ATTENTION: Only those who are re-registered can take part in the booking process! Please check your fee account in the LSF under study administration!!!!
The course catalog for the SoSe 2024 will be released on 07.03. The enrollment procedure for the BA Social Work with the various deadlines is explained below for students and lecturers.
Click here for the course catalog/ LSF
Click here for the video tutorials and instructions of the ComZ
Click here for the BA Social Work website
Information for students
Only those who are re-registered can take part in the booking process!!!
Deadline: 13.03. 12:00 pm up to and including 18.03.
Admission: 19.03. From 16:00 you will see your admissions in the LSF.
Grace period: 19.09. 16:00 up to and including 30.04.
Preferred booking : 09. up to and including 12.03.
Deadline: 05.04. 12:00 up to and including 08.04.
Admission: 09.04. From 16:00 you will see your admissions in the LSF.
Grace period: 09.04. 16:00 up to and including 30.04.
Preferred booking: 02. up to and including 04.04.
Use the sample study plan (according to SPO 2008 or 2021) to decide how many and which courses you would like to take in the semester. Here are a few tips for putting together your desired timetable:
- You can find the courses in the course catalog/ LSF. ATTENTION: Don't forget to choose the right semester!
- Start with the lectures and courses that can be taken directly.
- For all other seminars: Read the commentson the different groups of a course and choose the one that suits you (in terms of content/time/online ...).
- Make a note of your favorite courses for an overlap-free timetable.
- Watch the video tutorialon electronic enrolment and note the deadlines.
Start with the courses that can be taken directly. The principle of first come, first served applies here:
- First semester: Lectures and technical English
- Higher semesters: Lectures, 2nd part of multi-semester seminars, projects, theory-practice deepening and elective courses
- All semesters:Language courses and foreign language courses of the International Curriculum
Then continue with the entry of your priorities. The majority of BA Social Work courses are offered on different dates, by different lecturers and therefore in so-called "groups". Here you must create a ranking of the parallel groups and assign a priority to each group. All priorities must be specified when registering.
An overlap-free timetable is then created during the automated admission procedure.
After the admission procedure, the booking is released again. If you have been allocated a place that is out of the question for you, or if you decide not to take the module this semester after all, please delete your booking immediately so that someone else can take your place.
You can also make further bookings. Whenever a place is free in the group, you can register directly. After the end of the grace period, it is no longer possible to register via the electronic registration system.
The login is made up of your login name and password. Your matriculation number serves as the login name (padded with zeros to 8 digits at the front according to the pattern 00012345). The default password is made up of your place and date of birth. You can find more detailed information in the welcome letter or first semester handbook. Please change the password immediately after logging in for the first time.
With the login access data you have access to the course catalog/electronic record system (LSF), the learning platform Moodle as well as the ASH computers and printers.
You can find helpful information and various video tutorials on the Computer Center website, including on logging in.
Every student receives a certificate of enrolment by post with their complete enrolment at ASH (as soon as all documents have been submitted to the Enrolment Office), which contains their matriculation number that uniquely identifies them.
You will need the matriculation number to log in (see "How do I log in to the document system?") to the course catalog/electronic document system (LSF), the Moodle learning platform, the ASH computers and printers.
The enrollment data is transferred from the document system to Moodle in an evening data transfer. You should be able to see the Moodle courses from 9.30 pm at the latest if you have taken the courses before 7 pm.
You can find helpful information and various video tutorials, including on Moodle, on the Computer Center website.
In the B.A. Social Work, students who are absolutely (!!!) dependent on a certain timetable can be given priority. The following can be recognized as compelling reasons
- Compatibility of studies and family (e.g. single parents, hardly any childcare options, extensive care responsibilities of relatives, etc.)
- Compatibility of studies and health (e.g. disability/impairment)
- Other cases of hardship
Jobs and professional activities do not count as reasons.
Please only make use of the offer if it is absolutely necessary and observe the special deadlines. Late applications will not be considered. There is an upper limit of 25% per course for places in priority registration.
The registration form is above, please note the separate timeline and the video tutorial.
Yes, please always note the participation requirements for the respective modules (see sample study plan according to SPO 2008, or sample study plan according to SPO 2021 for students from SoSe 2022). So if you are studying in a way that deviates from the sample study plan, make sure that you meet the TN requirement.
The automated booking procedure is set up so that there are no overlaps in the timetable. If this does not work, see if you can find a suitable alternative course yourself within the grace period and book directly if a spot is available. Alternatively, you can also check the International Curriculum - the English-language courses are often less in demand.
Overlapping dates may occur if, after the admission procedure, there are still some unavoidable changes to dates by the lecturers.
If, after the admission procedure or afterwards, there are scheduling conflicts that you cannot resolve yourself, please contact Belegen-Beratung@ with specific details. Always state your name and matriculation number as well as the overlaps (module, group, lecturer, course number).
In the case of continuous courses, i.e. cross-semester seminars, you are enrolled directly (without an admission procedure) and should choose the same group as in the previous semester. Changes must be agreed with the lecturers in advance.
In the event of an incorrect assignement, deregister from the wrong course in the enrolment system and register for the correct course if there are still places available.
