University life Flag-raising ceremony and joint demonstration on the day against patriarchal violence

November 25 is the day against patriarchal violence

Flag-raising ceremony and joint demonstration on the day against patriarchal violence

vor der ASH Berlin


To mark the day against patriarchal violence, we will raise the anti-violence flag together in front of ASH Berlin. Afterwards we want to go to a feminist demonstration together.

14:00: Flag raising in front of the university

Joint journey to the demonstration "Implement the Istanbul Convention NOW! Berlin-wide
demonstration against violence against women
2:30 p.m.: Meet in front of the advertising pillar on Alice Salomon Platz
2:45 p.m.: Set off!

4:00 pm: The demonstration starts at 4:00 pm in front of the Berlin House of Representatives, Niederkirchnerstraße 5 in 10117 Berlin, and ends in front of the Senate Department of Finance.