Life Situation Index II

2nd Systematic Study on the Living Conditions of Homeless People

Project duration: 01/08/2019 - 31/03/2022

Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Susanne Gerull

Evangelischer Bundesfachverband Existenzsicherung und Teilhabe (EBET) e. V.

The second survey of the Life Situation Index was planned for 2020. However, it had to be postponed twice due to the COVID-19 pandemic and eventually took place in September 2021. According to the results of the follow-up study, the pandemic had evidently exacerbated the already precarious living conditions of homeless people. Unlike the first study on living conditions, the self-assessed health status played a significant role in the follow-up study. The findings reinforced the demand made in 2018 that, in addition to strengthened prevention efforts, the immediate placement of acutely homeless individuals into more adequate accommodations must take place. Furthermore, in the short to medium term, the human right to housing must be realized—through a tenancy-secured apartment, as promoted in the Housing First approach. The results were presented at a nationwide specialist conference in spring 2022, and the research report was published simultaneously.

Funding: Evangelischer Bundesfachverband Existenzsicherung und Teilhabe (EBET) e. V.

Keywords: Homelessness, Life Situation, Participatory Research