Campus Transferale (CaT)

The sub-projects Transfer_Hub and Service Point for Participatory Research support ASH Berlin on its path to becoming a Transfer Campus.

Project Duration: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2027

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Gesine Bär

Project Staff: See the sub-projects Transfer_Hub and Service Point for Participatory Research

Partners: See the sub-projects Transfer_Hub and Service Point for Participatory Research

The CaT project aims to provide essential impetus for implementing the university's transfer strategy. In the course of ASH Berlin's current growth and organizational development process, a comprehensive transformation toward a structurally secured Transfer Campus is being advanced. The overall project is divided into the establishment of a Transfer_Hub and a Service Point for Participatory Research. Detailed descriptions of each sub-project can be found on the respective pages for Transfer_Hub and Service Point for Participatory Research.

About the two sub-projects:

Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (2nd Funding Round: Innovative University program 90%, State of Berlin, Senate Department for Science, Health, and Care 10%)


Prof. Dr. Gesine Bär

Vizepräsidentin für Forschung, Kooperation und Weiterbildung

Leitung Kompetenzzentrum Integration und Gesundheit, Professorin für partizipative Ansätze in den Sozial- und Gesundheitswissenschaften

Room No. 302

Sprechstundentermine: nach Vereinbarung

T +49 30 99 245 303

Gesine Bär