Research at ASH Berlin
Research plays a key role in the development of ASH Berlin. Application-based research is aimed at developing and academically supporting innovations in professional practice in the fields of social care and healthcare. Engaging in this type of research is also essential to ensure that teaching and further training reflect the latest developments in the various disciplines.
The research strategy of ASH Berlin encompasses six fields of action aimed at supporting and advancing research, expanding transfer and cooperation, promoting academic careers, intensifying science communication, and strengthening open research. Through targeted measures in these areas, the university seeks to further consolidate and expand its position as a research-strong institution in the SAGE field.
In an environment characterized by a continual and bi-directional flow of knowledge between the university and professional practice, the primary emphasis is on implementing new approaches, processes or solutions to problems, which are fostered through close ties between the development of professional practices and scientific analysis
ASH Berlin supports the research activities of its professors in many ways: by providing funding, promoting the acquisition of external funding and entering into both regional and international research partnerships.
This strategy has proven to be highly successful: In the past ten years, research-related third-party funding expenditures at ASH Berlin have developed enormously. The amount of third-party funding acquired for research at ASH Berlin increased from € 1,391,000 in 2010 to € 2,463,000 in 2020. This development has been fueled, among other things, by the acquisition of a number of larger projects with a corresponding volume of third-party funding, collaborations in research alliances with universities and practice partners, and the funding from the Berlin Institute for Applied Research (IFAF Berlin).
Health and Health Care Research
Research in the field of health and healthcare lays the foundation for the innovative advancement and resource-conscious organization of the healthcare system. It examines structures and everyday challenges, contributing to high-quality care and the promotion of health for the entire population.
- Diversity-On- Prevention and Health Promotion for Family Caregivers. Development and evaluation of a diversity-sensitive online self-help offer to strengthen self-management using the example of people with a Turkish migration background (Diversity-On).
- EQuiP- Development of Network-Oriented Quality in Psychosocial Crisis Management within Public Administration
- RiGeV- Racisms in healthcare sub-project
- Active Self-Help - (Inter-)Active Self-Help for Turkish Family Caregiver of People with Dementia
- ÄiM-R - Doctors in Migration. Integration into German Rehabilitation Facilities
- AOP-Treatment-Related Care Needs of Ambulatory Treated Oncology Patients in their Home Environment and its Economic Implications
- CALOHEE- Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe
- Cancer and Poverty - Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on the Care Process in Cancer Patients
- CompCare - Competence Based Human Resource Management for Coping with the Demographic Change - Implementation of Competence Management in Businesses of Geriatric Care
- DemNet-D - Evaluating Dementia Care Networks in Germany
- dig-TEMA - Full Digitization of a Motor Assessment
- EMES-BB - Economic Models for Evaluation of sample value in biobanking
- EyeTrack4all - Expansion of the User Group for Gaze-Controlled Augmentative and Alternative Communication through the Development of New Processes for Gaze Control
- FapP- Berlin Forum on Outpatient Private Nursing Services - Entrepreneurial Actors in the Health Sector between Cost-Effectiveness and Good Care
- FutureCare - Online Platform for Healthy and Qualified Home Care Services
- GLEPA - LGBTI* Aging and Care
- GLESA - Sexuality, Independence, and Old Age: Independent Living of Elderly Gays and Lesbians as a Contribution to Innovative Care of Older People?
