Office Hours
19th Feb (online) from 8 - 9 am.
Please let me know, when you intend to come to my office hours:
Degrees & Awards
- PhD from the Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg. Topic of the thesis: “Violence against migrant women and the danger of their instrumentalization in the context of migration restrictions – social work as a human rights profession with ethical responsibility” (2008)
- Diploma from the FU Berlin: social pedagogy (major), psychology and sociology (minor subjects) (1993)
- Awarded the first Anne Klein Women’s Prize by the Heinrich Böll Foundation (2012)
Short CV
- since 2013 Professor at the ASH Berlin
- since 2003 Teaching in the German Master's degree program: "Social Work as a Human Rights Profession" (MRMA); Modules: "Social Work and Human Rights" and "Human Rights-Based Social Work Practice - Local, National and International"
- since 2010 Head of the Master's degree program "Social Work as a Human Rights"
- since 2014: Teaching in the English Master's degree program “Social Work as a Human Rights Profession” (SWHR; Module: “Social Work and Human Rights” and Advocacy for Human Rights: Lobby and Communication Strategies"
- 2011 – 2016: Teaching at the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, Austria Module: "Methods and measures in the macro area", Master's degree program "Social Work",
- 2006-2012 Teaching at the Charité, Berlin, Module: "Trafficking in Women - a challenge for Public Health", Master's Study Program "Health and Society", International Gender Studies
- 2006-2012 Further training for social educators as process companions for injured witnesses in criminal proceedings; Module: “Specific situation of migrant women”
- 2005-2012 Organisation, conception and implementation of training courses for police officers and lawyers on the topic of “human trafficking and labour exploitation”
- 2005-2007 Seminar: “Social inequality in a globalised world: social work and human rights”, ASFH, with Prof. Dr. Rommelspacher
- 2002-2010 Teaching as part of MACESS in Maastricht, Module: “Racism in Europe”, with Prof. Dr. Labonté,
- 2002-2003 Module: “Intercultural Communication”, in the master’s program “Intercultural Conflict Management”, ASFH, Berlin
- 2001-2004 Module “Intercultural Social Work”, in the master’s program “Intercultural Conflict Management”, ASFH, Berlin
- 1998-2000 Seminar: “Racist/sexist stereotypes in the media”, in collaboration with the Heinrich Böll Foundation, TU Berlin
- 1997-2012 Project coordinator and research assistant at Ban Ying - Advice and coordination center against human trafficking; public relations, human rights work, lobbying
- 1996-1997 Seminar: “Introduction to social pedagogy”, TU Berlin
- 1994-1996 Seminar: “Intercultural youth work”, TU Berlin
- 1993-1996 Social worker at the autonomous girls’ home, Berlin; focus: psychosocial care for girls affected by violence and intercultural opening of the project
- Social work as a human rights profession
- Situation of people who “do not have the right to have rights”
- Discrimination at universities, among others
- (Digital) violence against women (with and without migration history)
- Member of the board of trustees at the German Institute for Human Rights
- „Friends and Supporters“ of Heinrich Böll Foundation
- Editorial Board of the journal Anti-Trafficking Review
- Editorial Board of the Journal of Human Rights and Social Work
- Advisory Board Member of HateAid
Focal Points
- Methods for structural changes in social work
- Anti-oppressive social work
- Intersectional social work
- Critical and human rights-oriented social work with refugees
Focal Points
- Further Development of Participatory Action Research in Germany
Supervision of doctoral theses
At the ASH Berlin, professors can undertake the second review of doctoral theses; I am currently supervising the following doctoral projects:
- Mareike Niendorf: Human rights in professional work with people in vulnerable life situations. Educational processes for human rights orientation in courses of study in social work, health (specialist) professions and the police (working title); initial review: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Heiner Bielefeldt (Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg)
- Silvia Ben-Mahrez: Experiences and perspectives of newly arrived students with refugee experience in social work (working title); initial review: Prof. Dr. Karin Scherschel (Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
- Tatjana Roncolato Donkor: “Blacktivism Plus – Black resistance on social media (working title); initial review: Prof. Dr. Constantin Wagner (Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz)
- Rana Huseynova: Experiences of violence among migrant women in relationships: A critical perspective on racism on the topic of violence against migrant women and counseling work in social work (working title)