Process of Communication about Quality Standards Prevention in Children – a Survey of Experts
Project duration: 15/06/2016 - 14/11/2016
Principal investigators: Prof. Dr. Gesine Bär, Prof. Dr. Anja Voss
Project staff: Dr. Michael Noweski, Maria Ihm (M.A.), Laura Fricke
A process of standardisation by setting new quality standards within the arena of health prevention is currently taking place in Germany. The aim of the project is to analyse the requirements for a process of communication about common standards concerning the prevention of obesity in children.
The proposal is based on the project QuAK (01/06/2015 - 31/01/2016) which compiled a review of pre-existing standards. On the one hand, the QuAK project was able to identify a fundamental consensus between academic publications and practice-oriented stakeholders regarding securing quality in the above-mentioned field of research. On the other hand, however, it identified needs relating to further development of the existing lists of criteria and a lack of pronounced reception of them.
The follow-up project PräKiT is established on these results. The aim is to determine the necessary requirements for the development of quality standards. Hence, it is critical to gain a profound knowledge of the stakeholders and their critical situations, attitudes, requirements and their means to act, because the field of action is determined by their perspectives. As part of the project the team is interviewing relevant experts from funding agencies and other involved institutions. Based on these interviews, the PräKiT project aims to analyse the attitudes and scope of action of these organisations and translate these into recommendations which will shape the communication process. The focus is on the conditions under which the consolidation of quality standards is supported from the perspective of the stakeholders, and how the process of communication could be organised into more concrete terms.
Funding: Federal Ministry of Health
Key words: Primary Prevention, Obesity, Children, Quality, Standardisation
Prof. Dr. Gesine Bär
Vizepräsidentin für Forschung, Kooperation und Weiterbildung
Leitung Kompetenzzentrum Integration und Gesundheit, Professorin für partizipative Ansätze in den Sozial- und Gesundheitswissenschaften
Room No. 302
Sprechstundentermine: nach Vereinbarung

Prof. Dr. paed. Anja Voss
Vice President for Studies, Teaching and Digitalization
Professor of Movement Pedagogy & Therapy and Health Promotion
Room No. 313
Online consultation: by appointment