- HCP - Health Care Professionals - Online Bachelor´s Programme for Nursing and Therapy Professions
- Hygieia - Hygienekonzept und Infektionsschutz in der Veranstaltungsbranche
- IN-EbP - Innovation Evidenzbasierte Praxis
- INDIKA - Indiciation Specific Regional Coordinated Post Acut Care of Persons with Stroke and Persons with Dementia Following Stroke in Berlin Pankow
- INSOMNIA I - Sleep Disorders and Multimorbidity in Long-Term Inpatient Care of the Elderly
- INSOMNIA II - Interrelation of Sleep Disorders and Multimorbidity: Nursing Interventions for More Autonomy
- INTER-M-E-P-P Berlin II- Interprofessional Learning and Teaching in Medicine, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Nursing
- InterTUT– Interprofessional Tutorials
- IPIKAplus - Interprofessional and Intercultural Working in Medicine, Nursing and Social Service
- KiFa - ChildandFamily (KiFa) - FamilyHealth Promotion, Especiallywith Single Parents
- KLuG - Competence Tinkering "Setting Approach and Health: Participatory Methods"
- LedeMitH - Lifeworlds of Turkish Immigrants with Dementia and their Families in Germany. A Study on Resources and Burdens
- LEFaG - LiteratureResearchandEvidence Evaluation of Approaches to Health Promotion in SociallyBurdenedFamilies
- LoKoHoPa - TheDevelopement of CooperationsbetweenTheoreticalandPracticalLearningPlacesforHigherNursingEducation
- MAAL - Development of a Part-Time, Interdisciplinary Masters Course in Ambient Assisted Living
- MADRIC - IT-Based Monitoring of Adverse Drug Reactions in Institutional Long-Term Care for People with Dementia
- manDAAD - Manual Skills: Digitized Assessment, Analysis and Documentation
- MedikaMig - Vermeidung von Polypharmazie bei chronisch Erkrankten mit Migrationshintergrund
- MPV Krebs - Medical and Nursing Care Pattern for Ambulatory Oncology Patients in the Urban-Rural Comparison (Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)
- MÜKE - Model ProjectsfortheInclusion of Families as a Target Group in ChildandAdolescentObesityPreventionMeasures - Evaluation
- NGK-Evaluation - Evaluation of the "Healthy Kids Network in Brandenburg"
- PflegeLanG - Home Care in a Long-Living Society
- PPZ-Berlin -Nursing-Practice-Center of Geriatric Digital Assistance
- PräKiT - Process of Communication about Quality Standards Prevention in Children – a Survey of Experts
- PROREF (PH-LENS sub-project) - PregnancyandObstetricCare of Refugees
- PROREF - Mental Health- Contextualand health servicefactores in pregnancyandobstetriccareforrefugees (ComplementaryProject)
- QPM-Pflege - Integrated Quality and Personnel Management in Care Providers - Demographically Sensitive, Workable and Sustainable
- QuAK - Quality Standards of Obesity Prevention in Children - An Inventory
- RoSen - Humanoid Robotics in Senior LivingFacilities
- RoSen-JunKer - Humanoid roboticswithseniors, youngpeopleandchildren
- RUSMUB - Young Russian Speaking Migrants’ Utilization Behavior in Case of Intense Use of Alcohol and/or Drugs and (potential) Hepatitis
- SeGewPa - Erstversorgung bei sexualisierter Gewalt und Paargewalt
- skill.LAB:XR - ExtendedRealityEnhancedSkillsLab
- SmartHands - Digital Medicine in VocationalEducation in the Health CareField
- STIR - Development and Evaluation of Measures of Structured Transition and Integration of Migrated Physicians in German Rehabilitation Clinics
- Study on the General Nursing Council- in the Federal State of Berlin
- Study on the General Nursing Council_Students
- Accompanying Evaluation of a Trauma Education Training at the "Tabaluga" Children and Youth Services
- Tales+Dementia+Study - Scientific Study for the Project "Once Upon a Time... Fairy Tales and Dementia"
- Tales+Study+Saxony - "Fairytales Open Doors" Accompanying Scientific Study of Fairytale Narrations in Refugee Shelters in Saxony
- TraM - Understandand Support Traumas forUnderageRefugees: Development of a Low-Threshold Screening and Support Portal as the Basis of a ComprehensivePsychosocialDiagnostic Model
- V.i.P. - Verbleib im Pflegeberuf
- WiBAG - Scientific Monitoring of the Health Action Program of theState of Berlin
Social Work Research
Social work research examines the challenges and resources of individuals, communities, and social movements. It analyzes structural frameworks, develops approaches to support people and their bio-psycho-social environments, and evaluates the effectiveness of social work practices.
A particular focus is placed on historical research, especially through the Alice Salomon Archive.
