Banner for the study information day - picture with drawings by four students

Welcome to the
study information days
at ASH Berlin

Discover our university!

Save the Date:

2-6.12.2024 Study Orientation Week ONLINE
The program will be available here on this page in mid-November.

Study information days 2025:

June 17, 2025 | 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. for school leavers: in person (open day) at ASH Berlin
June 18, 2025 | 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. for experienced professionals and those interested in a Master's degree - all online
December 8 - 12, 2025 for all prospective students: online study orientation week

Application start for the summer semester: 2.12.2024

Interdisciplinary offers

Video: Studying at ASH Berlin- A brief insight
Studieren an der ASH Berlin – Ein Einblick
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Mon 2.12. | 10-11 a.m.: General student advisory service

Do you have general questions about choosing a degree program, applying, financing your studies or changing university? You can ask your questions here.
Speaker: Anna Kuhlage - Participation link

To the student advisory service

Tue 3.12.|10-11 a.m. Online: Family-friendly university - everything about studying with family responsibilities.

Cindy Lautenbach from the Family Office will inform you about support services at ASH Berlin and answer your questions. Participation link

To the family office

Tue 3.12.|11-11:30 a.m. Online: Career counseling - opportunities and perspectives in the SAGE area (incl. promotion)

The Career Service supports and accompanies students and graduates of ASH Berlin in all questions concerning career orientation and career entry with advice, coaching and workshops.

Participation link

To the Career Service

Video tour of ASH Berlin.
ASH Berlin – Wir warten auf euch!
Privacy note: Link opens on external platform youtube
Wed 4.12.| 16-17: Not yet ready for studying in German? Check out our ASH Pre-Study Program!

Advice for prospective international students (including refugees)
The ASH Pre-Study Programme prepares prospective students for regular studies in the fields of Social Work, Early Childhood Education, Healthcare and Nursing Management as well as Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. The ASH Pre-Study Programme also enables refugees to gain all the necessary prerequisites to apply for study programs at ASH Berlin or other German universities.

Participation link
Presentation German, English, Arabic, Kurdish, Turkish, Farsi

Wed 4.12.|19:30-20:30 Online parents' evening of the student advisory service

Our Student Advisory Service answers all parents' questions about studying and applying to ASH Berlin and provides information about our study programs. Speaker: Anna Kuhlage - Participation link

Thu 5.12.|11:00-12:00 Online: Barrier-free studying at ASH Berlin

Online counseling for prospective students with invisible and visible chronic illnesses and disabilities. Speaker: Cindy Lautenbach. Participation link

To "alice barrier-free"

Lifelong learning - continuing education programs at ASH Berlin

The Center for Continuing Education offers professional training for practitioners in the fields of health, education and social work.

To the continuing education program

Sustainability at ASH Berlin

Is sustainability important to you? The student initiative TrASHform and Yannik Liedholz from the Sustainability Office are committed to ensuring that sustainability is not just a side issue at ASH Berlin. Goal by 2035: climate-neutral university.

Take a look at our videos:
Who are we?
Why sustainability in the social sector?
What do we do?

to TrASHform

Feminist for 130 years?

Insights into the life of our namesake Alice Salomon, one of the most important social reformers of the 20th century

To the commemorative publication on the occasion of Alice Salomon's 150th birthday

To the Alice Salomon Archive

What do we stand for? The mission statement of ASH Berlin

Bachelor programs

The university offers seven undergraduate Bachelor's degree programs (without tuition fees). Many of them can also be studied part-time. There are also various study options for those interested or with professional experience who do not have an Abitur.

Video: 7 good reasons to study BASA online

Mon 2.12.|10:00-11:00 a.m. Online advice from the General Student Advisory Service. Do you have general questions about choosing a degree program, applying, financing your studies or changing your study place? You can ask your questions here. Speaker: Anna Kuhlage - Participation link

Tue 3.12.|11:00-11:30 a.m. Online: Career advice - opportunities and prospects in the SAGE area (incl. doctorate) Speaker: Elisabeth Hanske from the Career Service - Participation link

Thu 5.12.|17:00-18:00 Online info event for experienced professionals: "Theoretically I can do practically anything - BASA-online introduces itself " Speakers: Dorothea Warnow, Bastian Vogel - Participation link

More information about the program can be found here...

