Conference, Social work Hybrid conference: Old people, students and a space in between

Curtain up for a look at different experiences with different artistic formats

Hybrid conference: Old people, students and a space in between

Audimax / Online

Projektteam „Kooperation Meisterschule“ Fachbereich I: Soziale Arbeit

Old people, students and a space in between - intergenerational social cultural work in practice-oriented teaching

For years, students and older people performed theater together, filmed, learned and generated knowledge. This continuous interweaving of university teaching and practice in the field of community theater with older people is unique in Germany.

A small research team investigated the cooperation between the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin and the Theater of Experience. The results will now be presented and discussed in the context of the further development of intergenerational formats.

Registration is not mandatory - but we would be pleased to receive a short message if you would like to attend. Link to the live stream:

12:15 Welcome
Prof. Dr. Gesine Bär I Prorector for Research ASH Berlin
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Schlimper I Der Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband Berlin e.V.

12:35 Stage overcomes boundaries
Intergenerative performance "Why are you so silent?"
Directed by: Margherita Vestri I Theater der Erfahrungen, lecturer at ASH Berlin
Players from the theater group "Die Bunten Zellen" and students from ASH have explored the topic of silence and will be performing the play they recently created together.

13:00 In continuity lies strength
Research results on the cooperation between ASH Berlin and the Theater of Experience
Prof. Johanna Kaiser I Dr. Nadin Tettschlag

How does a cooperation between a SAGE university and a community theater succeed and what educational processes and opportunities become apparent? The results of a qualitative study conducted in 2024 at ASH Berlin and with the long-standing cooperation partner Theater der Erfahrungen will be presented.

13:40 Relax & Watch (online)
Filmic research "Theater is my home" (30')
The German-Turkish theatre group "Die Bunten Zellen" will be accompanied by students from Alice Salomon University on their journey from Berlin to Bedemler in Turkey, where theater enthusiasm has a long tradition.

///lunch buffet for guests in attendance///

2.10 pm Impulse
The art of intergenerational dance theater
Prof. Dr. Felicitas Lowinski I Hochschule Niederrhein

Intergenerative cultural work between the Rhine and the Spree
Discussion in tandem with Prof. Dr. Felicitas Lowinski & Prof. Dr. Felicitas Lowinski. Felicitas Lowinski & Prof. Johanna Kaiser
Moderation: Dr. Nadin Tettschlag I ASH Berlin

2:55 p.m. What is needed for good further development of university-practice cooperation in social cultural work?
Exchange & discussion with actors from academia and practice

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Andrea Plöger I Professorship Social Cultural Work/Media Education, ASH Berlin

3:45 p.m. Outlook

Grit Höseler-Irmak I Head of Theater der Erfahrungen, NBHS e.V.
Prof. Dr. Heinz Stapf-Fine I Dean FB1 - Social Work, ASH Berlin

4:00 p.m. End

Conception & implementation: Prof. Johanna Kaiser, Carolin Pieper, Dr. Nadin Tettschlag


Supported by: Förderverein Theater der Erfahrungen e.V. + Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin