The entrance exam for the Pre-Study Program 25/26 will take place on campus on May 27, 2025.


The ASH Newcomer Office Team is the first point of contact for all international newcomers at the Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin and is there for you before and during your studies as well as when you start your career in Germany.

We are a team of student employees, social workers, a coordinator and head of the office. Our team is composed of colleagues who have experienced racism in their own lives and in some cases had to leave their country of origin, as well as colleagues who have not experienced racism in their own person and have no experience of flight.

We share the common attitude of orienting our (counseling) work towards a practice that is critical of discrimination and participatory.

Our aim is to make counselling, support and empowerment for international newcomers visible and accessible. We also offer our own programmes, language formats, consultation hours, workshops and events.


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Latest news

This month we would like to draw the attention of all international newcomers to the following events:

  • On March 1, 2025 there will be an excursion to the Museum Nikolaikirche.
    Under the title DEKOLONIALE - WAS BLEIBT? the role of Berlin in the global history of enslavement and colonialism will be explained during a free guided tour. Register by Feburary 26, 2025 at  if you would like to take part.
  • On March 12, 2025 from 1 to 3 pm, the Team for International Newcomers invites you to a Get-Together. Over a cup of tea, you can get to know each other and talk to our team about your everyday life as a student and other questions. The meeting place is room 120.

The Service Center for Writing and Study Skills invites international newcomers to four events and offers writing counselling especially for non-first language German speakers on

  • Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12 am to 2 pm
  • Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 12 am to 2 pm
  • Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 12 am to 2 pm
  • Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 12 am to 2 pm

Counselling will take place in room 114.

A Career Service announcement for International Newcomers:

Events for international students take place regularly at Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences. Here you find an overview of the events on offer throughout the academic year.

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Academy Freedom Week 2025

The Academic Freedom Week 2025 focuses on how research institutions can support at-risk scholars and artists during precarious times. The programme, taking place at Humboldt University from March 31 to April 2, is largely open to the public.

Publications and projects

Author Title Semester
Kalanaki, Ali: Studierende mit Fluchterfahrung an der ASH. Intersektionale Perspektiven auf die Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf das Studium. Summer semester 2022
Shafaq, Parvin: A qualitative research on "The gap between the Self-Image of Alice Salomon University and the Experiences of BAME Migrant students in this Institution". Summer semester 2024

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Flucht: Forschung und Transfer is a network of scientific expertise in politics, administration, practice, media and the public on issues of forced migration, refugee policy and the (re-)integration of refugees.

The Mediadienst Integration offers an information platform and research services for journalists on the topics of flight, migration and discrimination.

The Netzwerk rassismuskritische Migrationspädagogik is a forum for people from the fields of social work, schools, education/further education, universities and related professions who are committed to migration education that is critical of racism.

The Zeitschrift für Migrationsforschung/Journal of Migration Studies provides a forum for academic debate on the background and conditions of spatial movements of people in the past and present, as well as on social change brought about by migration processes in contexts of origin, transit and destination.

IPSO is a non-profit humanitarian organisation specialising in MHPSS (Mental Health and Psychosocial Support) IPSO sees its task as encouraging people and communities burdened with experiences of flight, migration or violence so that they can regain their agency.

The Queraufstieg Advisory Network addresses students struggling with their studies: Free counseling centers in Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Niedersachsen or Sachsen-Anhalt provide information, guidance, and inspiration on how to proceed. 

Do you run academic projects in the area of Anti-discriminatory Opening of the University and Promotion of Educational Biographies or in the area of support for international newcomers starting their careers? Get in touch with us if you are interested in networking or cooperation.

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