

  • Doctorate in Sociology (2020, University of Kassel)
  • Diploma in Political Science (2003, FU Berlin)

Short vita

  • Postdoc in the BMBF-funded junior research group "Gender 3.0 in schools: Challenges and needs for action in the field of teacher training for the recognition of gender diversity with special consideration of the marital status 'diverse'", Europa-Universität Flensburg (2021-2023)
  • Research assistant in the BMBF project "Boys' pedagogy and prevention of sexualized violence - potentials and challenges of masculinity-related youth work, sexual pedagogy, prevention of sexualized violence and queer education", ASH Berlin (2018-2021)
  • Research assistant in the ifaf project "VieL*Bar: Diverse gender and sexual lifestyles in educational work - didactic potentials and challenges of museum educational approaches", ASH Berlin (2016-2018)
  • Research assistant at the Department of Sociology of Diversity, University of Kassel (2011-2016)
  • Research assistant at Dissens e.V. Berlin (2004-2011)
  • Activities in political youth education, e.g. at the adult education center "Alte Molkerei" Frille, NRW (1999-2011)

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Memberships and networks

  • Spokesperson for the working group on critical research on boys*, men* and masculinities in the Gender Studies Association
  • German Society for Sociology
  • German Society for Educational Sciences
  • European Network on Gender and Violence

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Interests and focus

  • Critical masculinity research
  • Practical research
  • Queer and sexual education
  • Violence research
  • Power relations and empowerment

Publications (selection)

  • Hartmann, Jutta/Busche, Mart (2023): Partiality and queer diversity. Post-heteronormative perspectives in the context of 'sexuality and social work', in: Höblich/Mantey (eds.): Handbuch Sexualität und Soziale Arbeit, Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, pp. 327-337.
  • Busche, Mart/Fütty, Tamás Jules (2023): Precarious conditions of subjectivation and action in the context of gender plurality - trans*, inter*, non-binary and agender in schools, in: Kampshoff/Kleiner/Langer (eds.): Jahrbuch erziehungswissenschaftliche Geschlechterforschung, vol. 19, Opladen: Barbara Budrich, pp. 75-90.
  • Busche, Mart/Hartmann, Jutta/Bayramoğlu, Yener (2021): Intersectional sexual education - power-critical, deconstructive and decolonializing, in: Böhm/Herrath/Kopitzke/Sielert (eds.): Praxishandbuch Sexuelle Bildung im Erwachsenenalter, Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, pp. 87-101.

Busche Mart (2021): Next Stop: Postheteronormativity. New impulses for reflection on the topic of gender, sexuality and relationship diversity for (open) child and youth work. In: Sozial Extra, Issue 2, 85-89.

  • Busche, Mart (2022): "Die Welt geht ja nicht unter wenn ich nicht haue" Nichtgewalttätiges Handeln von Jungen. Frankfurt: Campus

  • Busche, Mart/Täubrich, Malte/Hartmann, Jutta/Scambor, Elli/Könnecke, Bernard (2022): Prevention of sexualized violence against boys*. Perspectives critical of masculinity and heteronormativity in educational work. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
  • Busche, Mart/Hartmann, Jutta/Nettke, Tobias/Streib-Brzič, Uli (2018): Heteronormativity-critical youth education. Reflections on the example of a model museum education project. Bielefeld: transcript publishing house.