Study Free study places for the summer semester 2025

Interested parties can still apply now

Auf dem Foto sind zwei ASH-Studierende zu sehen die einen Flur entlang laufen und sich dabei unterhalten. Im Hintergrund stehen weitere Personen, die sich ebenfalls unterhalten.
ASH Berlin / Alexander Rentsch

There are still places available at ASH Berlin for the summer semester 2025 in the following degree programs:


Applications for the Bachelor's degree programs should be sent by email to:

Further application instructions can be found on the respective course pages.



Applications for this Master's degree program are made by post with the application for admission and the application documents. Further information can be found on the pages of the Admissions Office.



The application deadline for continuing education master's programs has been extended to 15.03. Information on how to apply can be found on the pages of the respective degree program.

Apply now and start studying at ASH Berlin in April 2025!
We look forward to hearing from you.