
Academic education and further qualifications

  • PhD, Department of General Medicine, Georg-August-University Goettingen
  • Master’s degree in Public Health; Major: Planning and management in healthcare, Technical University Berlin
  • Admission to practice medicine
  • Study of human medicine, Georg-August-University Goettingen


9/2022 to date Professor in Health Sciences, Focus on formation of care provision processes, Alice-Salomon-University of Applied Sciences Berlin

2019-2022 Professor in Methods of Empirical Social Research, Catholic University for Social Sciences Berlin (KHSB)

2011-2019 Consultant for fundamental questions of health care, Center for Health, Rehabilitation and Care, Diakonie Germany, Evangelical Agency for Diaconia and Development e.V.

2007-2011 Research Associate, Research Group Public Health, Area "Age, Inequality and Health", Berlin Science Center for Social Research (WZB)

2004-2009 Research Associate, Institute for General Medicine, Charité - University Medicine Berlin

2003-2004 Physician-in- training, neurological-psychiatric medical practice in Berlin

2000-2002 Internship, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Georg-August University of Göttingen

1992-1998 Nursing Assistant, University Hospital, Göttingen

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Selected publications

Dieterich, Anja (2022): [Preparation of a research project: context analysis and research question.] In: Jeannette Bischkopf, Daniel Deimel, Christoph Walther, Ralf-Bruno Zimmermann (Hg.): [Textbook of social work in psychiatry]. Lehrbuch Soziale Arbeit in der Psychiatrie. Köln: Psychiatrie-Verlag: 457-474

Dieterich, Anja (2022): [Healthcare.] Fachlexikon Sozialer Arbeit. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Dieterich, Anja, Schülle, Mirjam (2021): [Old problems and new aggravations - legal barriers for migrants when accessing medical care in Germany]. In: Gangarova, Tanja (Hg.): [HIV prevention for & with migrants, Standards | Practical examples | Basics]:79-83.

Hartung, Susanne; Dieterich, Anja; Rosenbrock, Rolf (2020): [Health policy. In: Federal Centre for Health Education - Key concepts of health promotion and prevention], (Stand: Mai 2021)

Dieterich, Anja (2019): [The introduction of a flat-rate payment system for psychiatry and psychosomatics - impulses for the DRG area.] In: Anja Dieterich, Bernard Braun, Thomas Gerlinger, Michael Simon (Hg.): [Money in the hospital. A critical inventory of the DRG system.] Wiesbaden: Springer VS: 325–353.

Dieterich, Anja; Schmitt, Sabrina (2018): [Migrants without sufficient access to the health system: new bottlenecks and old problems.] In: Regina Brunnett, Anja Dieterich, Raimund Geene, Thomas Gerlinger, Daphne Hahn, Markus Herrmann et al. (Hg.): [The municipality as a place of health production.]  Jahrbuch für kritische Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften, Band 52, Hamburg: Argument Verlag: 22–41.

Armbruster, Jürgen; Dieterich, Anja; Hahn, Daphne; Ratzke, Katharina (2015): [Summary and outlook – where do we stand today?] In: Jürgen Armbruster, Anja Dieterich, Daphne Hahn und Katharina Ratzke (Hg.): [40 years Psychiatric Enquete. Looking back ahead.] Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag: 16–38.

Kümpers, Susanne; Ruppe, Georg; Wagner, Lis; Dieterich, Anja (2013): Prevention and rehabilitation within long-term care. Applying a comprehensive perspective. In: Kai Leichsenring, Jenny Billings, Henk Nies (Hg.): Long-term care in Europe. Improving policy and practice. Basingstoke, New York, N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan: 143–166.

Dieterich, Anja; Hahn, Daphne (2012): [Participatory strategies between equal opportunities and individualization of responsibility.] In: Rolf Rosenbrock, Susanne Hartung (Hg.): [Handbook Participation and Health.] Bern: Hans Huber: 114–126.

Dieterich, Anja (2010): ["Setting", "target group" and "participation" - good practice criteria also for health care?] In: Thomas Gerlinger, Susanne Kümpers, Uwe Lenhardt, Michael T. Wright (Hg.): [Policy for health. Celebratory publications and polemics for Rolf Rosenbrock's 65th birthday.] Bern: Hans Huber: 377–388.

