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Integrated Quality and Personnel Management in Care Providers - Demographically Sensitive, Workable and Sustainable

Project duration: 01/10/2012 - 31/12/2014

Principal investigators: Prof. Dr. Uwe Bettig (ASH Berlin),  Prof. Dr. Sabine Nitsche (HTW Berlin)

Project staff: Veit Hannemann, Rüdiger Hoßfeld


Objectives: The aim of the “QPM-Pflege” project is to identify successes and risk factors for preventive quality and human resource management. A further aim of the project is to test how statutory quality criteria can be extended company-specifically to have a lasting effect on management control of nursing and care providers. Factors such as the employees’ capacity to work will be particularly scrutinised in this research project.

Research activities:

1.      Online survey including all nursing and care providers in Berlin to identify factors of success and risk factors for preventive QM/HRM

2.      Analysis of the current situation in the partner providers

3.      Creation of assessment criteria und standards

4.      Provision of a standardised benchmarking process

5.      Implementation of new control systems in partner providers

6.      Evaluation

7.      Development of a benchmark checklist and recommended action plan in nursing and care providers

(Expected) Results: Together with the KTQ GmbH a benchmark checklist will be created, and concrete recommendations for actions towards an integrated quality and human resource management system will be given.

Funding: Berlin Institute for Applied Research - Institut für angewandte Forschung Berlin (IFAF Berlin)

Conferences: 18. Congress Poverty and Health, 06./07. March 2013


Key words: Nursing Care, Quality Management, Human Resource Management, Benchmark, Capacity to Work


Prof. Dr. Uwe Bettig

Management und Betriebswirtschaft


Room No. H204

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Uwe Bettig

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