In the B.A. Social Work program

The summer semester usually begins on April 1st, the winter semester on October 1st of each year.

The orientation days take place in the first week of the lecture period. This gives all first-year students the opportunity to get to know ASH better and familiarize themselves with the structures and electronic course registration. Teaching only starts afterwards.

For students who are enrolled in a higher semester (transfer students), there is an information event before the semester starts.

The study handbook (WiSe 2024/25), which is updated every semester, provides an initial overview of all the important aspects of your studies.

The"Study" website gives you an insight into the facilities and administrative structures at ASH.

All information on applying for a place on the BA in Social Work can be found on the "Before you start studying" website.

All relevant information can also be found in the study handbook.

The sample curriculum provides a brief tabular overview of the structure of the degree program and is merely a recommendation.

  • Students who start their first semester in the summer semester 2022 will be enrolled in accordance with the new study regulations(SPO 2021)and will study according to the new sample curriculum 2021.
  • Students who started their studies before SoSe 22 will continue to study according to the old Study Examination Regulations (SPO 2008) and the old model study plan 2008.

Sometimes it is necessary to take courses from another SPO because courses need to be cought up or brought forward. To understand which courses can be taken as equivalents, the respective equivalence table will help:

  • I am studying according to the old SPO 2008 and would like to take courses from the new SPO 2021: Table 2008
  • I am studying according to the new SPO 2021 and would like to take courses from the old SPO 2008: Table 2021

The module handbook for Social Work describes in detail all modules, their content and learning objectives, the various formats, examinations and participation requirements (module handbook according to SPO 2008; module handbook according to SPO 2021).

If you have any questions about the individual modules, the respective module coordinators can help. An overview of all module coordinators can be found on the Teaching Administration website.

You can read the central legal provisions and regulations in the Framework Study and Examination Regulations (RSPO) and the Subject-Specific Study and Examination Regulations for the BA Social Work (SPO 2008; 2021). Further regulations can be found in the download area.

The degree program is reaccredited until 30.09.2029.

The documentation procedure for the BA Social Work is exclusively electronic. All information and deadlines can be found on this website at the beginning of each semester.

We have created FAQs and a video tutorial to give you an overview of your studies and help you learn how to use the transcript of records and document data.

You can also find further information, video tutorials and instructions on the course catalog (LSF) on the Computer Center (ComZ) website.

Two practical phases are planned within the degree program, comprising a total of 26 weeks:

  • a field study phase of four weeks, which begins in the last week of the lecture period of the first semester and includes practical research
  • a five-month practical phase, which is usually completed in the fifth semester (see internship regulations)

The internship administration informs, advises and supports students in all matters relating to internships.

A special feature of the course is the project module. The project should be taken from the 4th semester and lasts a total of four semesters (project module 1 and 2). Projects are research-based learning events. They build on the knowledge and action strategies acquired in the foundation modules.

In the 3rd semester, you can actively participate in the project procedure, initiate your own project ideas and thus help decide on the range of projects.

Further information on the project procedure, responsibilities and deadlines can be found here:

Project selection procedure

According to the sample study plan, the Bachelor's thesis is written between the 6th and 7th semester. The processing time is always between two semesters (in the summer semester from August to October and in the winter semester from February to May).

Students enrolled from the summer semester 2022 onwards and studying according to the new subject-specific study and examination regulations (SPO 2021) also take a preparatory colloquium in the 6th semester.

Important: Students of SPO 21 must have written at least two term papers during the course of their studies in order to register for the BA thesis (noted in the LSF!).

To support students in the final phase, an orientation guide for the Bachelor's thesis in BA Social Work has been compiled.

Further information and advice on the Bachelor's thesis and graduation can be found on the corresponding website for examination matters and in our FAQs below.

The course is completed with the academic degree Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) .
As a Bachelor's graduate, you will receive four documents after completing your studies: a certificate, a Bachelor's degree certificate, a Diploma Supplement and a Transcript of Records.

However, the certificate will only be issued once the Examinations Office has received your application for de-registration and the certificate of discharge from the library.

You can find further information and notes on graduation on the pages of the

examination administration

and in our information sheet on graduation.

Information sheet on graduation

State recognition as a social worker/social pedagogue is granted upon application by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family.

Study and internship abroad: During your studies, there are various opportunities to spend time abroad, e.g. as part of the study-integrated practical phases and/or a semester abroad. Conversely, many international students also come to ASH to study. The International Office provides information and advice.

International Curriculum: The "International Curriculum" contains internationally oriented courses, most of which are taught in English. The courses offered vary each semester and are explicitly listed in the course catalog. The courses taught in languages other than German are primarily intended to deal with topics of international relevance to social work in a foreign language. In this way, language skills can be applied and deepened in a subject-specific manner.

International Certificate: With the International Certificate, ASH awards a special certificate to students who are internationally active. Points for the certificate can be earned in the four modules "international commitment", "international experience", "curriculum and self-reflection".

If you have any questions or are interested in registering, please contact the International Office.

Language Center: The ASH Berlin Language Center offers numerous language courses free of charge, including Arabic and Kurdish.
In the BA program, a maximum of one language course can be credited as an elective course. Crediting can be applied for via the crediting officer . Please use theapplication for individual credit transfer.