With BASA-online, eight state universities offer a part-time Bachelor's degree course in Social Work that can be studied mainly online. ASH Berlin is a member of the university network.

To the BASA-online university network

Online study choice assistant with concrete insights into the part-time online degree program in Social Work

Video: Interview with graduates of BASA-online

The podcast "In crisis mode"provides many interesting insights into the practice of social work in 21 episodes.

Please note: The physiotherapy/occupational therapy degree course is currently only offered to state-recognized therapists. For prospective students without professional experience, we are working on a new study program (due to legal changes).

Mon 2.12.|10:00-11:00 a.m. Online advice from the General Student Advisory Service. Do you have general questions about choosing a degree program, applying, financing your studies or changing your study place? You can ask your questions here. Speaker: Anna Kuhlage - Participation link

Mon 2.12.|18:00-19:00 Online information event on AddIS - Studying physiotherapy/ergotherapy part-time (additive, interdisciplinary degree program for experienced professionals). Lecture with open question and answer session. Speakers: Study program coordinators Caroline Hahn and Sylvia Marhauer- Orlowski - Participation link

Tue 3.12.|11:00-11:30 a.m. Online: Career advice - opportunities and prospects in the SAGE field (incl. doctorate) Speaker: Elisabeth Hanske from the Career Service - Participation link

Wed 4.12.|19:30-20:30 Online parents' evening of the Student Advisory Service: Our Student Advisory Service answers all parents' questions about studying and applying for their children at ASH Berlin and provides information about our study programs. Pupils are also welcome.
Speaker: Anna Kuhlage - Participation link


For experienced professionals:
More information about the degree program (Addis) can be found here...

"Self-responsible, responsible therapists" - Clara Muriel Strempler in an interview about her experiences on the part-time physiotherapy course (AddIS).

Mon 2.12.|10:00-11:00 a.m. Online advice from the General Student Advisory Service. Do you have general questions about choosing a degree program, applying, financing your studies or changing university? You can ask your questions here. Speaker: Anna Kuhlage - Participation link

Mon 2.12.|17:00-18:00 Online info event: Dual study nursing. Lecture with open Q&A session. Speaker: Mirja Heidebring - Participation link

Tue 3.12.|11:00-11:30 a.m. Online: Career advice - opportunities and prospects in the SAGE area (incl. doctorate) Speaker: Elisabeth Hanske from the Career Service - Participation link

Wed 4.12.|19:30-20:30 Online parents' evening of the Student Advisory Service: Our Student Advisory Service answers all parents' questions about studying and applying for their children at ASH Berlin and provides information about our study programs. Pupils are also welcome.
Speaker: Anna Kuhlage - Participation link

More information about the study program can be found here...

Pflege studieren an der Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin
Privacy note: Link opens on external platform youtube

Video: Studying nursing at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin

Student podcast Podcast "Studying Health". In episode 4, student Julia Huber talks to course director Prof. Johannes Gräske about studying nursing at ASH Berlin.

Student podcast Podcast "Studying Health". In episode 3, experienced students Julia and Elsa discuss the opportunities of academizing nursing and why you should study nursing at all.

Mon 2.12.|10:00-11:00 a.m. Online advice from the General Student Advisory Service. Do you have general questions about choosing a degree course, applying, financing your studies or changing university? You can ask your questions here. Speaker: Anna Kuhlage - Participation link

Tue 3.12.|11:00-11:30 a.m. Online: Career advice - opportunities and prospects in the SAGE area (incl. doctorate) Speaker: Elisabeth Hanske from the Career Service - Participation link

Tue 3.12.|17:00-18:00 Online info event: Studies for experienced professionals - the Bachelor's degree course in Management and Care in Healthcare. Speaker: Stefan Blum - Participation link


StudentPodcast:"Studying health" Episode 2. Student Julia Huber in conversation with course director Prof. Dr. Lutz Schumacher about studying during the Corona period and the new course content of the Bachelor's degree course in Management and Care in Healthcare

Student podcast Podcast "Studying health" Episode 3. Here, experienced students Julia and Elsa discuss the opportunities of academizing nursing and why you should study nursing at all.


