Library A-Z


Do you need an item that is not available in the ASH library yet? Then please send us your acquisition request.

For teachers, it is prudent to check whether the required literature for a course is already available. If necessary, please provide us well in advance with a list of new titles to be acquired that should be available in the library in the interests of the students.

If a title is already available in the library and you feel other copies or a new edition should be acquired, please mark the library call number and desired number of duplicate or new copies that should be ordered.

An item’s processing status can be followed in the OPAC as soon as it is ordered by the acquisitions department, i.e. before it is available for use in the library. The following are some examples of order status informatioen: "bestellt beim Lieferanten (Ordered from supplier)", "im Geschäftsgang (in progress)".

Unfortunately, it is not possible to send personal messages concerning purchase decisions and receipt of publications.

Books that have been delivered but remain unprocessed are referred to as "im Geschäftsgang (in progress)" and are given the (temporary) call number GG ... At this point, such a title can be reserved via your user account without charge. This will prioritise the title’s processing.

ASH Berlin administrative staff may order books for their office that they need as work materials. Please indicate this when ordering.

Thank you for your acquisition suggestion!

Personal data cannot be independently altered. In order to do this, please contact a library employee, either in person or by sending an e-mail.

 The Alice Salomon Archive in Berlin Schöneberg keeps historical documents on the development of professional social work from its beginnings in the 19th century and makes them accessible to interested users.

 Alice Salomon Archive

Please note the general information for registration the library and using the Campuscard at the library. Your personal data will be processed during use of the library services. Please read our information on data processing. Further, with your application you confirm to have read our Regulations on the Use of the LibrayPlease black out irrelevant information in the documents you send to us.

For ASH students who already have the ASH-Campuscard but are not registered in the library yet, we will create a library account and activate the ASH-Campuscard for library use. Ask us on site or send an email to with the following information:

  • matriculation number
  • Study programm

ASH students who already have both the ASH-Campuscard and a library card can have their library account converted to the ASH-Campuscard (the library card will be no longer valid and can be disposed of). Contact us within the library or send an email to with the following information:

  • matriculationnumber
  • Studyprogramm

Teachers, researchers, administrative staff of ASH can obtain a library card as follows: ask us on site or send an email to with the following information:

  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • proof of affiliation (if you are not listed under persons A-Z yet)

External users can obtain a library card in the library. Please show us your identity card or another personal document with a current registration address in Berlin or Brandenburg (registration certificate if applicable).

EHB and KHSB students can use their Campuscard in the ASH library.

The library obtains films for teaching and studying purposes that are appropriate to the university’s holdings profile. These can be viewed in the library by the opening hours but cannot be checked out. Exceptions to this are films that are checked out by the hour to be shown during lectures in educational seminars.

The approx. 4,800 films in the library’s holdings are currently only partly searchable in OPAC. However, a complete alphabetical list of all films is available for viewing at the lending desk.

aliceOpen, the institutional repository (Publikationsserver) of ASH Berlin, presents various publications by university members, such as essays, documentation of research and projects, outstanding degree theses by students as well as selected documents with reference to ASH Berlin. 


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Incurred fees can be paid by bank transfer. The bank account details and other instructions can be found under "Contacts".

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The call number is a character sequence consisting of letters and numbers that forms the basis for shelving books and periodicals. Call numbers are established by OPAC and lead the searcher to the required item in the library’s holdings.

In order to help you find your required item quickly, OPAC provides a virtual directory behind each loanable item. This will show you where the call number group of the item you are looking for is located within the library.

For more information see "Holdings and itemisation"

By the winter semester 2021/2022, all ASH students will receive the Campuscard. If you have not been asked to pick up your Campuscard yet , you will receive notification after re-registration for the winter semester. General information about the Campuscard can be found on the university's website in the section Student Administration Service (Studierendenverwaltung), subsection Campuscard.

In future you will be able to use your Campuscard in order to borrow media from the library and to access the electronic resources via remote access (for ASH members only). The Campuscard will replace the conventional ASH library card. 

Therefore you must have a library account created or have your existing library account converted to the Campuscard. More information can be found under Apply for a Library Card / Activate Campuscard. 

The reference management software Citavi 6 and Citavi Web are available to all members of ASH Berlin as a full version campus licence. 

