Bringing Together Research and Practice
IFAF Berlin supports, promotes and funds applied research relating to all types of current challenges in our lives today. By making the knowledge and expertise of universities of applied sciences publicly accessible, this enables it to be incorporated into a collaborative quest to find social, technological and economical solutions which can help to shape the future of our society.
IFAF Berlin (Institut für angewandte Forschung Berlin, Berlin Institute for Applied Research Berlin) was founded in 2009 by the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Beuth University of Applied Sciences, HTW Berlin University of Applied Sciences and the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin)with the support from the federal state of Berlin.
Since then, we have been promoting knowledge and technology transfer at the highest level through interdisciplinary cooperation between these universities of applied sciences.
As an association of four public universities of applied sciences, our institute is one of its kind and unique in all of Germany. Researchers engage with partners from non-profit organisations and small and medium-sized enterprises in interdisciplinary projects. By pooling our resources and knowledge, we search for answers to future challenges in fields such as sustainable corporate leadership, energy and natural resources, digitalization and health.
IFAF Berlin makes applied research become visible and accessible far beyond the universities involved. Our entire environment profits from our collaborative projects between science, business and society. Together, we make a vital contribution to the innovativeness and sustainability of the region of Berlin-Brandenburg during times of accelerated social change.
"Bringing Research and Practice Together", Brochure in English (pdf)
Competence Centres
In order to strengthen interdisciplinary cooperation among the universities and promote cooperation with companies and non-profit organizations in the capital region, competence centres were established at each of the four universities involved in IFAF Berlin. Each competence centre is based on the respective university´s research focus.
The competence centres coordinate and support profile-oriented cooperation between the universities and their research partners at all stages of the funding process. They provide assistance with applying for and initiating projects as well as with implementing approved projects.
IFAF Berlin has four competence centres:
- Applied Computing at HTW Berlin
- Engineering at Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin
- Integration and Health at ASH Berlin
- Business and Management at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin)
The Competence Centre for Integration and Health at ASH Berlin coordinates and supports collaborative projects focussing on transcultural and migration research, health care research and natural science learning and education.
Prof. Dr. Gesine Bär
Vizepräsidentin für Forschung, Kooperation und Weiterbildung
Leitung Kompetenzzentrum Integration und Gesundheit, Professorin für partizipative Ansätze in den Sozial- und Gesundheitswissenschaften
Room No. 302
Sprechstundentermine: nach Vereinbarung

Monique Siebrandt
Kompetenzzentrum Integration und Gesundheit (IFAF Berlin)
Room No. 350A
Sprechstundentermine: nach Vereinbarung