More information about the degree program can be found here...

You can only apply for this degree course again from June 1 for the winter semester 2025.

Individual advice on the degree course
We would be happy to advise you in a personal meeting. Please write to us at:

Tue 3.12.|11:00-11:30 a.m. Online: Career advice - opportunities and prospects in the SAGE field (incl. doctorate) Speaker: Elisabeth Hanske from the Career Service - Participation link


More information about the study program can be found here...

Bachelor Interprofessionelle Gesundheitsversorgung Online
Privacy note: Link opens on external platform youtube

Video: Studying interprofessional healthcare online at ASH Berlin

Podcast "Gesundheit.Macht.Politik": Professor Heidi Höppner in an interview about interprofessionalism in healthcare (from 16. min)

Podcast by students: "Academizing healthcare professions - why actually?"


Presentations by IGo students on the topic: "Academizing healthcare professions - why actually?"
Field report of a student, 7th semester on-campus studies

Mon 2.12.|10:00-11:00 a.m. Online advice from the General Student Advisory Service. Do you have general questions about choosing a degree program, applying, financing your studies or changing university? You can ask your questions here. Speaker: Anna Kuhlage - Participation link

Mon 2.12.|17:00-19:00 Online: Insights into the Bachelor's degree program "Education in Childhood". Speaker: Julia Manuel (student assistant) - Participation link

Wed 4.12.|16:00-18:00 Online: Insights into the Bachelor's degree program "Childhood Education". Speaker: Karlotta Otten (student assistant) - Participation link

Wed 4.12.|19:30-20:30 Online parents' evening of the student advisory service: Our student advisory service answers all parents' questions about studying and applying for their children at ASH Berlin and provides information about our study programs. Pupils are also welcome.
Speaker: Anna Kuhlage - Participation link

Individual advice on the degree program?
We are also happy to advise you in a personal meeting. Please write to


You can find more information about the course here...

Student podcast Podcast: "Autism Spectrum Disorder"- as part of the module Developmental Psychology and Neurobiology, created by students of the Bachelor's degree program Education and Training in Childhood - integrated form of study

Student project: "Development of a sketch for an app for holistic family health" as part of the "Healthy Family" research seminar

In this interview, alumna Elena-Theresa Arndt explains how her degree in "Childhood Education" has shaped her attitude and why she works in the countryside.

Mon 2.12.|10:00-11:00 a.m. Online advice from the General Student Advisory Service. Do you have general questions about choosing a degree program, applying, financing your studies or changing university? You can ask your questions here. Speaker: Anna Kuhlage - Participation link

Mon 2.12.|17:00-19:00 Online: Insights into the Bachelor's degree program "Childhood Education" for experienced professionals. Speaker: Julia Manuel (student assistant) - Participation link

Tue 3.12.|11:00-11:30 a.m. Online: Career advice - opportunities and prospects in the SAGE field (incl. doctorate) Speaker: Elisabeth Hanske from the Career Service - Participation link

Wed 4.12.|16:00-18:00 Online: Insights into the Bachelor's degree program "Childhood Education" for experienced professionals. Speaker: Karlotta Otten (student assistant) - Participation link

Thu 5.12.|13:30-14:15 Online info event for experienced professionals: Studying Childhood Education part-time? Q&A session with course director Prof. Dr. Michael Brodowski and experience report by alumna Arife Arslan ( Managing Director of Jurella gGmbH ) about her time after graduation.- Participation link


Individual advice on the degree program?
We would also be happy to advise you in a personal meeting. Please write to


You can find more information about the course here...