Dieterich, Anja (2010): [Health care as help for self-help? Risks and side effects of ideal concepts of self-responsible patients for the design of care.] In: Bauer, Ullrich; Bittlingmayer, Uwe H.; Dieterich, Anja; Geene, Raimund; Gerlinger, Thomas; Hahn, Daphne et al. (2010): [Responsibility - guilt - atonement. On the individualization of health between regulation and disciplining.] Jahrbuch für kritische Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften, Band 46, Hamburg: Argument Verlag: 143–161.

Rosenbrock, Rolf; Dieterich, Anja; Stegmüller, Klaus (2010): [Rolf Rosenbrock in conversation with Anja Dieterich and Klaus Stegmüller".] In: Ullrich Bauer, Uwe H. Bittlingmayer, Anja Dieterich, Raimund Geene, Thomas Gerlinger, Daphne Hahn et al. (Hg.): [Responsibility - guilt - atonement. On the individualization of health between regulation and disciplining.] Jahrbuch für kritische Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften, Band 46, Hamburg: Argument Verlag: 9–28.

Dieterich, Anja; Kümpers, Susanne (2009): [Parallel worlds of integrated care - innovations for more cooperation in the health system using the example of care for older people.] In: Winand Gellner, Michael Schmöller (Hg.): [Health research. Current findings in the health sciences.] Baden-Baden: Nomos: 115–130.

Dieterich, Anja; Kümpers, Susanne; Stiehr, Karin; Weigl, Barbara (2013): [An Innovative System for Analysis and Further Development of Long-Term Care for Older People – Results of the European Project INTERLINKS.] In: Das Gesundheitswesen 75 (2), Thieme Stuttgart: e11-e17.

Kiessling C, Dieterich A, Fabry G, Hölzer H, Langewitz W, Mühlinghaus I, Pruskil S, Scheffer S, Schubert S, On behalf of the Committee “Communication and Social Competencies” of the Association for Medical Education (Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA)) and the Basel workshop participants (2010): Communication and social competencies in medical education in German-speaking countries: The Basel Consensus Statement. Results of a Delphi Survey. In: Patient Education and Counseling 81 (2): 259-266.

Bachmann, Cadja; Hölzer, Henrike; Dieterich, Anja; Fabry, Götz; Langewitz, Wolf; Lauber, Heike; Pruskil, Susanne; Schubert, Sebastian; Sennekamp, Monika; Simmenroth-Nayda, Anne; Silbernagel, Waltraud; Scheffer, Simone; Kiessling, Claudia (2009): [Longitudinal, Bologna-compatible model curriculum "Communicative and Social Skills": Results of an interdisciplinary workshop of German-speaking medical faculties.] In: GMS Zeitschrift für medizinische Ausbildung 26 (4): 1–17, (Stand: Mai 2021)

Kiessling, Claudia; Dieterich, Anja; Götz, Fabry; Hölzer, Henrike; Langewitz, Wolf; Mühlinghaus, Isabel; Pruskil, Susanne; Scheffer, Simone; Schubert, Sebastian (2008): [Basel Consensus Statement "Communicative and Social Competencies in Medical Education": A Position Paper of the GMA Committee Communicative and Social Competencies]. In: GMS Zeitschrift für medizinische Ausbildung 25 (2): 1–7.

Dieterich, Anja (2007): The modern patient - Threat or promise? Physicians' perspectives on patients’ changing attributes. In: Patient education and counselling 67 (3): 279–285.

Himmel, Wolfgang; Dieterich, Anja; Kochen, Michael M. (2000): Will German patients accept their family physician as a gatekeeper? In: J Gen Intern Med 15 (7): 496–502.


Dieterich, Anja; Braun, Bernard; Gerlinger, Thomas; Simon, Michael (Hg.) (2019): [The role of funding in the hospital. A critical inventory of the DRG system.]. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Brunnett, Regina; Dieterich, Anja; Geene, Raimund; Gerlinger, Thomas; Hahn, Daphne; Herrmann, Markus; Kümpers, Susanne; Lenhardt, Uwe; Ottovay, Kathrin; Stegmüller, Klaus (Hg.) (2018): [The municipality as a place of health production.] Jahrbuch für kritische Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften, Band 52, Hamburg: Argument Verlag.

