Further information, documents and formulars for the applications you can find on the German website.

Pre-study internship is no longer a requirement!

With immediate effect, a pre-study internship is no longer required for applications for the BA in Social Work.

Application procedure and times

  • for the summer semester from 01.12. until 15.01.
  • for the winter semester from 01.06. until 15.07.

Note for applicants who require assistance with electronic registration

Applicants who can credibly demonstrate that they are unable to register or apply electronically on their own can receive support from the General Student Advisory Service and the Enrolment Office of ASH Berlin.

Admission requirements

This is the general higher education entrance qualification, the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences or an entrance qualification recognized as equivalent by law or by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Science (vocationally qualified persons).

Applicants who have not obtained their higher education entrance qualification at a German institution are required to have German language skills that qualify them to study at a German university. These are based on the framework regulations on German language examinations for studying at German universities.

The required language skills can be proven by one of the following examinations:

  • German language examination for university entrance (DSH): overall result at least DSH-2
  • Test of German as a Foreign Language (TestDAF): at least TDN 4 in all parts of the exam
  • Passed the "German" section of the assessment test at preparatory colleges
  • German Language Diploma of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs: DSD II
  • Passed the Austrian Language Diploma C2 (ÖSD C2)
  • Passed the "telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule" exam

Selection procedure

You can find the admission figures online in the official announcements of ASH Berlin.

After deducting the corresponding special quotas (see below), around a quarter of the available study places are allocated according to the average university entrance qualification (Abitur quota).

The threshold values for recent years can be found in the following table:

Admission thresholds

A further quarter of the study places in the desired degree program are allocated according to the period of time since the acquisition of the higher education entrance qualification (waiting time quota) (1 waiting semester per semester).

Periods of study at a university are not counted towards the waiting period. The duration of the waiting period is limited to ten semesters. If there are more applicants with at least 10 waiting semesters than study places, the average value of the university entrance qualification is decisive.

The threshold values for recent years can be found in the following table:

Admission thresholds

Approximately fifty percent of the available study places are allocated in ASH Berlin's own selection procedure. The selection decision takes into account

  • the result of the university entrance qualification (average grade)
  • study-related competencies

24 points are credited for a grade of 1.0 on the university entrance qualification; 1 point is deducted for each tenth grade above this.
You can receive 4 to 8 points, depending on the type, for proof of study-relevant skills (see statutes on the organization of the university's own selection procedure).

Applicants are ranked according to the individually determined number of points. Applicants with a higher score will be given priority.

The threshold values of the last few years can be found in the following table:

Admission thresholds

The following advance quotas are deducted from the total number of available study places as defined in Section 6 (1) of the University Admission Ordinance:

  • 5% for foreigners who are not on an equal footing with German applicants
  • 2 % for cases of exceptional hardship (hardship quota)
  • 5% for underage applicants (quota for minors)
  • 3 % for second degree applicants (second degree quota)
  • 1% for applicants who belong to a group of people worthy of support in the public interest within the meaning of § 10 para. 1 sentence 1 no. 6 BerlHZG (profile quota)
  • 5% for applicants with a university entrance qualification in accordance with Section 11 BerlHG (quota for professionally qualified applicants)

Study places not taken up in the preliminary quota are allocated in the general selection procedure. If you have any questions about applying for a special quota, please contact the General Student Advisory Service: studienberatung@ ash-berlin.eu

Application for special quotas and higher semesters

The application for a higher semester is made exclusively by post with the corresponding application for admission.

The admission requirements for an application for a higher semester are

  • general higher education entrance qualification, entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences or previous education recognized as equivalent
  • Proof of previous practical training
  • Proof of the modules studied to date, learning content and learning objectives as well as the credits earned (usually 30 credits per semester)

Further information can be found atApplication information.

If you have been offered a place at ASH and would like to have your previous achievements recognized as examination achievements, you must submit an application for recognition.

If you have any further questions, please contact the General Student Advisory Service: studienberatung@ash-berlin.eu

Applicants who have already completed an undergraduate degree in another degree program

  • at a German university,
  • at a university in a member state of the European Union
  • or another state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway)

have successfully completed their studies at the time of application (first degree) are considered second degree applicants.

The application for a second study place for the B.A. Social Work follows the service-oriented dialog procedure (see application procedure).

Up to three percent of study places at ASH are reserved for second degree applicants. Like all other applicants, second degree applicants must also provide evidence of previous practical experience.

Further information on important documents and selection criteria can be found in the relevant information sheet on second degree programs.

If you have any further questions, please contact the General Student Advisory Service: studienberatung@ash-berlin.eu

For applicants without a German university entrance qualification (HZB), the same admission requirements apply as described above:

  • Certificate of HZB (in original language) and a copy in German or English translation
  • Proof of previous practical training
  • Proof of the required German language skills on the basis of the Framework Regulations for German Language Examinations for Studies at German Universities (RO-DT).

