Internships abroad

The ASH Berlin encourages its students to do curricular-based or volontary internships abroad. Financial support during these internships is available through the Erasmus+ and the PROMOS programmes.

Internships in Europe

Erasmus+ programme for internships

ASH Berlin awards Erasmus+ scholarships for internships in European countries eligible for students enrolled full-time at the ASH Berlin in all fields of study (Bachelor and Master levels). The scholarship is funded by the European Mobility Program Erasmus+ and can be granted for internship placements in all EU countries, as well as in Great Britain, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Turkey. 

Applications are open to all regularly enrolled degree-seeking students at ASH Berlin (Bachelor and Master levels). In order to be granted the Erasmus+ scholarship, the period of your internship must be at least two months. The funding can be granted for internships that last at least two months up to a maximum of 12 months.

The amount of the scholarship as well as the total number of awarded scholarships depend on the funds provided by the national Erasmus+ agency, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and on the target region.

The scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic performance. Other selection criteria are the motivation, language skills and social commitment of the applicant as well as the reasonability of the stay abroad. The mentioned criteria correspond to the selection criteria defined by the KIA (Commission for International Affairs at ASH Berlin) and the Academic Senate of ASH Berlin.

The decision regarding the scholarship is taken within one month after the application deadline. The scholarship will only be awarded if the application has been submitted by the deadline and if it meets the selection criteria above.

The following application documents have to be submitted by the latest 2 months before starting the internship via email to the International Office (

    ·        Signed printout of ASH internal online application

    ·        Motivation letter (approximately 1 page, German or English)

    ·        Curriculum vitae (CV)

    ·        Enrolment certificate (“Immatrikulationsbescheinigung”)

    ·        Current Transcript of Records

    ·        Letter of confirmation by the internship institution

   ·         Certificate of language skills (B2 level of the main work language is required)

Note: The online application platform "MoveON" is provided by QS Unisolution. With your registration and use of the platform, you agree that the International Office of ASH Berlin can access and use your entered data for the sole purpose of the administration of your stay abroad. Your personal details are treated confidentially and will be used exclusively for the above mentioned purpose. You can find further information in the data privacy statement of ASH Berlin and of  QS Unisolution. If you have any technical problems with the platform, please send an e-mail to

After you have been selected for the Erasmus+ scholarship, you will receive all necessary information regarding the following procedures and the payment of the grant.

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Internships for recent graduates (Erasmus+)

You have nearly finished your studies?
You want to take the chance to gain experience by doing an Internship abroad?
Or you may want to use the free time you will have between finishing your bachelor degree and starting a masters degree, by doing an internship abroad?

Then you should think about applying for the “Internship programm for graduates”.

Erasmus+ supports traineeships (work placements, internships, etc) abroad for recent graduates. By doing a traineeship abroad with Erasmus+, you can improve not only your communication, language and inter-cultural skills, but also soft skills highly valued by future employers, as well as become more entrepreneurial.

Your internship abroad can last from a minimum of 2 months to a maximum of 12 months in all EU-member states (as well as in Great-Britain, Norway, Island, Liechtenstein and Turkey).

Please note that:

  • You have to apply for the grant at the International Office before your removal from the register of students (“Exmatrikulation”), ideally you apply during your last year of study and before handing in your last exam or thesis.
  • The internship can only start after your removal from the register of students. Therefore you have a timeperiod of 1 year in which you have to start and finish the internship abroad
  • After being removed from the register of students at ASH and starting the internship with the Erasmus+ grant for recent graduates you are not allowed to be registered at any kind of University
  • You should have at least two months of Erasmus+ promotion left to be able to apply for the grant

All information regarding application you can find on our website. You are also welcome to contact us during our telephone consultation hours Wednesdays from 1 - 3pm (+49 30 992 45 344).

Internships worldwide

PROMOS scholarship programme

PROMOS scholarship programme for the following activities:

Study semester at a foreign university between one to six months.

Writing of and/or research for final theses at a foreign university between one to six months.

Internship in a foreign country from six weeks to six months.

Language courses for students from three weeks to six months.

(Important: scholarship is only possible for language courses at public universities)

Participation at summer courses or workshops at foreign universities up to six weeks.

Application deadline for the period January-June

15th of November

Application deadline for the period July-December

15th of May

Applications are open to full-time students enrolled at the ASH Berlin at the Bachelor and Master's levels.  Stays in home countries of non-German citizens cannot be funded.

Level and amount of scholarships:

The amount of the scholarships as well as the total number of awarded scholarships will depend on the budget provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Selection process and criteria:

The scholarship is awarded based on academic performance. Other selection criteria are the motivation, language skills, social commitment of the applicant as well as the meaningfulness of the stay abroad. The mentioned criteria correspond to the selection criteria defined by the KIA (Commission for International Affairs at the ASH) and the Academic Senate of the ASH.

The decision regarding the scholarship is taken within one month after the application deadline. The quality of the applications as well as timely submission are criteria for the awarding of scholarships.

The following application documents need to be submitted to the International Office by the above mentioned deadline only via email (

    ·        Completed and signed application form

    ·         Letter of motivation (approximately 1 page)

    ·         Curriculum Vitae

    ·         Enrolment certificate

    ·         Current Transcript of records

    ·         Letter of recommendation from an  ASH lecturer

    ·         Proof of language skills


For scholarship A, add the following application documents:

    ·         Learning Agreement (available at the International office)

For scholarship A2 please add the following application documents:

    ·         Detailed technical description of the research project

    ·         Commitment of a university teacher at the foreign university

For scholarship B please add the following application documents:

    ·         Letter of confirmation by the internship institution

    ·         Description of the internship (Flyer, internet printouts)

For scholarship C please add the following application documents:

    ·         Letter of confirmation from the university at which a language course shall be completed

    ·         Description of the course

    ·         Signed printout of ASH internal online application

Note: The online application platform "MoveON" is provided by QS Unisolution. With your registration and use of the platform, you agree that the International Office of ASH Berlin can access and use your entered data for the sole purpose of the administration of your stay abroad. Your personal details are treated confidentially and will be used exclusively for the above mentioned purpose. You can find further information in the data privacy statement of ASH Berlin and of  QS Unisolution. If you have any technical problems with the platform, please send an e-mail to fiebrich@

For scholarship D please add the following application documents:

    ·         Official description of the course/workshop

    ·         Letter of confirmation from the host institution

    ·         Signed printout of ASH internal online application

Note: The online application platform "MoveON" is provided by QS Unisolution. With your registration and use of the platform, you agree that the International Office of ASH Berlin can access and use your entered data for the sole purpose of the administration of your stay abroad. Your personal details are treated confidentially and will be used exclusively for the above mentioned purpose. You can find further information in the data privacy statement of ASH Berlin and of  QS Unisolution. If you have any technical problems with the platform, please send an e-mail to fiebrich@

About one month after the application deadline, the International Office of the ASH will inform you if your application was successful or not as well as about required information, the payment and other important administrative issues.

Download Example Internship Plan


Mr. Julien Schwarz

Outgoing Student Coordinator (internships abroad)

International Office

Room No. 345

Telephone consultation hour: Wednesday from 1 - 2pm (+49 30 992 45 344)

Personal consultation hour: Wednesday from 2 - 3pm (room 308)

Video consultations can be arranged upon demand. Please contact us via email first (

Please note: there will be no couselling hours on Wednesday 18th of December 2024.



T + 49 30 992 45 344

Mr. Julien Schwarz

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