
Nursing-Practice-Center of Elderly Digital Assistance

Project duration: 01/03/2018 - 31/03/2024

Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Uwe Bettig

Project staff: Kathrin Knuth


PPZ Berlin has the aim of integrating digital assistance systems into everyday healthcare. ASH Berlin has the task of evaluating the tested digital solutions with regard to long-term financial viability in hospitals, long-term care and outpatient care. The integration of technical applications into existing nursing processes and the active involvement of nurses ensure that technology supports nursing instead of dominating it. Through a process analysis before and after the implementation of digital solutions, changes will be recorded and analysed. The first stage considers important nursing phenomena such as dementia, falls, diabetes, bedsores and vital signs. In further stages, additional requirements and solutions can be incorporated and digital networking between nursing and care settings can be established.

Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Keywords: Technical Assistance Systems, Process Analysis, Economic Evaluation

Prof. Dr. Uwe Bettig

Management und Betriebswirtschaft


Room No. H204

Sprechstunde im Sommersemester 2025:

persönlich oder per zoom nach vorheriger Anmeldung.

T +49 30 99245-400

Uwe Bettig