Students: Citavi 6 is installed on all computers in the Computer Pool (room 218 and room 219) and in the reading room of the library. If you have your own ASH Berlin email address, you can obtain licence for your personal computer at If not, please contact the staff at the lending desk for a Citavi licence. Citavi Web does not require any installation. You only need to register at

Other members of the university: Please contact the IT service of the Computer Centre if you need Citavi on your desktop at ASH Berlin. You can use Citavi on your personal computer as well – to receive the necessary licence go to Citavi Web does not require any installation. You only need to register at

The reading room contains 24 computer workstations as well as a network printer. Students and other ASH Berlin members can obtain the printing credit required for printing between 11.00 am and 12.00 noon and between 1.00 and 2.00 pm in room 340.

ASH Berlin members can also use the university’s WiFi. Further information can be found on the help pages operated by the ASH Berlin IT service.

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Unlike the library catalogue (index of inventory), databases index literature or specialized information in a particular field of knowledge. A second step is often necessary to search for the location of available required literature.

A variety of databases index full texts (such as e-books and e-journals) as well as literature.

This site will show you the databases you can access through the library.

ASH Berlin students must return all loaned media and pay all outstanding fees before de-registering. Upon returning loaned media and paying outstanding fees the student will receive a certificate from the library. This certificate must be handed over to the Examinations Office in order to proceed with de-registration.

Students who require the certificate please contact the library staff at the circulation desk or by email:

After studying at ASH Berlin, former students can still use the library for free as external users if they are registered as a resident in Berlin or Brandenburg.

Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin
Alice-Salomon-Platz 5
12627 Berlin

U-Bahnhof Hellersdorf (U5): Please use exit Riesaer Str./ Alice-Salomon-Platz

The library is located on the ground floor of ASH Berlin.

You can find media available for loan using the call number given in OPAC. Click on “Directory” when the book title is displayed to open a layout plan. The item you are searching for will be located approximately in the area indicated in red.


The library is on the ground floor of the university. It has a disabled entrance and can also be accessed easily from the disabled parking area. An elevator to the mezzanine and a disabled-accessible workplace in the reading room are available. There is a height-adjustable OPAC research station on the ground floor and a reading device for the visually impaired on the mezzanine.

In addition, the library offers special lending periods for seriously disabled people.

The library performs the following duties:

  • Selecting and ordering literature
  • Processing and providing print media
  • Determining and ordering e-resources
  • Compiling reserve shelves
  • Teaching information and media skills
  • Supporting users in using the library’s IT facilities

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You can find an overview of available e-books in the "Literature Search" section under "E-books".

The current editions of the printed periodicals are alphabetically filed in the periodical boxes in the reading room (gallery). The old volumes starting from 2016 that have already been bound are also in the reading room. You can find periodical volumes up to 2015 in the repository (basement) and these must be ordered via OPAC. These are made available every full hour.

In addition to printed editions, various periodicals are also available online with access to full texts. Please observe the user instructions regarding "Remote Access" and any passwords you may require.

For all available e-journals, please observe the provider’s conditions of use and any general terms and conditions.

You can use the following search methods: Click here

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Using the university library is free. The respectively valid fee regulation applies to the payment of fees. 

Since 2020 the fees can only be paid by bank transfer.

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The library strives to make current media available to its users. Therefore, older editions of recently published print media are regularly delisted and offered for free in a rotunda near the lending desk.

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The university library offers its users a continuously growing collection of print media which can be checked out or used in the reading room. This includes books, ASH Berlin theses, audiovisual media, reference works and periodicals in printed form. The holdings are mostly freely accessible. Furthermore, the library is continually expanding its collection of electronic resources, including e-books, e-journals and databases.   

Printed items are shelved systematically by subject. You can find the complete system here.

