Parents Asking Parents²: From Model Project to the Field
Project duration: 01/02/2018 - 31/12/2022
Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Gesine Bär
Project staff:
- Ina Schaefer
- Azize Kasberg (unti 30/10/18)
- Anna Wahl (01/10/2020 until 31/03/2021)
- Katharina Katsch (01/11/2018 until 31/05/2021)
- Daphne Junski (01/07/2021 until 31/01/2022)
- Zoé Speltz (01/11/2021 until 30/04/2022)
- Anna Blankenburg (since 15/03/2022)
- Bezirk Marzahn-Hellersdorf von Berlin
- Jugendwerk Aufbau Ost JAO gGmbH
“Parents Asking Parents²: From Model Project to the Field” is a subproject of the Research Consortium PartKommPlus - Healthy Communities Through Integrated, Participatory Health Promotion Germany. PartKommPlus is a project of the German Network for Participatory Health Research (PartNet).
Documents/ Downloads:
- ElfE Poster
- Dialogue card
- Poster "The workshop process on participatory work"
- Poster "Participatory research - publications and project conclusions from ASH Berlin"
The second funding period was held under the title “Parents Asking Parents²: From Model Project to the Field” [abbreviation in German ElfE²) which was a continuation of the first funding period “ElfE: Parents Asking Parents”. Elfe² was initiated by the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences which cooperated with the two partners: local municipality Marzahn-Hellersdorf (Berlin) and Jugendwerk Aufbau Ost JAO gGmbH. Analogous to the first funding period a community advisory board was set.
Embedded in the overall aim of the research project to support health equity with parents with pre-school children living in the district Marzahn-Hellersdorf (Berlin) as peer-researcher, the focus of the second funding period was on the further development and dissemination of products and instruments derived from results and experiences of the research process of the first funding period.
As a main project component/target, strategies for the structural anchoring of the participation of parents in local planning and decision-making processes were developed based on a peer-research process. Therefore, a compact workshop format was developed and tested to facilitate parents and professionals. According to the peer-research-approach, parents from the first funding parents were trained to conduct the workshops with newly recruited parents and professionals, supported by the project cooperation-partners. Key themes of the research workshops were “relationships at eye level”, “information and transparency” and “participation and parents councils”.
Another key component of ElfE² was the composition of a handbook that consists of a step by step instruction on how to facilitate and implement parents’ participation in planning and development processes at a municipal level. The foundation of the handbook was formed by the developed and tested workshop format as an organisational model for enabling parents’ participation.
Furthermore, as a result of the workshop and a constant reflexion of experiences, dialogue formats were developed that can be used as an instrument for the promotion of relationships between parents and professionals in the childcare setting. Moreover, the dialogue formats and the handbook were rolled out to different key players at the local level and online.
A comprehensive overview of all publications and results of the first and second project funding period is accessible on the open access publication server aliceOpen of the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences.
(First and second funding period)
- Schaefer, I., Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin, Gesundheit Berlin-Brandenburg e.V., Bezirk Marzahn-Hellersdorf von Berlin; Stadt Lauchhammer, Netzwerk für gesunde Kinder in Lauchhammer & die ElfE-Mitforschenden (2018): Parents asking parents – An Inclusive Architecture for Local Research Co-operation in Germany. Poster für den Workshop an der University of Applied Sciences of Western Norway (HVL) in Bergen/Norwegen am 23.03.2018, [online] [04.10.2019].
- Schaefer, I., Bär, G. & the members of the research project ElfE (2019): The Analysis of Qualitative Data With Peer Researchers: An Example From Participatory Health Research. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, v. 20, n. 3. [03.12.2018]
- PartKommPlus – Forschungsverbund für gesunde Kommunen, Bethmann, A., Schaefer, I. & Kümpers, S. (2019): Organizing cooperation and collaboration in action research. Präsentation auf der CARN-ALARA-Konferenz in Split, Kroatien, im Oktober 2019, [online] [05.12.2019].]
- PartKommPlus – Research Consortium for Healthy Municipalities, Wright, M.T., Schaefer, I. & Kümpers, S. (2019): Participatory Health Research at the Municipal Level. Presentation of PartKommPlus and the subprojects Age4Health und ElfE at the Conference "Addressing Urban Health Disparities through PHR" at Morgan State University in Baltimore, USA, on the 22nd of June 2020, [online] [17.09.2019].
Schaefer, I., Bär, G., Blankenburg, A., Speltz, Z. (2022): Fostering critical reflection in childcare settings - a follow up on output, outcome, impact following a participatory research project. Präsentation at the European Public Health Conference in Berlin, Germany, 9. November 2022, [07.12.2022].
- PartKommPlus – Forschungsverbund für gesunde Kommunen, Michael T. Wright, Ina Schaefer und Susanne Kümpers (2019): Participatory Health Research at the Municipal Level. Präsentation von PartKommPlus und der Teilprojekte Age4Health und ElfE auf der Konferenz "Addressing Urban Health Disparities through PHR" an der Morgan State University in Baltimore, USA, am 22. Juni 2019, [online] [17.09.2019].
- PartKommPlus – Forschungsverbund für gesunde Kommunen, Bethmann, A., Schaefer, I. & Kümpers, S. (2019): Organizing cooperation and collaboration in action research. Präsentation auf der CARN-ALARA-Konferenz in Split, Kroatien, im Oktober 2019, [online][05.12.2019].
Funding: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Key words: Participatory Research, Peer Research, Integrated Municipal Strategy, Promoting Health Equity