RiGeV Racism in Health Care - joint project

Reconstructive Qualitative Analysis of Racisms from the Perspective of Professional Caregivers in Hospitals and Rehabilitation Clinics (ASH sub-projekt)

Project duration: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025

Principal investigators: Prof. Dr. Regina Brunnett (Lead, Hochschule Fulda); Prof. Dr. Dr. Hürrem Tezcan-Güntekin (ASH Berlin); Prof. Dr. Patrick Brzoska (Universität Witten/Herdecke)

Project staff: Dr. Sibille Merz, Ariam Hibtay, Hilal Yücesoy

The project focuses on racisms in health care using acute inpatient care and rehabilitation as an example. It examines racism from the perspective of those affected as well as from the perspective of facilities. In doing so, attributions of health care personnel as well as conditions and ways of dealing with racism-related discrimination in the facilities will be examined. The aim is to initiate organizational changes based on these findings. In Germany, only few empirically based findings on racism in health care are available. There are indications of the presence of everyday racisms in isolated qualitative studies as well as in studies from health services research that reveal barriers in the health care of migrants.

The present study contributes to closing existing research gaps. It employs a mixed-methods approach: In addition to a literature review, the experiences of patients are investigated by means of qualitative interviews, the evaluation of review and social media sites as well as a quantitative survey. Health care personnel is studied by means of qualitative interviews on professional actions with racialized patients; the handling of complaints in facilities is examined by means of a quantitative survey .

The results will be triangulated and used for reflective interviews with managers, in which starting points for organizational learning processes will be explored. Recommendations for action will be formulated in cooperation with the managers and a project advisory board.

By means of the project, empirically based insights into racism in health care will be gained and recommendations for reducing racism will be developed. Recommendations will be linked to a concept of reflexive professionalization. Results of the project will be communicated to the public, health care networks and the scientific community.

Funding: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

Keywords: racism, health care, inpatient care, rehabilitation


Prof. Dr. Dr. Hürrem Tezcan-Güntekin Prof. Dr. Dr.

Professorin für "Interprofessionelle Handlungsansätze mit Schwerpunkt auf qualitativen Forschungsmethoden in Public Health"

Room No. 512

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huerrem.tezcan-guentekin@ avoid-unrequested-mailscharite.de