Individual call number groups can be found at the following locations:

Ground floor:
Required reading for the semester
V-LS- D-LS Films
A- Scientific work, Languages
B- Fiction
E- Educational theory
F- Women’s movement, Feminism
J- Adolescent literature, Sports
K- Communication, Media pedagogy, Computer programmes
L- “Life portraits”, Biographies
M-Social work methods
Med- Medicine, Social medicine, Nursing science

P- Psychology
PH- Philosophy
Pol- Political science
R- Law
S- Sociology
SM- Social science methods, Statistics
SP- Social politics
W- Welfare work, Social work
WI- Economics

Reading room:
LS - Bound volumes of periodicals starting with 2016
Current volumes of periodicals
Reserve shelf

BA- Bachelor theses 
D- Diploma theses
MA- Master theses
LS- Bound periodical volumes up to and including 2015
LB- Loose-leaf collections
as well as a small portion of older book holdings from all call numbers

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Each year, the library acquires approx. 5,000 media that are successively incorporated into the holdings.

Books that have been delivered but remain unprocessed are referred to as “in progress” and are given the (temporary) call number GG ... At this point, such a title can be reserved free of charge through the user account. This will prioritise the title’s processing.

At the present time, the library is not participating in the inter-library loan system.

alicOpen, the institutional repository (Publikationsserver) of ASH Berlin presents various publications by university members, such as essays, documentation of research and projects, outstanding degree theses by students as well as selected documents with reference to ASH Berlin. 


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If the lending period is exceeded, a late fee is incurred according to the valid fee schedule (currently € 0.20 per item and calendar day).

The lending of media requires registration in the ASH library and is done using the library card at the lending desk or self-service checkout machine. The lending conditions for the different user groups are regulated as follows:

Students (direct studies) 
lending period (open days): 20
possible renewals: 2

Outside users
lending period (open days): 20
possible renewals: 2

Remote, online studies
lending period (open days): 60
possible renewals: 1

lending period (open days): 130
possible renewals: 1

ASH employees
lending period (open days): 130
possible renewals: 1

Renewals must obviously be done through the user account. If another user has reserved a medium that has been loaned out, it cannot be renewed.

The following media cannot be lent out:

  • ASH theses
  • reference books
  • books with the yellow sticker "Präsenzbestand" (Reference Copy)
  • periodicals
  • bound newspapers
  • DVDs / Videos
  • loose-leaf editions
  • directories

Special lending periods

Students at the ASH can be given a one-time lending period of up to 3 months during the final phase of their studies upon request. This cannot be subsequently renewed independently. Further information can be found in the Hinweisen zum Antrag auf Leihfristverlängerung bei Abschlussarbeit.

Special lending periods cannot be given by the self-service checkout machine. Please consult a library staff at the lending desk.

Disabled users

Seriously disabled users can be given a lending period of 6 months after presenting their disabled person’s pass.

The online catalogue (OPAC) provides information on the entire media inventory of the college library:

  • books (printed and e-books)
  • periodicals (printed and e-journals)
  • ASH final projects (bachelor, master and diploma theses)
  • audiovisual media
  • loose-leaf collections

Journal articles are not included. These are researchable through selected special databases. You can find further information on this topic in the area “Literature Search” under "Database Research".

The OPAC enables a formal search according to author, title, ISBN and other criteria, as well as a contents search with the help of keywords.

The search can be limited by year of publication, type of media, and/or language.

The results of a large number of hits (but under 500) can be sorted, e.g. descending according to the year of publication.


Choose "log on" from the OPAC menu to renew checked-out media, reserve books checked out to other users, or order media from the repository. You can also enquire about your fine status and change your password.

Personal data cannot be independently altered. Please contact a library employee, either personally or by sending an e-mail, in order to do this.

For further information, please look at the "Help" function of the OPAC.

We ask you to be considerate of other library users by remaining quiet and setting your mobile phone to "silent".

Food is not allowed in the library. Drinks: Only water in glass or plastic bottles.

Before using the library, you must store your bags in the lockers provided for this purpose. These are located in front of and inside the library. The lockers are to be emptied when the library closes. 

The library assumes no liability for coat racks or the contents of lockers.

The library has 112 lockers, of which 92 are located outside and 20 inside the library.
The lockers outside the library are used with the library card.
Please note: The lockers open automatically each day at 11.00 pm! According to Section 7 para. 2 of the library´s rules of use, the library assumes no liability for lost or damaged items left in lockers, including clothing.

The lockers inside the library are closed and opened by entering a PIN. Therefore, they are intended for users without a library card. After the library closes, the lockers are regularly cleaned out by a library employee.