If you have any further questions, please contact the General Student Advisory Service: studienberatung@ash-berlin.eu

Admission to higher education for people without an Abitur or Fachhochschulreife but with a vocational qualification is laid down in § 11 of the Berlin Higher Education Act (BerlHG).

For more information, please contact the General Student Advisory Service: studienberatung@ash-berlin.eu

FAQs Application and admission

If you subsequently notice that you have made a mistake in the online application process, you do not need to inform us of this separately. Applications will be corrected independently by the Admissions Office in accordance with the credible certificates or evidence provided.

This applies, for example, to changes regarding the average grade, the date of acquisition of the university entrance qualification or information in the university's own selection procedure.

Due to the high number of applications, please refrain from inquiring about the outcome of the application process. Furthermore, the degree program coordinator has no information about the application process. This is the sole responsibility of the Admissions Office.

If you would like confirmation that your documents have been received, please send them by registered mail.

After submitting your application, you can view the status of your application in your user account in the application portal of hochschulstart.de.

Important: You will receive admission offers for your applications via hochschulstart.de. Therefore, keep an eye on the status list on the portal. Please also note the different application phases in the DoSV:

  • Application received: online application has been received
  • Application valid: postal application has been received
  • Application provisionally excluded: missing documents can be submitted until the end of the exclusion period (15.01. or 15.07.).

You should expect the first admissions at the earliestfour to six weeks after the application deadline. Depending on your individual ranking in the application process, this may happen sooner or later. Final rejections are often only sent out shortly before the start of the semester.

If you have specific questions about the outcome of your application at hochschulstart.de, please contact the Admissions Office (immatrikulationsverwaltung@ ash-berlin.eu).

Once you have been admitted to study at a university, it is no longer possible to change your priorities.

Therefore, please check carefully which priorities you assign to the different universities and degree programs at Hochschulstart during the application process.

Have you received a letter of admission via Hochschulstart? Congratulations, you made it past the first hurdle.

You then have approx. 10 days to accept the offer by sending the required documents by post to the ASH Berlin Admissions Office and transferring the student fee in full. You will find all the necessary steps on the website of the Enrollment Office at the appropriate time.

If you are regularly enrolled and therefore a student at ASH Berlin in the BA Social Work program, you can relax and wait for the orientation days at the beginning of the semester. You will find out everything else there. However, you are welcome to read the first semester handbook and the information on taking courses electronically. You will find these shortly before the start of the semester on our website"News".

Students at ASH Berlin can have study and examination achievements that have been completed at other universities or in other degree programs recognized for modules of the enrolled degree program, if the modules already completed do not differ significantly from the ASH modules.

General information on recognition can be found on the website of the Examinations Office.

It is also possible to have additional coursework from the degree program recognized in the elective module.

ASH Berlin students can generally apply for recognition of their competencies acquired outside of the university, e.g. through training and further education. Further information can be found on the pages of the credit transfer officers.

Part-time students: Students who are enrolled at another university can be registered as part-time students at ASH Berlin upon application in accordance with § 14 of the Statutes for Academic Affairs, following a decision by the respective lecturer for individual courses (usually max. 7 SWS per semester).

Part-time students are not members/students of ASH Berlin, i.e. they do not receive a student ID card and cannot apply for a student visa. There are no administrative fees in this regard, see § 14 para. 3 Statutes for Student Affairs. Part-time students must submit a certificate of enrolment from their home university valid for the semester in question when registering at ASH Berlin.

Guest students: Guest students may attend individual courses in accordance with § 15 of the Statutes for Student Affairs. A general higher education entrance qualification is not a prerequisite for guest students on undergraduate Bachelor's degree programs.

Registration for guest auditor status is subject to a fee. The amount of the fee depends on the number of courses attended and is charged for one semester. Guest students do not have student status.

Within the framework of the applicable regulations, guest or secondary auditor status can be applied for within the first four weeks after the start of the semester (by the end of April or by the end of October of each year) at the Enrolment Office of the ASH Berlin Student Service Center during opening hours.

Registration is for one semester and should not exceed seven semester hours per week (SWS). SWS exceeding this limit require justification beyond the normal case by demonstrating particular hardship.

You can find the application form for guest or adjunct lecturers in the download area of the Admissions Office.

The General Student Advisory Service provides advice on various ways of financing your studies. The StudierendenWerk Berlin also offers advice on BAföG and social benefits.

The General Student Advisory Service can provide you with information and support on all of these aspects. Additional points of contact are the Family Office and the representative for students with chronic illnesses and/or disabilities at alice barrierefrei.