Jewish Students and Lecturers at the Social Women's School in Berlin and the German Academy for Social and Educational Women's Work


Project duration: 01/02/2020 - 31/12/2020

Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Sabine Toppe

Project staff: Lena Kühn, Friederike Mehl, Adriane Feustel


The focus of the project is the history of Jewish women and girls in the emergence of social work as a female profession, a so far marginalized part of the bourgeois women's movement in Germany. This includes dealing with their involvement in building up social work as well as with their suppression in the course of the Nazis' seizure of power. In the project, personal and other files on Jewish pupils and lecturers at the Alice Salomon Social Women's School in Berlin-Schöneberg (founded in 1908) will be digitized in the Alice Salomon Archive. In combination with the already digitized files of the German Academy for Social and Educational Women's Work (1925-1933) with a focus on Jewish members of the Social Women's School or the German Academy for Social and Educational Women's Work for the Digital German Women's Archive (DDF), these files will be worked on in the form of biographies and as a network analysis.

Funding: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ)

Keywords: Bourgeois Women's Movement, Jewish Girls and Women History, History of Social Work, Escape and Exile under National Socialism, History of ASH Berlin

Prof. Dr. Sabine Toppe

Professorin Geschichte der Sozialen Arbeit

Room No. 523

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T +49 30 99245-517