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PartNet Learning Videos | Pilot Study

Pilot Study on the Conception, Production and Evaluation of German-Language Videos on Participatory Methods of Social Science and Health Research

Project duration: 15/03/2017 - 31/08/2018

Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Gesine Bär

Project staff: Silke Geers, Dr. Christine Clar


Documents/ Downloads:

Video: "Using focus groups in participatory research - A How to video"


Handout: Focus Groups in Participatory Research


Video: "SIM focus groups: structured interview matrix (draft)"


The aim of our pilot study is to develop a scientifically sound concept for a series of how-to videos. In this study we intend to produce two videos in German featuring participatory focus groups. We also plan to add German subtitling to an outstanding Canadian video. Finally, the project is to be evaluated together with users of the videos.

1. Development of scientifically-based didactic and content-related concepts
2. Validation of the concepts with experts
3. Conception of films in cooperation with experts from participative research, media production and didactics
4. Film production and subtitling of an anglophone video
5. Publication, presentation and advertising
6. Evaluation with target group representatives and other experts as well as a final report with recommendations for prospective films on participatory methods of social science and health research.

The expected benefit is the public availability of three specific tools providing a qualification (videos) for participative research. Actors who wish to implement a local partner process in health promotion settings will particularly profit from this. In addition, the use of the method with community members tested together in communal settings. In this way, the films are intended to serve as instruments for the promotion of health equity.

Funding: Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)

Keywords: participatory research, focus group, learning videos, how-to videos

Contact: Silke Geers, silke.geers@ avoid-unrequested-mailsash-berlin.eu

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