Online consultations for literature research:

For members of the university we offer extensive individual instruction in literature research focussing on a topic of your choosing (depending on prior knowledge and scope of the topic: between 1-2 hours).

Further information

Training courses on demand

The following training courses can be requested by lecturers and/or students via mail: schulungen.bibliothek@ Please let us know which training courses you would like to book and, if applicable, suggested dates. The training team will contact you. Training courses can be conducted as a presence training or in an online format.

Content: The training course provides an overview of various topics related to library use and also offers a brief introduction to OPAC research. Especially in the context of the orientation days, it offers first semester students a first overview of the library's services. 

On request of: ASH programme coordination teams or lecturers who would like to offer the training course to their students as part of the orientation days.

For whom?: First semester students of ASH


The following training courses can be requested by ASH lecturers for their seminars and courses:

Introduction to the library and OPAC research (approx. 1h):
For students who were not able to attend the library introduction during the orientation days or as a "refresher". This course provides an overview of various topics related to library use and also offers a brief introduction to OPAC research.|

Introduction to systematic literature research (approx. 2h):
The training offers an overview of different research techniques and strategies with a focus on database research.

Introduction to Citavi 6 (approx. 2h):
The training offers an introduction to the reference management software Citavi by means of different exercises.|

Please note: Library tours can take place on site again! However, please note that the max. number of participants is limited to 15 persons! Divisions of groups are possible.

Content: The training offers an introduction to the literature management program Citavi 6 by means of various exercises.  

On request of: Students (min. 5 persons) or other members of ASH.

For whom?: All interested persons of the ASH

Introductions to the library can be offered for OSZ members or external student groups (as a presence training or online).

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Open trainings

The library offers open trainings on various topics and for different groups of people. The trainings take place once a month and currently online.

Please select the desired event below and then register for one of the available dates. Please note: registration is binding. Please cancel as early as possible if you are unable to attend.

Please note that a training course will only take place with a minimum of 5 participants. If a scheduled training does not take place, you will be informed by mail.


Einführung in die systematische Literaturrecherche /
Introduction to systematic literature research (in German)

For whom?: ASH students who have not participated in a corresponding introduction yet as well as other ASH members and other interested person.

What?: The training course provides an overview of various research techniques and strategies with a focus on database research.


Einführung in Citavi / Introduction to Citavi (in German)

For whom?: ASH students who have not previously taken part in a corresponding introduction and other members of ASH.

What?: The course offers an introduction to the reference management program Citavi, which is available to ASH members via campus license. For using the Citavi campus license and for further information, please read our information on the library's service page. Please also note the system requirements for using Citavi.


NEW! Einführung in Zotero / Introduction to Zotero (in German)

For whom?: ASH students and other members of ASH.

What?: The course offers an introduction to the free reference management program Zotero.

Important: if you would like to work in parallel during the training, please download the free program in advance from the Zotero website (Zotero Stand Alone for one of the supported operating systems + Zotero Connector for one of the supported browsers):
Please also note the system requirements for using Zotero and the installation instructions.

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Self-learning offer / training materials

The library offers training materials on various topics related to the use of the library and its collection. The training materials are being expanded continuously.

Online consultations for literature research:

For ASH-members the library offers individual instruction in literature research focussing on a topic of your choosing (depending on prior knowledge and scope of the topic: between 1-2 hours).

For booking an online consultation, please contact us via mail: schulungen.bibliothek@ 

The following data are required:

  • subject: online consultation, date (DDMMYY)
    Please note: In order to be able to prepare ourselves sufficiently for the consultation, we ask for a lead time of approx. 1 week.
  • surname, first name
  • topic
  • study programme

We will contact you and confirm the appointment.

If you are unable to keep an appointment, please inform us via mail: schulungen.bibliothek@

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Development of writing and academic skills

You are writing a term paper/thesis/scientific paper and are asking yourself the following questions:

  • How do I plan and write a scientific paper?
  • What kind of citation standards are there?
  • How do I reproduce literal quotations?
  • How do I reproduce indirect quotations?
  • What do I have to pay attention to in bibliographies?

The Servicestelle zur Förderung von Schreib- und Studienkompetenzen will help you with all questions concerning the development of writing and academic skills. The Science Reader (Wissenschaftsreader) also offers helpful support for the writing process as well as for the topics of "academic writing" and "literature research".

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