Publications (selection)
- AfeworkiAbay, R. (2024, forthcoming). IntersectionalDisabilityJustice: UnsettlingtheColoniality of RacializedandGenderedAbleism. London: Routledge.
- Afeworki Abay, R. (2023). Decolonizing Knowledge: A Participatory Study on Discrimination and Participation in Employment of BIPoC with Disability Experiences. Bielefeld: transcript.
- WestphalM., Boga, Engin, K., AfeworkiAbay, R., & Schäfer, I. (2023). "I could live with normal people": Barriers, resources and wishes of people at the interface of flight, migration and disability. Kassel: Kassel University Press.
- Afeworki Abay, R., & Nguyen, B.-M. (2022). anti-discrimination. Power. School: Political demands to combat institutional discrimination in the context of education and racism.Berlin: The post-migrant network of new German organizations (NDO) e.V.
- AfeworkiAbay, R., & Soldatic, K.(Eds.) (2024).IntersectionalColonialities: Embodiedcolonialviolenceandpractices of resistance at the axis of disability, race, indigeneity, class, andgenderLondon: Routledge.
- Kleibl, T., Afeworki Abay, R., Klages, A.-L., & Rodríguez Lugo, S. (Eds.) (2024).Decolonizing Social Work. From Theory to Transformative Practice.London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
- AfeworkiAbay, R., Ihring, I., &Garba, F. M.(Eds.) (2024,forthcoming).TheColoniality of Human Hierarchy: DisruptingRacializedCapitalismandFostering Transnational Solidarity. Lanham: LexingtonBooks.
- Daňková, P., AfeworkiAbay, R.,Xypolytas, N., &Kleibl, T. (Eds.) (2024). Transnational MobilityandExternalization of EU Borders: Social Work, Migration Management, andResistance. Lanham: Lexington Books.
- Afeworki Abay, R., Klages, A.-L., Rodríguez Lugo, S., & Kleibl, T. (Eds.) (2025,forthcoming).Decolonial Methodologies in Social Work. Foregrounding Pluriversalism in Teaching and Research. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
- AfeworkiAbay, R., Attia, I., & Mecheril, P. (eds.) (forthcoming). Standardizations - demarcations - embodiments:Exploring the similarities, differences, intersections and interactions of racist and ableist orders. Bielefeld: transcript.
- Afeworki Abay, R., Aytekin, V., Bergold-Caldwell, D., Bolokan, D., & González Athenas, M. (eds.). (in prep.). Decolonial perspectives and gender: potentials and pitfalls of decolonial analysis of embodied differences, intersectional inequalities and emancipatory practices of resistance. As part of the series "Gender and Society". Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Wesselmann, C., Schäper, S., Kasten, A., & Afeworki Abay, R. (2025, n.d.). Research ethical challenges in societal transformation processes. In: S. Borrmann, A. van Rießen, & C. Steckelberg (Eds.), Social work as an actor in the context of social transformation. Berlin: Barbara Budrich.
- Afeworki Abay, R. (2024, forthcoming). Disabled BIPoC and Intersectional Colonialities in Germany. In: M. Winn & L. Winn (Eds.), Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Social Justice in Education. Volume 8: Bodies and Different Abilities. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
- AfeworkiAbay, R., & Soldatic, K. (2024). TheColoniality of Disability: AnalyzingIntersectionalColonialitiesand Subaltern Resistance. In: T. Chataika & D. Goodley (Eds.), TheRoutledgeHandbook of PostcolonialDisabilitiesStudies. London: Routledge.
