Language Centre
Great that you are interested in foreign languages! We offer a series of courses to help you hone your foreign language skills or you can also learn a new language. In addition to English and German as a foreign language, we also offer courses in Arabic, German sign language, Kurdish, Spanish, and Turkish.
Take advantage of our range of courses and actively communicate with ASH Berlin’s international guests, when you spend time abroad, or when you meet people who speak a foreign language in everyday life.
Learning a foreign language at ASH Berlin means learning in a communicative and lively manner. Speaking with others, overcoming inhibitions, listening effectively, learning new ideas, and expressing yourself in writing – in our foreign language courses, you will learn and practice all of these skills.
The courses offered in our modular system (beginner to advanced) are based on the Common European Framework of Reference of Languages (GER) and are thus comparable throughout Europe.
To find out more about our courses, please switch to the German page.
[Translate to Englisch:] Einstufungstests für Bachelorstudiengänge
[Translate to Englisch:] Alle Studierenden werden durch einen Einstufungstest dem ihren Vorkenntnissen entsprechenden Niveau zugeordnet.
[Translate to Englisch:] Anrechnung von Sprachkursen als Wahlmodul
[Translate to Englisch:] Studierende können sich nach Absprache mit dem Prüfungsamt einen Sprachkurs als Wahlmodul anerkennen lassen.