B.A. Social Work ‘BASA-online’

„BASA-online“ – the part-time online Bachelor's degree program in Social Work at ASH Berlin

The program ist the first undergraduate distance learning course in the field of Social Work for the target group of working professionals. Its consistently relies on the use of new media as a learning and teaching medium. 

Special features of the part-time online program

  • The online-based part-time course enables students to study largely independently of time and place while working.
  • The course is designed in such a way that an accompanying reflection on one's own professional activity is integrated.
  • The course is based on the use of multimedia teaching and learning technology and thus enables students to develop a professional approach to new information and communication technology, which is a key factor in today's and tomorrow's workplace design.
  • The course emphasizes the aspect of self-directed learning and thus promotes an essential component of the required key qualifications.

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The Bachelor's degree course “Social Work - online” (“BASA-online”) is offered at various locations throughout Germany. The following universities are part of the university network:

  • FH Potsdam
  • HS Münster
  • HS Fulda
  • HS Koblenz
  • HS Munich
  • HS Rhein/Main
  • FH Kiel

You can find information and links to the other university locations on the website of the university network.

The BASA-online network also cooperates with the zfh - Zentrum für Fernstudien im Hochschulverbund. The zfh offers well over 100 distance learning courses in social sciences, engineering and economics at 21 universities in eight federal states.

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Target Group

The BASA-online course is aimed at

  • People in the socio-educational/social work field with professional experience without a formal qualification who would like to gain further qualifications
  • People who work in social work (below university level) and would like to gain a higher qualification
  • People who would like to improve their return to work after a family phase.

The course is not aimed at

  • People who are new to the field of social work and do not yet have any professional experience (minimum: 1.5 years). 

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Overview of the program

The course is fully modularized. The course comprises 17 online modules, 8 attendance modules, practical work experience (2 phases) as well as the Bachelor's thesis and the colloquium.

The sample study plan provides an overview of the course. A detailed description of the content of the modules can be found in the module handbook.

The online and attendance modules can be divided into the following areas:

  • Fundamentals of the subject of social work,
  • Legal and socio-political foundations of social work and
  • Humanities as well as human and social science foundations of social work.

In addition, you can usually choose one of the following specializations in the 4th semester:

Social work

  • with children and young people,
  • in rehabilitation
  • with the elderly / intergenerational social work
  • in the context of education
  • in the context of delinquency
  • in the context of diversity
  • in the context of public social administration
  • in the context of migration and flight
  • sport / sports social work.

The standard period of study in which you can complete the entire degree program in part-time form is four years or eight semesters. This standard period of study is based on a weekly study effort of at least 20 to 25 hours. The BASA-online degree program comprises 210 credits. 

Applicants who work more than half-time while studying are strongly advised to take advantage of the advisory services offered by the degree program manager before applying or starting their studies.

ASH Berlin awards the academic degree Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) upon successful completion of the Bachelor's examination

Graduates of the BASA-online degree program receive state recognition as a social worker upon application to the responsible Senate Administration in accordance with the Social Professions Recognition Act (Sozialberufe-Anerkennungsgesetz (SozBAG)). The state recognition is valid nationwide.

No tuition fees are charged. The following fees are charged each semester:

Student union fee: € 12.00

Matriculation and re-registration fee: € 50.00 

The semester ticket is not available for students on distance learning programs. 

You can view further fees and contributions (e.g. fees for late re-registration etc.) here.

In addition, the following costs must be taken into account:

  • Study material fee of EUR 65 per online module: Two or three online modules are charged for each semester of study, so that EUR 130 or EUR 195 per semester must be taken into account. BASA-online comprises a total of 17 online modules, i.e. the total costs for the module subscription fee amount to EUR 1.105 
  • Private computer with internet access (at least DSL)
  • printouts
  • as well as travel costs and, if necessary, overnight accommodation for the attendance events

The BASA-online course is not eligible for BAFöG funding. You can find options for financing your studies here.

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