- KOL-LAB - Social Work as a Colonial Knowledge Archive? A history lab on the (post-)colonial heritage of social work as a model of historiographical teaching research
- Awakening, Breaking Off, Returning - TheWomen'sMovementandSocialWork as a Women's Profession 1890 – 1955
- Berlin-Haifa - Growing Up with German and Israeli Parents who Lived through the Disasters of the National Socialism – Explorations of Identity Issues
- Bühne frei - Bühne frei für gutes Älterwerden in Stadt und Land
- DAPHNE III - A Comparative Study of Community Focused Initiatives Aimed at Supporting Women, Children and Young People who Have Been the Victims of Violence, Exploitation or Trafficking in Three Regions of the UK, Germany and Romania
- DEFA - Antidemocratic Attitudes in a District. The Example of Marzahn-Hellersdorf
- DEMOCRACY - Democratically Distant Attitudes in a Local Community as a Challenge for Socio-Spatial Democracy Development
- Development of Suspensionof the Remaining Sentence in the Penal System
- „Success“ in Helping People with Special Social Difficulties
- ElfE - Parents Asking Parents: The Way to Day Care
- ElfE² - ParentsAskingParents²: Fromthe Model Project to Transfer
- Further Education Program: Professional Victim Support- Design, Model-Testing and Evaluation of Nationwide Training Opportunities for People who Work Professionally with Victims of Violence - a Research Project to Improve Practice
- House Calls in Social Work
- Housing First - Three-Year Evaluation of Two Pilot Projects "Housing First" in Berlin
- Housing First II- Evaluation of theHousing First Hannover Model Project
- Jewish Students and Lecturers at the Social Women's School in Berlin and the German Academy for Social and Educational Women's Work
- JUPORE - YouthWork, Police andRight-WingYouth in the 1990s
- KATA-TWG - Catamnesis Study on Therapeutical Resident Groups in Berlin
- Living Situation Index- 1st SystematicExamination of theLife Situation of HomelessPersons
- Mentoring - Universities Form Potentials: Analysis and Evaluation of the Education Mentoring
- MigrV - Analysis of Information Deficits and Gaps in Consumer Protection for Migrants and Refugees
- PSNV-NET Plus - Machbarkeit der Handlungsempfehlungen zur PSNV in GSL
- Racism Experiences of Romani and Sinti People - Experiences of Racism among Roma and Sinti People
- Socio-Spatial Development of Democracy in Marzahn-Hellersdorf - Strengthening of Civil Society Resources in Marzahn-Hellersdorf as a Contribution to Socio-Spatial Development of Democracy
- Testimony- Sexual ViolenceandTraumaticExperiences in GDRChildren'sHomesfromthePoint of View of thoseAffectedandtheMedical Players
- WIT - White Task Force on the Development of Skills of the Social Welfare Professionals Working with Vulnerable Groups
- WmI - Evaluation of the Relocation of People with Disabilities from Stationary Permanent Residence into Intensive Care Living
Education Research
Educational research focuses on educational processes across different stages of life and social contexts, as well as on quality development in educational institutions.
- Game-SI - Gamified Methods and Competence Development for Application-Oriented Social Innovations
- Gender 3.0 at school - Challenges and Requirements in Teacher Education to Include Gender Diversity, with Special Consideration of the 3rd Civil Status 'Divers'
- HyFlex- HyFlex Meets Best Practice: Making BASA Online Modules More Flexible through Hybrid Teaching-Learning Settings
- PaFoKi - Ethics in Participatory Research with Children
- Aesth Paideia
- AnKom- Recognition of Professional Competences of Teachers in Higher Education
- ARTPAED - Joint Research Project: Design and Evaluation of an Educational Science-Based and Practice-Oriented Interdisciplinary Training for Artists and Cultural Workers
- EUROMED - Comparative Ethnography of Identity Construction and Social Participation of Young People
- Evaluation Language Promotion - Evaluation of the Fairy-Tale-Land Project "Language Promotion with Fairy Tales for Preschool Children in Child Daycare Centres"
- GuT - Good Healthy Daycare
- INTER-M-E-P-P Berlin II - Interprofessional Learning and Teaching in Medicine, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Nursing
- InterTUT – Interprofessional Tutorials
- KK6 - Kuźnia Kadr 6: Reinforcement and Development of Didactic Potential of the University by Developing an Innovative Lifelong Learning Model
- Leitungsqualität und -kompetenz (Management Quality and Competence) Experiences and Orientations of Managers in German Child Care Centres
- Learning Arts - Fundamental Qualification for Creative Artists of any Field Basing on a Participative, Biographical Approach
- NaBi KiKS - Network Project "Natural Science Education - Children at School and Kindergarten / Flagship Project Marzahn-Hellersdorf"
- NaWiLT - Science Learning in the Children Researchers Centre HELLEUM - Transfer Effects within the Region
- PIIQUE - Pro InclusiveInteraction - DevelopingQualityCross-Medially
- Pro-KomMa-Professionalization of Early Childhood Education: Convergent, Discriminant and Prognostic Validation of "KomMa" Models and Tools
- StimtS - Stimulation or Stress? The Influence of Group Organisational Concepts on Behaviour and Well-Being of Young Children in Child Care
- Übergänge (Transitions)- Successful Construction of Transitions: The Management of Transition between School and Apprenticeship or Secondary Education
- Viel*Bar - The Topic of Diverse Gender and Sexual Modes of Living in Education – Didactic Potentials and Challenges in Museum Educational Approaches
Research on other topics
This list includes projects that can not be specifically assigned to any of the research areas mentioned above.
