Prevention and Health Promotion for Family Caregivers. Development and Evaluation of a Diversity-Sensitive Online Self-Help Offer to Strengthen Self-Management Using the Example of People with a Turkish Migration Background (Diversity-On)
Project duration: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025
Principal investigators: Prof. Dr. Dr. Hürrem Tezcan-Güntekin (ASH Berlin), Prof. Dr. Patrick Brzoska (Universität Witten/ Herdecke), Dr. Yüce Yilmaz-Aslan (Universität Witten/Herdecke), Dr. Anja Rutenkröger und Christina Kuhn (Demenz Support Stuttgart)
Project staff: Mualla Basyigit, Ela Ör, Sümeyra Öztürk (Demenz Support Stuttgart), Kübra Annac (Universität Witten/ Herdecke)
Partners: Dr. Loraine Busetto (Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg), Prof. Dr. Gesine Bär (ASH Berlin), Prof. Dr. Liane Schenk (Charité Berlin), Dr. Frank Beckmann, Güllü Kuzu, Prof. Dr. Gudrun Piechotta-Henze (ASH Berlin), Yasemin Aicher (Selbstbetroffene FTD, Demenzaktivistin, Autorin)
Caregiving relatives are a mainstay in the German healthcare system: 70 percent of those in need of care in Germany are cared for in their own home, and this proportion is even higher for people of Turkish origin. Caring for people with dementia is particularly challenging. As a result, family members who care for them often suffer from mental stress, back pain or sleep disorders themselves. However, certain population groups (e.g. people with a migration background, men, younger people) only rarely make use of classic self-help formats for caring relatives.
This is where the Diversity-On project comes in and is developing a user-oriented online tool for self-help, which takes this diversity into account and is specifically aimed at caring relatives of Turkish people with dementia. Such an online self-help offer enables networking with other people who are in similar care situations. In this way, caring relatives are shown possible ways to relieve their own situation and they can be strengthened in mastering the challenges associated with care better on their own.
For this purpose, a mixed-methods approach is being pursued as part of the project. On the one hand, a secondary data analysis with 32 qualitative interviews from three projects will be carried out, on the other hand, based on this, an online self-help offer will be developed, implemented and evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively with a participatory approach involving a relatives council. Strengthening the self-management skills should reduce stress and illnesses (both mental and physical) of caring relatives.
Funding: G-BA (Innovationsfonds)
Mualla Basyigit: basyigit@ ash-berlin.eu
Sümeyra Öztürk: s.oeztuerk@ demenz-support.de
Kübra Annac: Kuebra.Annac@ uni-wh.de
Prof. Dr. Dr. Hürrem Tezcan-Güntekin Prof. Dr. Dr.
Professorin für "Interprofessionelle Handlungsansätze mit Schwerpunkt auf qualitativen Forschungsmethoden in Public Health"
Room No. 512
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