Staff mobility with Erasmus+ (STT)
Erasmus+ offers the possibility for all employees of the university (staff and teachers) to take part in training periods within the framework of Erasmus+ staff mobility in Europe.
The advantages:
- The stay is based on a pre-established work program
- Professional exchange and new perspectives
- Establishment and expansion of professional networks
- Strengthening of own competences
Funding is available for training periods at ASH Berlin's European partner universities and at foreign institutions, such as job shadowing, study visits, workshops or participation in central further education weeks, so-called "staff weeks". Participation in language courses is also possible. Participants receive a grant for travel expenses and accommodation. Please note that for language courses and in some cases also for staff weeks, participation fees are usually charged which cannot be funded additionally.
The funding includes country-specific daily rates (accommodation costs and stay) for training days, distance-dependent travel costs, plus special grants for university staff with disabilities, if applicable.
University staff ffrom all disciplines may participate in STT, e.g.:
- General & technical administration
- Library
- Faculty and staff of the departments/study programs
- Finance
- International Office
- Public Relations
- Student Advisory Service
- Technology & Transfer
- Further Education
Formats for trainings within the framework of Erasmus+:
- Job shadowing
- Study visits
- Participation in Staff Weeks, workshops and seminars
- Participation in language courses and continuing education courses
The minimum duration for a training mobility is 2 days, the maximum duration is 2 months (60 days). As a rule, ASH Berlin issues grants with a duration of 3 to 5 working days. Please remember to coordinate your STT stay with your supervisor(s) on time.
The mobility grants are not calculated according to the Federal Travel Costs Act ("Bundesreisekostengesetz"), but according to so-called "unit costs" for travel and stay specified by the EU. As a general rule, parallel funding of similar costs by other EU programs is excluded.
Please note: The fixed rates can only be reimbursed for the days on which there is a verified activity within the framework of Erasmus+ .
The total funding consists of so-called "unit costs" for the trip and the stay. Possible surpluses remain with the grant recipient (participant) and must be reported to the tax office accordingly.
The amounts of the mobility grant are calculated on a daily basis. Eligible days are those on which an activity confirmed by the host university/host institution at the end of the mobility took place.
The duration of the stay excludes the days for arrival/departure, unless there was also an attendance obligation with a corresponding activity confirmed by the host university on these days.
Distances can be calculated in the distance calculator of the EU. In the following you will find a list of travel costs.
Important: Your planned training within the framework of Erasmus+ must be coordinated in advance with your supervisor.
Depending on the country group, the following uniform daily rates apply up to the 14th day of funding; from the 15th to the 60th day of funding, funding is 70 percent of the daily rate: | ||
Group 1: 180 euros/day for Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden | ||
Group 2: 160 Euro/day for Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain | ||
Group 3: 140 euro/day for Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Northern Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey |
Special funding can be paid within the framework of the Erasmus+ program. For the STT mobility program, this applies to participants with an assessed degree of disability (GdB) of 20 or more or a chronic illness. The amounts granted taking into account the special funding may exceed the maximum total amounts mentioned above. The application must be submitted at least two months before the start of the mobility.
Staff who choose to travel sustainably ("greentravel") may apply for additional days of funding. Green travel is defined as travel that uses lower-emission modes of transportation such as rail, bus, or carpooling for the majority of the trip (more than 50% of the arrival and departure). If employees have more than 6 hours of travel time due to sustainable travel, they may apply for one extra day of funding per trip. If the travel time amounts to more than 14 hours, 2 travel days can be applied for. Green Travel must be proven by an original signed declaration of honor.
After acceptance by the International Office, before departure:
- Mobility Agreement for Training (scanned copy with all three required signatures).
- If you are employed as an administrative staff and attend a language course other than English, you must apply for educational leave ("Bildungszeit"). Unlike regular educational leave ("Bildungsurlaub"), a note to the Human Resources Office is all that is required to confirm that you have enough days of educational time remaining for your planned stay.
- Business Trip Request ("Dienstreiseantrag") (you can download the form from the intranet ). Please submit your mission trip application to the I.O. after receiving financial approval from the International Office (I.O.). The Business Trip Request application must also be signed by your departmental supervisor and the departmental dean's office (please send to dean with cc to managing director). The I.O. confirms the Erasmus+ funding on the application, enters the agreed amount and forwards the document to the Third Party Funding Department.
- Application Form A1 (Please fill in the form for civil servants and employees (download here) and submit it as part of the business trip application at least 4-6 weeks before the planned trip)
- Grant Agreement (will be sent to you by the International Office after receipt of the Mobility Agreement) - please return it with original signature.
- Certificate of Attendance to be filled in and printed - please have it signed (with stamp) by the hosting institution at the end of the stay (date of the last day of the activity).
After the trip, the following documents must be submitted to the International Office (attn: Liisa Noack):
- Submission of the Certificate of Attendance (confirmation of the host university/institution) about the completed stay (original).
- Submission of the travel expense report ("Dienstreisekostenabrechnung") using a "simplified procedure" (the corresponding ASH form can be downloaded from the intranet ): For this purpose, please submit the form "Reisekostenabrechnung", with the header filled in and indicating the beginning/end of the business trip as well as the beginning/end of the official business as well as your boarding cards of the outbound and return flight (train ticket, if applicable) in the original.
- EU online questionnaire about your stay: You will receive an e-mail request to submit an electronic report for the European Commission after your return. This will take about 5 minutes. You have a maximum of 30 days to do this.
- Furthermore, we would be grateful if you decide to write a short report about your stay in order to give colleagues a better impression of, for example, host universities or language schools. You can address the following topics: Preparation, arrival and accommodation, host institution, content of the stay and benefits for the work, conclusion.
Should the actual travel and accommodation costs be less than the received grant, the participants are obliged to pay tax on the difference. If the grant does not cover the actual costs, you can claim the additional costs as income-related expenses in your tax return. If you did not need all the funds, the difference must be declared as imputed income in the tax return. It is therefore recommended that you keep all receipts for the tax office.
Teachers without a permanent position at ASH Berlin who participate in training measures funded through STT must ensure sufficient insurance coverage themselves. Please fill out the insurance declaration and hand it in with the other documents.
Please note that private lecturers, visiting lecturers, emeriti and similar groups of persons are not covered by liability, accident or health insurance by the university or the Erasmus+ program during their stay abroad.
Since the scholarship provider (neither the EU Commission nor the DAAD Bonn or the ASH Berlin) is not liable for damages resulting from illness, death, accident, injury to persons, loss or damage to property in connection with the Erasmus+ stay abroad, it is generally recommended to take out the following insurances for the duration of the teaching stay abroad:
- International health insurance with return transport from abroad
- Accident insurance with protection abroad
- Liability insurance with protection abroad
It is possible to participate in the group insurance of the DAAD at your own expense. Health/accident and liability insurance are included: for further information please contact the DAAD insurance office.
Through the testimonials of other employees you can find first impressions and tips for your own Erasmus+ training or further education.
The reports offered will be continuously supplemented by new ones. We would be grateful if you could send us a report on your experiences.
Ms. Liisa Noack
Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator/ Study abroad Erasmus+ and non-EU countries/ Erasmus+ STT mobility (administrative staff)
International Office
Room No. 345
Telephone consultation hours: Mondays and Wednesdays, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Other phone consultations, video consultations, or in-person meetings available by appointment. Please contact me by email first.