All lockers are only intended for storing bags, backpacks, etc. during your library visit. Information on using the lockers is available on the locker doors.

If you lose or damage a loaned item, it must be replaced. Please notify the college library of this immediately to avoid incurring additional late fees.

We will discuss the replacement process with you at the library.

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For members of the university we offer extensive individual instruction in literature research focussing on a topic of your choosing.

Further information

The online catalogue (OPAC) provides information on the entire media inventory of the college library:

  • books (printed and e-books)
  • periodicals (printed and e-journals)
  • ASH final projects (bachelor, master and diploma theses)
  • audiovisual media
  • loose-leaf collections

Journal articles are not included. These are researchable through selected special databases. You can find further information on this topic in the area “Literature Search” under "Database Research".

The OPAC enables a formal search according to author, title, ISBN and other criteria, as well as a contents search with the help of keywords.

The search can be limited by year of publication, type of media, and/or language.

The results of a large number of hits (but under 500) can be sorted, e.g. descending according to the year of publication.


Choose "log on" from the OPAC menu to renew checked-out media, reserve books checked out to other users, or order media from the repository. You can also enquire about your fine status and change your password.

Personal data cannot be independently altered. Please contact a library employee, either personally or by sending an e-mail, in order to do this.

For further information, please look at the "Help" function of the OPAC.

Most of the book and periodical holdings are freely accessible within the library ("open-access"). After searching in OPAC, the required items can be located on the shelf under their call numbers and then checked out independently at the self-service checkout machine or at the lending desk.

Unlike the open-access holdings, the repository holdings in the basement are not freely accessible to library users. Here you will find ASH Berlin theses, loose-leaf collections and bound periodical volumes from before 2016. These holdings can only be used within the library.

The repository also contains de-shelved books that are regularly loaned out.
You can order all media from the repository holdings through your user account. These will be provided at the lending desk at each full hour.

The following opening hours apply during Corona:

Lecture period: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 10 am - 6 pm, Thu 10 am - 7 pm
Semester break: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 10 am - 4 pm, Thu 10 am - 6 pm

Sat: 10 am - 1 pm

Information on order for payment procedures is stipulated in the respectively valid fee regulation.

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The current editions of the printed periodicals are alphabetically filed in the periodical boxes in the reading room (gallery). The old volumes starting from 2016 that have already been bound are also in the reading room. You can find periodical volumes up to 2015 in the repository (basement) and these must be ordered via OPAC. They are made available every full hour.

In addition to printed editions, various periodicals are also available online with access to full texts. Please observe the user instructions regarding "Remote Access" and any passwords you may require.

For all available e-journals, please observe the provider’s conditions of use and any general terms and conditions!

Photocopiers are only available on the 1st floor within the university.

If you need to scan and copy within the library, please use the book scanner and either of the computer workplaces.

Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin
University of Applied Sciences
Alice-Salomon-Platz 5
12627 Berlin (Hellersdorf)

Members of ASH Berlin can print documents on the printer located on the gallery floor of the library opposite the lift.

All members of the university receive a free printing allowance. Once the credit has been used, it can be topped up as required. To top up your credit, please contact the administrative staff in room 340. Your credit is available to use immediately after topping up.

There is no facility for external users to print documents.

Information on proxies (how to borrow library media via a third person, called “Vollmacht” in German) can be found on the German website in the "Services" section under Forms / Formulare.

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To register with the library, you must be a student or other member of ASH Berlin or have a registered address in Berlin or Brandenburg. Registration is free. Members of the ASH can also access the electronic ressources (e-books, e-journals, databases) from home (via remote access) by registration the library.

However, anyone can use the library’s inventory within the library (no lending). You must be 18 or older or be accompanied by someone who is. 

A user relationship between the library and the user is established under public law. More specific regulations are prescribed in the current version of the library’s regulations (Benutzungsordnung,Gebührenordnung).

Note: Due to Corona, registration and use of the library is currently only possible for members of Berlin universities. Please read our Covid-19 information.

How to register the library and how to apply for a library card can be read under 
Apply for a Library Card / Activate Campuscard.