Presentation on childhood education for experienced professionals

Student podcast Podcast: "Autism Spectrum Disorder"- as part of the module Developmental Psychology and Neurobiology, created by students of the Bachelor's degree program Education and Training in Childhood - integrated form of study

Student project: "Development of a sketch for an app for holistic family health" as part of the "Healthy Family" research seminar



Master programs

The university's four consecutive Master's degree courses build on the Bachelor's degree courses offered and deepen the knowledge acquired (without tuition fees).

Tue 3.12.|11:00-11:30 a.m. Online: Career counseling - opportunities and perspectives in the SAGE area (incl. doctorate) Speaker: Elisabeth Hanske from the Career Service - Participation link

Tue 3.12.|18:00-19:00 Online info event on the Master's degree program Management and Quality Development in Healthcare. Speaker: Stefan Blum - Participation link


More information about the program can be found here...

Mon 2.12.|18:00-19:30 Online study info evening on the Master's degree program Practice Research in Social Work and Education with an open question and answer session and field report by our alumna Dr. phil. Frauke Gerstenberg (research assistant (postdoc) at the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer). Speaker: Mario Feist - Participation link

Tue 3.12.|11:00-11:30 a.m. Online: Career advice - opportunities and prospects in the SAGE field (incl. doctorate) Speaker: Elisabeth Hanske from the Career Service - Participation link Participation link


More information about the study program can be found here...

Wed 27.11.|17:00-19:00Online info event followed by a Q&A session on the Master's in Social Work - KriDiCo / Study & Content, Application Procedure.
Speakers: Professor from the teaching team, Jana Jelitzki and student assistant - Participation link

Thu 5.12.|17:00-19:00 Online information event followed by a Q&A session on the Master's in Social Work - KriDiCo / Study&Content, application procedure.
Speakers: Professor from the teaching team, Jana Jelitzki and student assistant - Participation link

Individual advice on the degree course
We would be happy to advise you in a personal meeting. Please send us an e-mail.


You can find more information about the degree program here...

Master's degree programs

With these Master's degree courses, you can gain further qualifications independently of previous Diploma or Bachelor's degree courses (with tuition fees):

Mon 2.12.|17:00-18:00 Online: The Master "Biographical and Creative Writing" introduces itself. Speakers: Guido Rademacher and BKS team -Participation link


More information about the program can be found here...

Mon 2.12.|15-16 p.m. Online-Talk and Tips: Study "Intercultural Conflict Management" (in English), Speaker: Martin Vollenbroeck - Participation Link

More information can be found here ...

Tue 3.12.|17-18:30 Online info event on the Master's in Child Protection with Q&A session. Speakers: Prof. Dr. Tim Wersig and Lilly Looks. Participation link follows

More information about the program can be found here...

Masterstudiengang Klinische Sozialarbeit: Studierende berichten von ihren Erfahrungen
Privacy note: Link opens on external platform youtube

Individual advice on the degree course
We would be happy to advise you in a personal meeting. Please contact us by e-mail or call us on +49 (0)30 992 45 318 (Mon & Fri 08:00 - 15:00 and by appointment).

You can find more information about the course here...

Mon 2.12. |14-15 p.m. Online-Talk and Tips: Study "Social Work as a Human Rights Profession" (in English), Speaker: Johanna Isensee. Participation Link

Individual advice on the degree program?
We will be happy to advise you in a personal consultation. Please write to

More information can be found here...

Individual advice on the degree program
We would be happy to advise you in a personal meeting. Please write to


You can find more information about the degree program here...

Prof. Dr. Nivedita Prasad DGSA Jahrestagung 2017
Privacy note: Link opens on external platform youtube

Individual advice on the degree course
We would be happy to advise you in a personal meeting. Please send us an e-mail.


You can find more information about the program here...

Paritätische Akademie Berlin

Any questions? Our student advisory service or the contact persons for the study programs will be happy to help. If you have any questions about the study information day, please contact Britta Machoy:

More for your eyes and ears? Then visit us here:
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