- Afeworki Abay, R., & Wechuli, Y. (2024). Participatory research as decolonial knowledge practice? Decolonizing Eurocentric knowledge production on disability and migration/refuge. In M. Ates, A. Barboza, C. Hubatschke, M. Rodríguez, & R. Sonderegger (Eds.), De-/colonizing knowledge. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Afeworki Abay, R., & Hutson, C. (2024). "Our tears are not for sale!": Decolonizing the hegemonic knowledge order of racism in Germany. In: M. Ates, A. Barboza, C. Hubatschke, M. Rodríguez, & R. Sonderegger (Eds.), De-/colonizing knowledge. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Afeworki Abay, R. (2023). Decolonize disability and flight/migration: Participatory research as a possibility for methodological decolonization work. In: Y. Akbaba & A. M.B. Heinemann (Eds.), Decolonizing educational science - Theoretical debates and practice-oriented impulses (pp. 536-553). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
- Afeworki Abay, R., Schmelz, A., Schmitt, C., & Schramkowski, B. (2023). Climate crisis and global inequality - Old and new forms of knowledge for social work. In: M. Köttig, S. Kubisch, & C. Spatscheck (Eds.), Shared knowledge - Knowledge development in the discipline and profession of social work (pp. 273-284). Berlin: Barbara Budrich.
- Otten, M., & Afeworki Abay, R. (2022). Participatoryparticipation researchat the interface of disability and refugee migration. In: G. Wansing, M. Schäfers, & S. Köbsell (Eds.), Participatory research - contours of a new field of research (pp. 367-384). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Afeworki Abay, R., & Wechuli, Y. (2022). "We are here, because you were there": Necropolitics as a Critical Framework for Analyzing the Complex Relationship between Colonialism, Forced Migration and Disability. In: A. Delic, I. Kourtis, O. Kytidou, S. Sarkodie-Gyan, U. Wagner & J. Zölch (eds.), Globale Zusammenhänge, lokale Deutungen: Critical positionings on academic and media discourses in the context of flight and asylum (pp. 25-36). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Afeworki Abay, R., Kassaye, D. & Kleibl, T. (2022). Overcoming the Socio-economic Impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Social Work Perspectives and Postcolonial Reflections from Ethiopia. In: M.d.M. Gonçalves, R. Gutwald, T. Kleibl, R. Lutz, N. Noyoo & J. Twikirize (eds.), The Coronavirus Crisis and Challenges to Social Development: Global Perspectives (pp. 431-442). Cham: Springer Publishing.
- Afeworki Abay, R. (2022). Racism and Ableism: Same, same but different? Intersectional perspectives and convivial visions on gainful employment in the dominant society. In: B. Konz, & A. Schröter (Eds.), DisAbility in the migration society: Reflections on the intersection of disability, culture and religion in educational contexts (pp. 93-110). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.
- Afeworki Abay, R., & Schmitt, C. (2022). The coloniality of the climate crisis. Postcolonial critique and convivial perspectives. In: T. Pfaff, B. Schramkowski & R. Lutz (Eds.), Climate crisis, socio-ecological collapse and climate justice: Fields of tension for social work (pp. 206-215). Weinheim: Beltz-Juventa.
- Korntheuer, A., Afeworki Abay, R., & Westphal, M. (2021). Research in the fields of flight and disability. A comparison of research ethical challenges and necessary practical research frameworks. In: J. Franz & U. Unterkofler (eds.), Research Ethics in Social Work: Principles and Experiences. Theory, research and practice in social work (pp. 229-242). Berlin: Barbara Budrich.
- AfeworkiAbay, R., Schülle, M. & Wechuli, Y. (2021). Decolonizing Disability: A postcolonial reflection on disability for German-speaking refugee migration research, taking into account intersectional life realities. In: M. Bach, L. Narawitz, J. Schröder, M. Thielen & N.-M. Thönneßen (Eds.), FlightMigrationResearch in Conflict - On Exclusions through Integration (pp. 117-130). Münster: Waxmann.
- AfeworkiAbay, R., & Engin, K. (2019). Participatory research: Feasibility and limits.A reflection on the example of the MiBeH study. In: B. Behrensen & M. Westphal (Eds.), Flight migration research on the move. Methodological and methodological reflections (pp. 379-396). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Landry, D., Middelmann, T., Afeworki Abay, R. Morgan, H., & Soldatic, K. (Eds.) (2025, forthcoming). Novel Sociological Methods and Practices of Engagement across Disability Communities. In:Frontiers in Sociology - Volume 10 Medical Sociology.