Part-time study is possible if there is an important reason, such as

  • Employment,
  • Disability or chronic illness, if this makes part-time study necessary,
  • pregnancy,
  • Family activities relating to the upbringing of children up to the age of 16 or the care and support of sick family members in need of care within the meaning of the Caregiver Leave Act,
  • holding a position on a body of ASH, the student body or the Studierendenwerk Berlin.

Other important reasons may be recognized if it can be proven in individual cases that full-time study would lead to undue hardship.

The application for part-time study must be submitted with the application for enrollment or with the re-registration for at least two consecutive semesters. Subsequent applications are possible. Unfortunately, retroactive approval of part-time study is not possible. The application for part-time study must be accompanied by suitable evidence to document the important reason. The discontinuation of the important reason must be communicated immediately.

Part-time students have the same status within ASH as full-time students. The amount of fees and charges to be paid per semester is not affected by part-time study.

The study periods completed on a part-time basis are credited to the standard period of study in accordance with the proportion of the regular study program. Parallel study or the completion of additional work during part-time study is excluded. Part-time semesters count as full university semesters and proportionate subject semesters. Example: You study the first two semesters part-time. The duration of your studies is then shown as 1 semester at the end of the second semester.

If the entire course is completed part-time, the standard period of study for full-time study can be doubled at most. There is no standard curriculum for part-time students. You decide for yourself how many semester hours per week you can manage. If you need support, please contact the Student Advisory Service.

Part-timestudents: Students who are enrolled at another university can be registered as part-time students at ASH Berlin upon application in accordance with § 14 of the Statutes for Academic Affairs, following a decision by the respective lecturer for individual courses (usually max. 7 SWS per semester).

Part-time students are not members/students of ASH Berlin, i.e. they do not receive a student ID card and cannot apply for a student visa. There are no administrative fees in this regard, see § 14 para. 3 Statutes for Student Affairs. Part-time students must submit a certificate of enrollment from their home university valid for the semester in question when registering at ASH Berlin.

Guest students: Guest students may attend individual courses in accordance with § 15 of the Statutes for Student Affairs. A general higher education entrance qualification is not a prerequisite for guest students on undergraduate Bachelor's degree programs.

Registration for guest auditor status is subject to a fee. The amount of the fee depends on the number of courses attended and is charged for one semester. Guest students do not have student status.

Within the framework of the applicable regulations, guest or secondary auditor status can be applied for within the first four weeks after the start of the semester (by the end of April or by the end of October of each year) at the Admissions Office of the ASH Berlin Student Service Center during opening hours.

Registration is for one semester and should not exceed seven semester hours per week (SWS). SWS exceeding this limit require a justification that goes beyond the standard case by demonstrating particular hardship.

The application for guest or adjunct lecturers can be found in the download area of the Admissions Office.

Download area

The ASH Framework Study and Examination Regulations (RSPO) generally regulate the organization and implementation of studies and examinations for all degree programs at ASH.

ASH Framework Study and Examination Regulations (RSPO)

The subject-specific study and examination regulations (SPO) for the B.A. Social Work set out regulations that deviate from and supplement the RSPO.

Subject-specific study and examination regulations2021 (for all first semester students from SoSe 2022)

Subject-specific study and examination regulations2008

The ASH statutes for study mattersregulate the rights and obligations of students and the general administrative procedure.

Statutes for study matters at ASH Berlin

The internship regulations govern the practical semester in the 5th semester of the sample curriculum.

Internship regulations for the BA in Social Work

The training supervision regulations regulate the objectives and content of the training supervision (reflective practical counseling) during the internship.

Training supervision regulations

The study handbook contains all the important details about the BA Social Work degree program as well as helpful links and contact persons.

Study handbook (WiSe 2024/25)

The sample study plan provides you with an exemplary course of study. This is a guide, but is by no means compulsory. It provides you with an overview of all modules, units, SWS, credits, participation requirements, coursework and examinations in tabular form.

Sample curriculum according to SPO 2008

Sample curriculum according to SPO 2021 (newly enrolled students from summer semester 2022)

The module handbook describes all modules in detail with regard to responsible persons, learning objectives, course content, form and scope of the courses, examination formalities, credits and participation requirements.

Module handbook according to SPO 2008

Module handbook according to SPO2021 (newly enrolled students from SoSe 2022)

The course of study checklist helps you to keep an overview of your studies:

Study program checklist (according to SPO 2008)

Checklist course of studies(according to SPO 2021, enrolled from summer semester 22)

The Bachelor's thesis guide is designed to help you plan and write your thesis:

Orientation guide for the Bachelor's thesis

The information sheet "Final phase of studies" provides information on what you need to consider when completing your final coursework:

Information sheet final study phase

You can find an information sheet on the field study phase on the Internship Administration website.

The examination administration offers an information sheet on the recognition of academic and examination achievements:

Recognition information sheet

Sometimes it is necessary to take courses from another SPO because courses are made up or brought forward. The respective equivalence table helps you to understand which courses can be taken as equivalents:

  • I am studying according to the old SPO 2008 and would like to take courses from the new SPO 2021: Equivalency table 2008
  • I am studying according to the new SPO 2021 and would like to take courses from the old SPO 2008 Equivalency table 2021

The following video tutorial will give you an insight into how to deal with transcripts of records and transcript data so that you can keep track of your studies:

Video tutorial "How do I keep track of my studies"