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Sites of Memory

Lost and Entangled Narratives

Project duration: 01/10/2014 - 30/09/2016

Principal investigators: Prof. Dr. Iman Attia,  Prof. Thomas Bremer (HTW Berlin)

Project staff: Olga Gerstenberger (Coordination), Ozan Keskinkılıç, Diane Izabiliza (ASH Berlin), Oliver Langkowski  (HTW Berlin)


“Sites of Memory. Lost and Entangled Narratives“ is a practice/research project which brings alive historical-political education and global learning in specific locations in Berlin. The research is based on sites that were important for the control and regulation of migration and where disputes over rights took place. The focus is on marginalised stories of communities such as Africans and Black Germans, Romani People, Palestinians, Russian-speaking Jews, Armenians and Kurds. Their stories will be analysed with reference to characteristics, similarities and points of intersection between the communities as well as German and global history. The results will be prepared for media education (e.g. street map, tablet-based walking tours, geocaching, website, apps) and made available to organisations involved in educational activities and the general public. The aim of the project is to contribute towards making forgotten and entangled stories part of the collective memory of Berlin, and to offer a point of reference for global learning. 

Funding: Berlin Institute for Applied Research - Institut für angewandte Forschung Berlin (IFAF Berlin)


  • Attia, Iman; Gerstenberger, Olga; Keskinkılıç, Ozan; Marzinka, Birgit & Taş, Savaş (2015): Teil des kollektiven Berliner Gedächtnisses. In: alice - Magazin der Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin. Ausgabe 30/2015, S. 51.
  • Attia, Iman; Gerstenberger, Olga (2015): Das Praxisforschungsprojekt "Erinnerungsorte. Vergessene und verwobene Geschichten", in: LaG - Magazin "Erinnerungsorte in Berlin zu vergessenen Geschichten", edition 03/2015, S. 5-11 (last recall on 25/03/2015).
  • Keskinkılıç, Ozan (2015): „Erinnern ist Empowerment“, in: antifra* - Debatte, Bildung, Vernetzung zu Migration und gegen Rassismus und Neonazismus (last recall on 19/01/2015).


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