research.

Das Studium ist frei von Studiengebühren, es ist lediglich ein Semesterbeitrag zu entrichten.

For more information please switch to the German website.

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