- Campus Transferale (CaT) - The sub-projects Transfer_Hub and Service Point for Participatory Research support ASH Berlin on its path to becoming a Transfer Campus.
- Sage SAGE! - Establishing systemic academisation in a gender- and diversity-appropriate way Teaching Professionals at PhD Level in the Field of Social Work, Health and Childhood Education (SAGE)
- Bedrohungsszenario (Threat Scenario)- The Threat Scenario of "Islamist Terrorism" from the Perspectives of Politics, Media and Muslim Communities. An Empirical Study on the Interaction of Discourses, Perceptions and their Effects
- BwQF - Concept for the Sustainable Promotion of Vocational Pathways and the Scientific Qualification of Women* at the University of Applied Sciences
- Die Zwillinge und Tanty Ly (TheTwinsandAunt Ly) - A DigitizationProject on Alice Salomon'sFamilyHistory
- CILIA-LGBTIQ+- Comparing Intersectional Life Course Inequalities amongst LGBTQ Citizens in Four European Countries
- Digitaler Hass - Digitale Hassreden und Verschwörungsideologien in Zeiten der COVID-19-Pandemie
- Erinnerungsorte (Sites of Memory)- Lost and Entangled Narratives
- Historical Social Work in the Women's Movement-
About the Role of Historical Social Work in the Women's Movement: A Donated Photo Album and the German Academy for Social and Educational Women's Work - Fairfaktur - Manufaktur für Forschung und Entwicklung fairer Produktgestaltung
- PartNet Learning Videos | Pilot Study - Pilot Study on the Conception, Production and Evaluation of German-Language Videos on Participatory Methods of Social Science and Health Research
- Passport Control! - Living without Papers in Past and Present
- PSNVNet - How Helpful are Networks? The Functioning of the Psychosocial Emergency and Crisis Network (PSNV) as Regards to the Terrorist Attack on the Berlin Christmas Market in December 2016
- SAGE-P - Recruitment of Teaching Professionals at PhD level in the Field of Social Work, Health and Childhood Education
- TGI-TWG- Animal-AssistedInterventions in TherapeuticYouthLivingGroups
IFAF Berlin - Berlin Institute for Applied Research
Universities of Applied Sciences in Berlin Collaborating in Research
Strengthening research at the universities of applied sciences in Berlin and to encouraging the transfer of knowledge and technology into professional practice is the aim of the Berlin Institute for Applied Research (IFAF Berlin). It pools practical competences in research in order to promote collaborative projects between the four public universities of applied sciences and regional partners in Berlin-Brandenburg. The IFAF Competence Centre for Integration and Health at the ASH Berlin coordinates and supports collaborative projects with a focus on gender and diversity, historical and applied educational research, health and care research, and early education.
Alice Salomon Archive
Alice Salomon (1872-1948) founded one of the first schools for female social workers in the world. She had a decisive influence on the development of social work in practice, research, theory and education during the Weimar Republic.
The academic relevance of her work is increasingly being recognised, as reflected in research in the late 1990s. The Alice Salomon Archive of ASH Berlin is located in the former workspaces of Alice Salomon in Berlin-Schöneberg and its research is dedicated to her life and work.
Publication server of ASH Berlin
Our publication server presents different publications of university members, such as essays, research and project documentation.