Interprofessional Healthcare - online (Bachelor of Science)

"IGo" - The part-time online bachelor's degree program for experienced professionals in healthcare/nursing, healthcare/pediatric nursing, geriatric nursing, speech therapy, physiotherapy and occupational therapy, dietary assistance, emergency paramedics, curative education nursing and midwives/maternity nurses.

The course is geared towards interprofessional healthcare, taking into account the practical experience you bring with you.

Special features of the part-time online degree program:

  • This degree program is online-based, which allows you to study as much as possible regardless of time and place, alongside your professional activities and social commitments.
  • We work with a fixed and transparent time concept for your long-term planning.
  • We attach great importance to a lively exchange between theory and practice, which is why professional activity is expressly desired, but not mandatory.
  • Our student career support service supports regular reflection on your course of study.
  • Additional optional self-study courses (e.g. technical English or Journal Club) are available to you as further support.
  • The course is based on the use of multimedia teaching and learning technology, enabling you to develop professional skills in the use of new information and communication technology, which will have a formative influence on current and future workplace design.
  • The aspect of self-directed learning is very important to us, as it promotes essential components of the required key qualifications.
  • The learning process is characterized by exchange and learning from and with other professional groups, supported by the use of interactive tools (e.g. e-portfolio, forum work, peer review).
  • Teachers primarily take on the role of a moderator of your learning process.

The Bachelor's degree course in Interprofessional Healthcare - online is aimed at:

People with and without a high school diploma who have successfully completed a three-year training program and have already gained at least one year of professional experience (full-time employment, longer if working part-time):

  • Healthcare and nursing
  • Physiotherapy
  • Healthcare and pediatric nursing
  • speech therapy
  • geriatric nursing
  • Occupational therapy
  • Curative education care
  • Dietary assistance
  • Midwives/maternity nurses
  • Emergency paramedics

to you if you:

  • are ready to embark on a different way of studying
  • want to engage with other professional groups in order to break new ground in healthcare
  • want to develop your skills further
  • place the patient at the center of your actions
  • want to make a new contribution to your field of work
  • want to open up new fields of work
  • can devote approx. 20-25 hours per week to their studies

The study program at a glance

The course comprises 21 online modules, as well as the Bachelor's thesis and the colloquium.

As a rule, two modules are always offered and completed in 10 weeks. The attendance time at the university is organized for two modules together on a fixed date from Friday morning to Sunday afternoon. This is followed by approximately three weeks of event-free time before the next modules begin. In order to enable students to make long-term plans, the attendance dates at the university are announced before the start of the course using a semester schedule

A module is completed online over ten weeks and usually concludes with ten hours of attendance at the university. The online contact time is three hours per week and module and is carried out both as scheduled online meetings (synchronous) and in asynchronous form, e.g. in forums. A module is completed with a course-related examination (written assignments, presentations, etc. see study and examination regulations, module handbook).

You must reckon with a workload of approx. 25 hours per week. A total of 180 credit points (CP) can be earned over six semesters. After successfully completing the modules in the first semester, you will receive 60 CP for your professional training (state examination).

The modules can be thematically assigned to four study areas:

  • Interprofessional communication
  • Management of interprofessional care
  • Health system and stakeholders
  • Scientific competence

In the 5th semester, you decide on one of the electives offered, e.g:

  • Gerontology
  • neurology
  • Pediatrics

Completing the entire degree course part-time requires a study period of six semesters (= 3 years). This standard period of study is based on a weekly study effort of approx. 25 hours.

After passing the Bachelor's examination, ASH Berlin awards the academic degree Bachelor of Science.

As this is an undergraduate Bachelor's degree course, there are no tuition fees.

The following costs must be budgetedper semester:

  • Student body fee: € 8.50
  • Matriculation fee: € 50.00
  • Contribution to the student social fund: € 4.80
  • Media subscription fee of currently € 78 per module (with four modules per semester = € 312)
  • = approx. 376€ per semester

The semester ticket is not available for students on online degree programs.

Please also plan for

  • a private computer with internet access (at least 5000 DSL)
  • a printer or printing facilities
  • as well as travel costs and possibly overnight accommodation for attendance times

Depending on your federal state, you can apply to your employer for educational leave for the attendance periods.

With the Bachelor of Science - Interprofessional Healthcare - online degree, you will have very good opportunities in the following professional fields:

Further development of interprofessional care in outpatient and inpatient practice,

  • Coordination of treatment processes,
  • Management of interprofessional teams,
  • interface management,
  • Interprofessional training and further education and
  • collaboration in research projects.

In addition, the path to various Master's degree courses for research, health management and teaching up to doctoral level is open to you.

The degree program is successfully accredited until 30.09.2028.

Decision of the Accreditation Council

The course is supported by a lively practice advisory board made up of representatives from the healthcare sector.

With the online course "Bachelor Interprofessional Healthcare - online", ASH is a member of the Virtual University of Applied Sciences (VFH). Its oncampus institute provides 24-hour support for the learning platform.

Virtual University of Applied Sciences - Online education for all

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