The work area Intersectional Practice and Transformation (InPuT)
Since 2021, the topics of (gender) equality, anti-discrimination, anti-racism & empowerment, diversity, inclusion, and compatibility and family have been considered together at a central level in a joint work area, developed further, and jointly addressed by a team of experts.
The promotion of intersectional, difference-sensitive perspectives and the dismantling of discriminatory structures are key goals of the department and its staff.
The work area interlocks different offers in the area of structural development, prevention, counseling and further education as well as networking and deepens the conceptual work of the individual topics. From this, the work area continually develops new questions and identifies fields in which intersectional transformation processes are necessary.
A special focus is on the interaction of multidimensional positionalities with references to solidarity as an important node. Within the research area, cooperation is multiperspectival and critical of power.
The research area is scientifically accompanied by Prof. Dr. Nivedita Prasad within the framework of the "Sage SAGE!" focus professorship Equality, Diversity, Antidiscrimination. Close cooperation takes place with the committees of the academic self-administration, the commissions for accessibility as well as anti-discrimination and the Diversity & Social Justice Commission.
In the area of gender equality, we work intersectionally and multiperspectively against discrimination based on gender or gender attributions, for the equality of all genders and especially for the empowerment of women, trans, inter and non-binary persons. This includes, for example, advice on gender issues, support in cases of discrimination and sexual harassment, and the development and implementation of concepts and measures for intersectional gender justice. More information on the area of gender equality can be found here.
ASH Berlin would like to offer all students a study program with as few barriers as possible. For this purpose, there are various (technical) aids, disadvantage compensation and counseling services at our university. You can find more information on the alice-barrier-free page.
ASH Berlin supports all university members in balancing work and other areas of life. It provides assistance in assuming social responsibility for your families. For more information, please visit the Family Office page.
Projects in InPuT
Discrimination, sexualized discrimination, harassment and violence also occur at ASH Berlin. With the anti-discrimination statutes, the university offers opportunities for counseling and for filing a complaint. Support options and a reporting form for incidents can be found here.
The internal organizational development process with a focus on diversity (IOEP) at ASH Berlin aims to structurally anchor anti-racism and inclusion at ASH and to promote power-critical changes. The Diversity Coordinator works together with the steering committee of the project and is available for all questions concerning the process at diversity@
The project "Positioned and Visible" (Positioniert und Sichtbar) develops a protection concept at ASH Berlin for dealing with sexualized discrimination and violence and anti-feminist attacks. More information and opportunities for consultation can be found here.
You can reach the team at
Beatrice Cobbinah
Room No. 326
Termine nach Vereinbarung per Email über oder
kein Pronomen
We also offer advice in English.
Gianna Faust
Administration Office Women's* and Equal Opportunities Officer
Room No. 320
Pronouns she/her
Working hours: Monday to Wednesday
Peps Gutsche
Specialist for prevention and intervention in sexualised harassment and violence
Speaker protection concept
Room No. 320
keine Pronomen
We also offer advice in English.
Beratung persönlich, telefonisch und per E-Mail möglich.
Cindy Lautenbach
Representative for students with disabilities, chron. illnesses and mental impairments, initial counsellor in cases of discrimination
Room No. 312
Office hours:
Tuesday 1 to 2.30 p.m.
You are also welcome to make appointments for counselling outside office hours. Please send me an email with your consultation request and your availability. Counselling is possible in person, by phone or online.

Nina Lawrenz
Women's* and Equal Opportunities Officer, initial counsellor in cases of (sexualised) discrimination and violence
Room No. 322
Pronouns: she/her
Languages: German, English, Spanish
Appointments as needed via or
Simone Wibbeke
Deputy Women's* and Equal Opportunities Officer, Speaker for Equal Opportunities
Room No. 322
Pronouns: she/her
Working hours: Monday to Thursday
Elisabeth Keuten
Coordination Diversity
Room No. 320
Pronouns: she/her
Working hours: Monday - Thursday
Paula Steininger
Beauftragte für Belange von Studierenden mit Behinderungen, chron. Krankheiten und psych. Beeinträchtigungen
Room No. 326
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