Development of Network-Oriented Quality in Psychosocial Crisis Management within Public Administration
Project Duration: 01/10/2024 - 30/09/2027
Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Olaf Neumann
Project Staff: Laura Aßmann
- Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin (Koordination)
- Senatsverwaltung für Inneres und Sport Berlin (Verbundpartner)
- Gesundheitsamt Frankfurt am Main (Verbundpartner)
Associated Partners:
- Notfallseelsorge/Krisenintervention Berlin
- Notfallseelsorge Frankfurt, Diakonisches Werk
- Kriseninterventionsteam ASB München
- Landeszentralstelle Psychosoziale Notfallversorgung (PSNV) Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Der Beauftragte für Polizei- und Notfallseelsorge der EKKW (angefragt)
- Landesfeuerwehrschule Schleswig-Holstein, Landeszentralstelle PSNV
- Erzbischöfliches Ordinariat München, Notfallseelsorge
- Berliner Feuerwehr- und Rettungsdienst-Akademie
- Feuerwehrseelsorge Hamburg / Leitung Notfallseelsorge
- Medical School Hamburg GmbH
- Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK)
Crises such as natural disasters, terrorist attacks, or pandemics pose significant challenges to both the state and society. In recent years, these crisis situations have increasingly overlapped and grown in complexity. Such events often result in considerable psychosocial strain for individuals and society at large, which frequently persists beyond the acute phase. It has become evident that the behaviour of civil society – for instance, through protective measures or self-organisation – plays a decisive role in managing crises effectively.
The state and public administration face the challenge of giving greater consideration to psychosocial factors in crisis management, addressing the psychosocial needs of the population, and actively involving civil society in crisis response efforts. In this context, it becomes clear that close and coordinated collaboration between governmental and civil society actors, particularly in the realm of psychosocial crisis management, is of paramount importance.
Against this backdrop, the EQuiP research project analyses the operational logics and forms of cooperation between state and civil society actors in addressing various crisis situations. A particular emphasis is placed on the concept of community resilience – the ability of societies not only to endure crises but to emerge stronger from them. The project aims to develop a practical framework that enhances collaboration and networking between governmental and civil society actors in psychosocial crisis management, offering sustainable solutions that extend beyond immediate emergency relief.
A central component of the project is the development of a blended learning training programme under the leadership of Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin. This training is designed to prepare public administration staff, crisis management teams, and civil society actors for complex crisis situations and to establish new, long-term approaches to enhancing psychosocial health and community resilience.
Through ongoing interdisciplinary exchange between research and practice, the project seeks to create sustainable solutions for psychosocial crisis management. The findings will be disseminated both through scientific publications and practice-oriented formats, ensuring a comprehensive impact on public awareness and professional application.
Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the framework of the funding program "Research for Civil Security 2018–2023: Ensuring and Improving the Operational Capability of State and Administration in Crisis Events"
Keywords: Psychosocial Support and Emergency Care, Psychosocial Crisis Management, Community Resilience, Collaboration between Civil Society and the State, Training Concept
Prof. Dr. Olaf Neumann
Professor für methodisches Handeln in der Sozialen Arbeit
Sprechzeiten: Auf Anfrage.