A user relationship between the library and the user is established under public law. More specific regulations are prescribed in the current version of the library’s regulations: Benutzungsordnung and Gebührenordnung

When users register, their current e-mail addresses are recorded.

Three days before the lending period ends, a message is sent so that the items can be renewed or returned on time without incurring a fee. Not receiving an e-mail does not constitute an exemption from fees. Users who have no e-mail address will not receive a reminder.

Via remote access, members of the university who are registered with the library can use licensed e-books, e-journals and databases outside of the university network. Remote access is unfortunately not available to external users due to licensing reasons. 

Click here for remote access

Disclaimer: The library offers licensed content to its users solely for the purposes of their personal academic use. Users are not permitted to pass on contents either wholly or in part in digital form (e.g. electronic data storage media), by remote data transfer or in analogue form (e.g. paper copies). Copying licensed content or parts of licensed content for the purposes of distribution (including via the Internet) or distributing it (whether commercially or free of charge) is not permitted. Any translation, editing or other revision of licensed content or parts of licensed content is prohibited. The use of robot systems, spiders and crawlers and other automatic downloading programmes for the purposes of systematic and automatic searching, indexing or accessing licensed content is not allowed.

Loaned items can normally be renewed twice unless they have been reserved for someone else. Exception: Distance learners and ASH Berlin members can only renew their media once, due to their extended lending periods.

Renewals are usually made via your user account before the lending period expires. If you give us your e-mail address in advance, you will receive a reminder shortly before the lending period for your item expires.

When the maximum number of renewals has been reached, the item must be returned. It can be checked out again if no one has reserved it.

Please observe the usage and fee regulations (Benutzungsordnung, Gebührenordnung)

Replacement of a lost or unusable user ID will incur a fee of € 5.00 € in accordance with the fee regulation.

Most of the book and periodical holdings are freely accessible within the library ("open-access"). After searching in OPAC, the required items can be located on the shelf under their call numbers and then checked out independently at the self-service checkout machine or at the lending desk.

Unlike the open-access holdings, the repository holdings in the basement are not freely accessible to library users. Here you will find ASH Berlin theses, loose-leaf collections and bound periodical volumes from before 2016. These holdings can only be used within the library.

The repository also contains de-shelved books that are regularly loaned out.
You can order all items from the repository holdings through your user account. They will be provided at the lending desk at each full hour.

Folders containing documents for seminars at the university are provided to students by the ASH Berlin faculties and labelled as required reading for the semester.

The ASH Berlin faculties are responsible for the folders, which are sorted according to field of study. 

They are located near the lending desk in the library entrance area.

You can reserve loaned items through your user account.

Once the item has arrived, we will notify you electronically if we have your e-mail address and by post if we do not. Each reservation incurs a fee of € 0.50 as per Section 2 of the ASH Berlin fee schedule. A reserved item will be available in the library for checking out up to 10 days from the message date.

Please note that items shown by OPAC as loanable cannot be reserved.

During the semester, a selection of relevant literature can be assembled for a course and/or seminar at the request of the (assistant) lecturer. The books on this reserve shelf are not available for loan and can be viewed in the library by course participants at any time.

The shelfmark of the title is provided with a link in the OPAC (online catalog). This allows you to check whether there are any other copies in the open-access holdings in addition to the present item. To open the links, you may need to adjust the security settings of your PDF viewer.

Location: ground floor

Note for (assistant) lecturers: Please observe the rules for the reserve shelves.

Reserve shelf WiSe 2024/2025:

HA 001 Gahleitner und Wesenberg

HA 003 Knop

HA 005 Finkelnburg

HA 006 Al-Azzawi

HA 007 Enders und Groschke

HA 008 Enders

HA 009 Wesenberg

HA 010 Schmude

HA 012 Schmude

HA 013 Schmude

HA 015 Hellbach

HA 022 Dreyer

HA 027 Dennhardt

HA 028 Hilliger

HA 029 Hampe

HA 058 Dech


Regulation for reserve shelves:

  1. One reserve shelf can be set up per seminar/project/lecture and semester.
  2. Each reserve shelf is kept for one semester and is deleted in the subsequent non-teaching period.
  3. An extension of the schedule is possible by agreement with the library if this is requested 14 days before the semester’s end at the latest.
  4. A maximum of 15 books from the library holdings are allowed per reserve shelf.
  5. Point 4 does not apply to the library’s journals, periodicals and AV media.
  6. Please send the literature list (HA 000-Vorlage.odt) with the required books and information about the author, title, year of publication and ASH Berlin library call numbers to
  7. If possible, please send new acquisition requests for reserve shelves to

Within the library media can be returned at the information desk.