If this does not work or if your consecutive group is already full, please contact Belegen-Beratung@ with specific details of the consecutive course . Always enter your name and matriculation number as well as the exact course name (module, group, lecturer, course number).
Please unsubscribe from the wrong group immediately. You can deregister yourself as long as the deadline is running. Thank you!
If this does not work, please write to Belegen-Beratung@Always state your name and matriculation number as well as the exact course name (module, group, lecturer, course number).
For the grace period phase, i.e. after the automated admission procedure, the following applies: As long as there is a spot in a group, you can register there yourself immediately. Please check first whether there really is still space available, then immediately withdraw from the wrong group and register in the new one. This is possible as long as the grace period is running.
You will take a placement test before you take the subject-specific English module. The result of this test will give you an indication of your language level.
The module Technical English requires level B1. Students whose level is lower (A1 and A2) must first take the bridge course before they can take the subject-specific English module (with the exception of SPO 2008 students). All other students take the respective course for their level (B1, B2, C1).
If it turns out that the determined level is not suitable for you, please contact the respective teacher.
Students at native speaker level (C2) or with further questions and problems should contact the module coordinator Frances Kregler directly: kregler@
The International Curriculum (IC) contains internationally oriented courses, most of which are taught in English. The courses offered vary each semester and are explicitly listed in the course catalog. The non-German-language courses are primarily designed to deal with topics of international relevance to social work in a foreign language.
You are welcome to take one of these IC courses, as they are often less crowded. If you choose a foreign-language option, it counts in the same way as the German-language option (in concrete terms: you only have to attend ONE of the two options, either in German OR in a foreign language).
When registering for the exam, please note that only the German title of the exam is displayed.
Some students have received their admission documents late or have missed the previous enrollment due to other circumstances. Please read up thoroughly on the website of the degree program yourself and try to register for your semester (see registration instructions and video tutorial). If there are still a few spots available, book directly. If you have any further questions about the enrolment process, please contact Belegen-Beratung@
Information on preferred booking
Only those who are re-registered can take part in the booking process!!!
Registration deadline: 09. up to and including 12.03.
Admission: 13.03. From 12:00 noon you will see your admissions in the LSF.
Grace period: 13.03. 12:00 noon up to and including 30.04. If necessary, participation in the regular admission procedure
Deadline: 02. up to and including 04.04.
Admission: 05.04. From 12:00 noon you will see your admissions in the LSF.
Grace period: 05.04. 12:00 noon up to and including 30.04. Participation in the regular admission procedure if necessary
Preferential booking is based on the principle of solidarity. Please only take part if you really need it. For example, because you are a single parent, chronically ill or otherwise impaired. Unfortunately, working does not count as a reason!
The following can be recognized as compelling reasons
- Compatibility of studies and family (for example single parents, hardly any childcare options, extensive care responsibilities of relatives, ...),
- Compatibility of studies and health (e.g. severe disability/impairment)
- or other cases of hardship.
- Jobs and professional activities are no justification!
There is an upper limit of 25% of places per course.
Step 1: Check successful re-registration for SoSe 2024 in the fee account
Step 2: Mark and save desired timetable(video tutorial)
Step 3: Register via the online form (will be activated on 09.03. or 02.04.)
Admission by IT!
Step 4: Check and follow up, if necessary participate in the normal booking process
Information for teachers
The deadlines for course booking differ for the 1st semester and students in higher semesters; there is a separate timeline for preferred booking (see above).
The following deadlines are important for lecturers:
- Checking the information in the LSF: by 29.02.
- Entry of teaching comments: by 07.03. (publication for students!)
- Entry of key points for the seminar on Moodle: by 02.04.
- Higher semesters: registration procedure 13-18.03., admission on 19.03., start of teaching: 02.04.
- Firstsemester: registration procedure 05-08, admission on 09.04., start of teaching: 10.04.
During the control period, please enter a short description for each of your courses in the LSF using the function provided beforehand. You can find instructions on how to do this on the ComZ help pages.
This gives students the opportunity to choose and prioritize the courses that suit them in terms of content and time. Later changes can thus possibly be avoided.
An online course is automatically created on the Moodle learning platform for each course. Students enrolled in the corresponding course in LSF automatically receive access to these courses.
Please prepare the courses so that students have a minimum of information at the start of the semester:
- Which examination and participation requirements apply?
- Are there block courses?
- How can you be contacted?
If you have ongoing courses, you can import the Moodle course from the previous semester. For accessibility and teaching evaluation, it makes sense for each course to have a current Moodle course for the current semester.
Please wait for the admission procedure and approval by the admissions team. Any necessary adjustments to group sizes etc. may be made after automated admission.
As a lecturer, you can still admit students to courses independently after the start of the semester and later in the semester. You can find the relevant instructions on the ComZ help pages. Students will then automatically receive access to the Moodle course.
If you have any questions or uncertainties, you can find out more about the document procedure on this website and via the FAQs. Further helpful information for lecturers can be found on the ComZ help pages.
If you have any questions or problems with the course registration process, you can contact the registration team at
Please always provide us with the exact course details (semester, title, group).