- Afeworki Abay, R., Cholewa, J., & Korntheuer, A. (2024). Empirical intersectionality research in the field of tension between reconstruction, deconstruction and reproduction of social exclusions. In: GENDER - Journal for Gender, Culture and Society, 2(24), pp. 26-39.
- Schmitt, C., & Afeworki Abay, R. (2023).The Interplay of Global Climate Crisis and Forced Migration. From the Imperial Mode of Living to Practices of Conviviality. In: Yearbook Migration and Society. Focus: Climate, (1): 35-46.
- Suh, H., Kato, J.,AfeworkiAbay, R., & Denk, A. (2022). Global ideasagainstracism: From a journey of ideas to a digital futureworkshop. In: Momentum Quarterly, 11(4): 246-258.
- Zauner, K. S., Afeworki Abay, R., & Olk, M. (2021). Inclusion and participation: Comparative and international perspectives. Conference report of the Research Training Group "Inclusion - Education - School: Analyses of processes of social participation". In: Gemeinsam leben: Journal for inclusive education, (4): 251-254.
- Afeworki Abay, R. (2020). Can the African Subaltern Speak? Continuity of colonial power and domination structures. In: Sociology Magazine, (8). Focus: Sociological impulses during Corona.
- Afeworki Abay, R., Schülle, M., Lätzsch, C., & Mehring, P. (2020). Exclusion inclusive(s)? - On the (care) situation of refugees with disabilities in Germany. In: Hinterland Magazine, (44): 72-77.
- Afeworki Abay, R. (2019). Disabled BIPoC: Intersectional Analysis of Ethnic Disparities in Contemporary Education and Labor Market in Germany.In: EPRIE Journal for Regional Integration in East Asia and Europe, (1): 14-19.
Queer Necropolitics: Queer refugees between survival-strategic resilience and intersectional vulnerabilities
Habilitation project on the entanglements of flight, homonationalism, queerness and racism
Funded by the Hans Böckler Foundation (HBS ) as part of the promotion of early career researchers
Duration of the project: October 2023 - September 2024
Freie Universität Berlin (FU), Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin (ASH) and Intersectional Disability Justice (IDJ)
For more information see:
Afro-diasporic Communities and Disability (AdiCoBe): Black (dis)abled Power
AdiCoBe is the first project by and for people with African roots and experience of disability in Germany. By working together to develop the wishes, perspectives and resources of the affected communities, we want to raise awareness of their own intersectional life situations in the long term, enable empowerment and improve participation in all areas of society.
Project management: Judy Gummich and Robel Afeworki Abay
BdB - Bund für Antidiskriminierungs- und Bildungsarbeit e.V., Berlin
Funded by aidFIVE gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH, Hamburg
Duration of the project: September 2023-August 2024
More information about the project can be found here.
Workshop 1 for experience experts
Friday, 22.03.2024 - Sunday 24.03.2024
Exclusively for Black / Afro-diasporic people with impairments / disabilities.
Registration deadline: 15.02.2024
Detailed information on registration can be found here.
Workshop 2 for relatives of children and young people
Friday, 19.04.2024 - Sunday 21.04.2024
For family members, including foster families or people from family-like settings such as social institutions in which Black / Afro-diasporic children and young people with impairments / disabilities live.
Registration deadline: 15.03.2024
Detailed information on registration can be found here.
Workshop 3 for employees in the context of disability
Friday, 24.05.2024 - Sunday 26.05.2024
Exclusively for Black / Afro-diasporic people who work professionally or voluntarily with people with impairments / disabilities.
Registration deadline: 15.04.2024
Detailed information on registration can be found here.
Workshop 4 for experience experts
Friday, 14.06.2024 - Sunday 16.06.2024
Due to the high number of registrations, we are offering this additional workshop in cooperation with the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung!
Exclusively for Black / Afro-diasporic people with impairments / disabilities.
Registration deadline: 15.05.2024
Detailed information on registration can be found here.