Outside the library there is a return machine which is available during university opening hours. You will find it in the entrance area to the university, across from the porter. 

You can also return books by post.


The library is located on the ground floor of ASH Berlin and is accessible for disabled persons. A lift provides access to the mezzanine and to the reading room.

Ground floor: Checkout and return, workspaces for search assistance, PC search stations with OPAC and internet access (one of which is height-adjustable), return boxes, lockers, required readings for the semester, open-access holdings, a DVD/video player, as well as a self-service checkout machine.

Mezzanine: Open-access holdings, a PC search station with OPAC and internet access,   printer, flat-bed scanner, book scanner, study spaces, a workspace for visually impaired users. Access to the reading room is gained via the mezzanine.

Reading room: reserve shelf, reference material, current periodicals and bound periodical volumes starting from 2016, PC workspaces and study spaces.

Repository: ASH Berlin theses, bound periodicals until 2015, loose-leaf collections and media combinations. Items from the repository must be ordered through user accounts. The lower level of the library is not freely accessible to users.

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A book scanner is available in the mezzanine floor next to the network printer.
It is free for you to use. You must save the scan created on a USB stick. If necessary, you can buy a stick (8 GB) from the library’s lending desk.

Two computer stations that are connected to a flat-bed scanner are also located on the mezzanine level, next to the book scanner. ASH Berlin members can save scans on their private drive U:\ or print them using their personal printing allowance.


There is a self-service checkout machine available in the entrance area to the library. This allows you to check out books independently.

Place your ASH Campuscard / library card and up to five books on the area indicated and log in with your OPAC password to start the lending process. The loaned books will be shown on the screen.

If you want to check out more than five books, simply place another stack on the area indicated. Afterwards, push the button labelled “Quittung drucken (Print Receipt)” to receive a receipt and log out from the machine.

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The theses of ASH Berlin graduates are collected in the library’s repository. These final projects are viewable in the library but cannot be loaned out. Due to the copyright law, they can only be scanned or copied in part for private use.

Theses are ordered via user accounts and retrieved by the library staff at every full hour. They will then be available at the lending desk for 10 library opening days.

The ASH Berlin library offers (online) trainings for members of the ASH university:

  • Introduction to the library and OPAC research
  • Introduction to systematic literature research
  • Introduction to the reference management software Citavi
  • Introduction to thereferencemanagementsoftwareZotero

Usually the trainings take place during the orientation days or within certain modules. The online trainings can be booked by teaching staff or programme coordination teams via email: The duration depends on the type of training and arrangement and can last up to two hours. 

The library offers introduction to the reference management software Citavi for groups (also upon requests from students).

In addition, the library offers open trainings, primarily aimed at ASH students who could not attend the orientation days or certain modules as well as other ASH members and other interested persons.

The library provides training materials on various topics. The range of training materials is continuously being expanded. 

Detailed information on our training courses and training materials can be found on our homepage under training courses.

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The online catalogue (OPAC) provides information on the entire media inventory of the college library:

  • books (printed and e-books)
  • periodicals (printed and e-journals)
  • ASH final projects (bachelor, master and diploma theses)
  • audiovisual media
  • loose-leaf collections

Journal articles are not included. These are researchable through selected special databases. You can find further information on this topic in the area “Literature Search” under "Database Research".

The OPAC enables a formal search according to author, title, ISBN and other criteria, as well as a contents search with the help of keywords.

The search can be limited by year of publication, type of media, and/or language.

The results of a large number of hits (but under 500) can be sorted, e.g. descending according to the year of publication.


Choose "log on" from the OPAC menu to renew checked-out media, reserve books checked out to other users, or order media from the repository. You can also enquire about your fine status and change your password.

Personal data cannot be independently altered. Please contact a library employee, either personally or by sending an e-mail, in order to do this.

For further information, please look at the "Help" function of the OPAC.

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