Brunnett, Regina; Dieterich, Anja; Geene, Raimund; Gerlinger, Thomas; Hahn, Daphne; Herrmann, Markus; Kümpers, Susanne; Lenhardt, Uwe; Ottovay, Kathrin; Stegmüller, Klaus (Hg.) (2016): [Critique .] Jahrbuch für kritische Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften, Band 51, Hamburg: Argument Verlag.

Armbruster, Jürgen; Dieterich, Anja; Hahn, Daphne; Ratzke, Katharina (Hg.) (2015): [40 years Psychiatric Enquete. Looking back ahead.] Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.

Brunnett, Regina; Dieterich, Anja; Geene, Raimund; Gerlinger, Thomas; Hahn, Daphne; Herrmann, Markus; Holst, Jens; Kümpers, Susanne; Lenhardt, Uwe; Ottovay, Kathrin; Stegmüller, Klaus (Hg.) (2014): [Primary Health Care. Interdisciplinarity, participation, community orientation.] Jahrbuch für kritische Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften, Band 50, Hamburg: Argument Verlag.

Bittlingmayer, Uwe H.; Dieterich, Anja; Geene, Raimund; Gerlinger, Thomas; Hahn, Daphne; Herrmann, Markus; Holst, Jens; Kümpers, Susanne; Lenhardt, Uwe; Manzei, Alexandra; Ottovay, Kathrin; Stegmüller, Klaus (Hg.) (2013): [Health policy in the workplace.] Jahrbuch für kritische Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften, Band 49, Hamburg: Argument Verlag.

Bauer, Ullrich; Bittlingmayer, Uwe H.; Dieterich, Anja; Geene, Raimund; Gerlinger, Thomas; Hahn, Daphne; Herrmann, Markus; Holst, Jens; Kümpers, Susanne; Lenhardt, Uwe; Ottovay, Kathrin; Simon, Michael; Stegmüller, Klaus (Hg.) (2013): [Divergent Ageing.] Jahrbuch für kritische Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften, Band 48, Hamburg: Argument Verlag.

Bauer, Ullrich; Bittlingmayer, Uwe H.; Dieterich, Anja; Geene, Raimund; Gerlinger, Thomas; Hahn, Daphne; Herrmann, Markus; Holst, Jens; Kümpers, Susanne; Lenhardt, Uwe; Schwarz, Clarissa; Simon, Michael; Stegmüller, Klaus (Hg.) (2011): [On the criticism of black and yellow health policy.] Jahrbuch für kritische Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften, Band 47, Hamburg: Argument Verlag.

Bauer, Ullrich; Bittlingmayer, Uwe H.; Dieterich, Anja; Geene, Raimund; Gerlinger, Thomas; Hahn, Daphne; Herrmann, Markus; Holst, Jens; Kümpers, Susanne; Lenhardt, Uwe; Schwarz, Clarissa; Simon, Michael; Stegmüller, Klaus (Hg.) (2010): [Responsibility - guilt - atonement. On the individualization of health between regulation and disciplining.] Jahrbuch für kritische Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften, Band 46, Hamburg: Argument Verlag.

Bauer, Ullrich; Bittlingmayer, Uwe H.; Dieterich, Anja; Geene, Raimund; Gerlinger, Thomas; Hahn, Daphne; Herrmann, Markus; Holst, Jens; Kümpers, Susanne; Lenhardt, Uwe; Schwarz, Clarissa; Simon, Michael; Stegmüller, Klaus (Hg.) (2009): Health inequalities. Jahrbuch für kritische Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften, Band 45, Hamburg: Argument Verlag.


Dieterich, Anja; Kümpers, Susanne; Wörz, Markus; Ottovay, Kathrin (2013): [Blockades and opportunities for the innovation of integrated health care: a comparison of Germany and Switzerland] WZB Discussion Paper, SP I 2013-301, Berlin Social Science Center (WZB).

