For Students

Dear Students,

On this page, you will find useful information and instructions for using the IT services of the IT Center (ComZ) at ASH Berlin, including the computer and printing systems, the electronic enrolment system (referred to as the course catalog or LSF), and the Moodle learning platform. Enjoy!


Online Help for IT Applications

For quick access to information and instructions on many services and programs used at ASH, even outside of our service hours, please visit the IT Helpdesk page on the ASH website:

Online Help for IT Applications



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ASH Mailaccount

Starting on 01.10.24, all students at ASH Berlin will be provided with an ASH email account and email address, which will replace the previous email forwarding to personal accounts.

The ASH webmail client (Roundcube) should be used to access this account.

Your email address will follow the format Matriculation numbers are padded with leading zeros to 8 digits, as shown in these examples:

Matriculation number 12345 becomes email address

Matriculation number 123456 becomes email address

You can access your mailbox after changing the default password in the electronic registration system to a personal password. If you wish to continue forwarding emails to your personal mailbox, you can set this up in the ASH webmail client.

Username: Matriculationnumber, padded with leading zeros to 8 digits

(e.g., 00012345, without the email address ending)

Password: Your chosen personal password

Further information on using the email program can be found here:

Onlinehelp Webmail

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Print Quota and Printing

Each semester, students receive €22.50 in print credits, equivalent to 250 black-and-white pages or 75 color pages.

Additional credits can be purchased if needed at €0.09 per black-and-white page or €0.30 per color page.

To add credit, transfer the desired amount to the ASH account: Berliner Sparkasse, IBAN: DE89 1005 0000 6600 0087 23, BIC: BELADEBEXXX, with the purpose: Increase Print Quota + Your Name + Your Matriculation Number.

Additionally, send an email to indicating that you would like to purchase print credits.

The print quota can be carried over across multiple semesters.

Note: Credits for faulty prints are only granted in exceptional cases (e.g., technical issues, billing errors). Empty toner cartridges and undesired print settings do not qualify as technical errors. We recommend checking printer settings, especially for large documents, to ensure the desired outcome. Sometimes, settings from a previous print job may carry over. It’s also recommended to print one or a few test pages first to check quality and format. This way, unwanted print settings can be adjusted, and empty toner cartridges replaced.

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ASH provides access to Education Roaming (eduroam) for all university members, allowing for quick and easy internet access at all participating universities and institutions. Students already registered with eduroam can use it directly at ASH. Those who are not yet registered can sign up using their ASH user credentials. Step-by-step instructions for various operating systems can be found here:




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Electronic Enrolment System

The electronic enrolment system is an essential tool for students to track and verify the current status of their studies. The terms electronic enrolment system (Elektronisches Belegsystem), course catalog (Vorlesungsverzeichnis), and LSF are used interchangeably. LSF stands for Teaching, Studies, and Research (Lehre, Studium, Forschung). The enrolment system can be found on ASH’s online portal.

In the system, students select courses, register for exams, view their current and completed courses, and access their grade overview. Personal data can also be reviewed and updated here. Additional information on using the electronic enrolment system is available on the IT Center help pages:

Online Help Enrolment System



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Moodle Platform

Moodle is an e-learning software that enables web-based courses. It is an open-source software under the GNU Public License. Moodle stands for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. More information is available at Moodle

Since 2009, ASH has used Moodle as a teaching and learning platform to support course content and communication. Moodle enables a dynamic and varied online learning experience, with features like file uploads and downloads, collaborative work via Etherpad, and video meetings. Usage instructions are provided in the guides below.

For further information on Moodle platform see (in german):

Lehr-/Lernplattform Moodle für Studierende



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