Saturday, 06.07.2024, 10:30 am - 2:00 pm
Berlin Global Village gGmbH - Miriam Makeba Hall(location map).
Am Sudhaus 2, 12053 Berlin
The closing event is open to all interested parties!
You are welcome to forward this registration information to anyone interested.
Registration deadline: 30.06.2024
Detailed information on registration can be found here.
Participatory research: reflection and collaboration with BIPoC communities
- How can access to the field and the joint collection and evaluation of empirical data be successful?
- How and in what context are the researchers' own biases, positionality and location-specificity reflected throughout the research process?
- To what extent can the question of ownership of the research data be addressed in order to prevent certain forms of epistemic extractivism and ensure that the research results are fed back to the communities involved?
For more information, see: https: //
- 10/2023 - 03/2025: Visiting Professor for Participatory Approaches in the Social and Health Sciences, Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin (replacing Prof.'in Dr. Gesine Bär).
- 04/2023 to 09/2023: Research assistant at the Institute of Sociology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich with Prof.'in Dr. Hella von Unger "Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research".
- 11/2019 until 06/2023: Doctorate at the Institute for Rehabilitation Sciences at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Dissertation topic: Participatory research on discrimination and participation in employment of BIPoC with experiences of disability.
- 10/2017 to 03/2020: Research assistant at the Institute for Social Work at the University of Kassel under Prof.'in Dr. Manuela Westphal. Significant involvement in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of the participatory research study MiBeH (Migration and Disability in Hesse).
- 10/2017 to 09/2019: Social work in interdisciplinary research and practice, M.A., University of Kassel
- 01/2016 to 09/2016: Sociology of Race and Ethnic Relations, Cardiff University, Wales, UK
- 10/2014 to 08/2017: Social Work, B.A., University of Kassel
- 10/2007 to 09/2010: Sociology and Political Science, B.A., Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
- Member ofin the Advisory Group: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accessibility (IDEA) Global Research Innovation. Canada Excellence Research Chair in Health Equity and Community Wellbeing (CERC)Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada.
- Member of the German Alliance for Global Health Research (GLOHRA) network
- Member of the Society for Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research (GTPF)
- Co-speaker of the expert group "Flight, Migration, Critique of Racism and Anti-Semitism (Migraas)" of the German Society for Social Work(DGSA)
- Member of the German Sociological Association (DGS). Sections: Social Inequality and Social Structure Analysis, Family Sociology and Sociology of Knowledge
- Peer Mentor for Displaced Scholar: The Kaldor Centre for Displaced Scholars Peer Mentoring Program, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
- Associate Research Member of the University of Johannesburg (UJ), South Africa
- Member of the Network Flight Research. Working Group: Flight, Agency and Vulnerability
- Founder & Coordinator of the IDJ Network Intersectional Disability Justice
- Member of the Migration and Social Transformation Network (MSTN)
- Member of the Center for Inclusion Research Berlin (ZfIB)
- Member of the Participatory Health Research Network (PartNet)
- Member of the German Society for Social Work (DGSA)
- Reviewer of the journal: Women's Studies International Forum
- Member of on the Review Board:Journal of Social Work
- Reviewer of the journal: Nordic Social Work Research
- Member of the Review Board:Refugee Survey Quarterly
Focus areas
- Sociology of disabilityandsocial inequality
- Sociology of migration
- Disabilityand queerness
- Intersections ofableism and racism
- Postcolonial theories and participatory approaches in teaching, research and social work practice
- Embodied difference and entangled power relations
- Power-critical and intersectional social work
- Intersectional disability justice
- Racism-critical and diversity-sensitive higher education development
Interests and focal points
- Intersections of ableism and racism
- Participatory research
- Queer Necropolitics:Intersections of Queerness, Ableism and Racism
- Disability Studies & Critical Race Theory (DisCrit)
- Imperial ways of life: Entanglements of gender, climate crisis and refugee migration
- Postcolonial and decolonial theories
- Agency, resilienceand vulnerability
- Intersectional Disability Justice
- Queer identities between homonationalismcontested raison d'être and intersectional resistance practice