Allen, Kerry; Bednárik, Rastislav; Campbell, Lorna; Dieterich, Anja; Hirsch Durrett, Elisabeth; Emilsson, Thomas; Glasby, Jon; Gobet, Pierre; Kagialaris, Georgius; Klavus, Jan; Kümpers, Susanne; Leichsenring, Kai; Ljunggren, Gunnar; Mastroyiannakis, Tasos; Meriläinen, Satu; Naiditch, Michel; Nies, Henk; Repetti, Marion; Repkova, Kvetoslava; Rodrigues, Ricardo; Stiehr, Karin; van der Veen, Roelf; Wagner, Lis; Weigl, Barbara (2011): Governance and finance of long-term care across Europe. Overview report. INTERLINKS Report #4. University of Birmingham/European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research: Birmingham, Vienna, (Stand: Mai 2021)

Kümpers, Susanne; Allen, Kerry; Campbell, Lorna; Dieterich, Anja; Glasby, Jon; Kagialaris, Georgius; Mastroyiannakis, Tasos; Pokrajak, Tatjana; Ruppe, Georg; Turk, Eva; van der Veen, Roelf; Wagner, Lis (2010): Prevention and rehabilitation within long-term care across Europe. European Overview Paper. INTERLINKS Report #1. University of Birmingham/European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research: Birmingham, Vienna, (Stand: Mai 2021)

Dieterich, Anja (2006): [Responsible, informed and demanding... The discourse about the responsible patient from a medical point of view.] WZB Discussion Paper, SP I 2006-310, Berlin Social science Center (WZB).

Dieterich, Anja (2000): [The public view of models of family doctor care. A scientific telephonic survey] Dissertation. Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen.

Policy Handouts, Position papers

Bozorgmehr, Kayvan; Dieterich, Anja; Offe, Johanna (2019): UN concerned about the right to health for migrants in Germany. In: The Lancet 393 (10177): 1202-1203, (Stand: Mai 2021)

Offe, Johanna; Bozorgmehr, Kayvan; Dieterich, Anja; Trabert Gerhard (2018): Parallel Report to the CESCR on the right to health for Non-Nationals, on the 6th Periodic Report of the Federal Republic of Germany on the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Prepared for the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 64th session, Submitted July 2018.

Bundesarbeitsgruppe Gesundheit/Illegalität (2019): [Emergency help in hospital for undocumented persons , Working paper] (Stand: Mai 2021)

Bundesarbeitsgruppe Gesundheit/Illegalität (2018): [Ill and undocumented. Case collection] (Stand: Mai 2021)

Bundesarbeitsgruppe Gesundheit/Illegalität (2017): [Health care for undocumented persons , Working paper], (Stand: Mai 2021)

Dieterich, Anja; Steffens, Tomas (2017): [Cross-sectoral care for multimorbid elderly .] Diakonie-Text 1/2017, (Stand: Mai 2021)

Dieterich, Anja; Ratzke, Katharina (2012): [The new remuneration system for psychiatric and psychosomatic facilities.] Positionen der Diakonie. Diakonie-Text 08/2012, (Stand: Mai 2021)

Media posts

Dreyer, Inga (2018): [Undocumented persons : "We want all persons  to be able to be treated".] In: der Deutschen Aidshilfe, (Stand: Mai 2021)

Weitz, Burkhard (2017): [Medical help for the undocumented, “Circumstances that make you ill”. Who helps people who get sick but are actually not allowed to be here?] Fragen an Anja Dieterich von der Diakonie Deutschland, In: chrismon, (Stand: Mai 2021)

Amler, Marion (2016): [Creating knowledge, questioning it, developing it further - What role do critical political forces play today? A conversation with Dr. Anja Dieterich, Prof. Regina Brunnett and Prof. Daphne Hahn.] In: Info_Dienst für Gesundheitsförderung 1/2016, Mai 2021)

Dieterich, Anja (2015): [Background: What keeps us healthy? Healthcare must respond to societal change.] In: Diakonie-Magazin 2/2015: 12-13.

Dieterich, Anja (2013): [What does the 'Psych-Remuneration Act' mean for the psychiatric help landscape? Assessment of the new remuneration system for inpatient psychiatric and psychosomatic facilities.] In: Kerbe - Forum für soziale Psychiatrie 31 (3): 38-40, (Stand: Mai 2021)