The Anti-racism report centre of ASH Berlin

ASH Berlin takes an active position against racism, antisemitism and other forms of discrimination. However, ASH Berlin is not an environment free from conflicting attitudes and is aware that discrimination and hostility can also take place within the university. Furthermore, discriminatory insults and right-wing propaganda repeatedly take place in the area surrounding the university.

In autumn 2013, an anti-racism report centre was set up at ASH Berlin. Anyone who experiences such incidents – whether at the university or in the Marzahn-Hellersdorf district – can report them here. The anti-racism report centre works together with the Koordinierungsstelle für Demokratieentwicklung am Ort der Vielfalt Marzahn-Hellersdorf – Polis (Coordination Centre for the Development of Democracy) and the Berliner Registerstellen.

What are anti-racism report centres?

Anti-racism report centres (Registerstellen) document racist, antisemitic, anti-LBGTIQ*, anti-gypsy, right-wing extremist, right-wing populist and other discrimination-motivated incidents that take place in the city districts of Berlin. Such incidents are reported by individuals to various contact points. The Berliner Registerstellen then collect and analyse these reports. The recorded incidents are published on the website.

The aim of the report centre is not only to document and analyse extreme right-wing incidents but also to make discrimination visible in daily life at the local level. Contrary to existing statistics, the report centres are not limited to hate crimes punishable by law such as damage to property and physical attacks. They also record low-level incidents, such as stickers, insults and threats, which for various reasons are not reported to the police.

*LBGTIQ stands for Lesbian-Bi-Gay-Trans-Inter-Queer. Anti- refers to all incidents that are aimed against homosexual, bisexual, transsexual and intersexual or queer people.

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How can I participate in the anti-racism report centre?

The anti-racism report centre only works with your help. We want to encourage all targets, affected individuals and witnesses of racist, antisemitic, anti-LBGTIQ*, extreme right-wing or other discrimination-motivated incidents to report such occurrences. For example, extreme right-wing stickers, an anti-gypsy remark at the supermarket or a homophobic comment during a lecture. The incidents will be recorded – also anonymously – and entered into the records of the Berlin report centres and published. Other situations in which discriminatory action or statements take place should also be reported. We will gladly refer you to advisory centres and points of contact dedicated to supporting individuals affected by discrimination and associated violence.

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Office hours: Monday 12.00 noon to 2.00 pm in room 016

During the non-teaching period the best way to contact the report centre is by email: antirassistischesregister@

In the reception area you will find a blue letterbox which you can use to make (anonymous) contact.

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