Health promotion in the university setting

Student health management serves to identify health risks for students in the university setting and develops approaches to strengthen resources and reduce risks. This concerns the health-promoting design of studies and the organisation "university", the improvement of individual health behaviour at the place of study and the strengthening of personal health resources and -potentials.

Students feel increasingly stressed. Here, figures are available above all for psychological stress, which is stated by every sixth student. In addition, studies show that the trend of increasing psychological stress among students is continuing.

Stress factors that students encounter during their studies, independent of other factors (such as experiences of discrimination) are:

  • Performance requirements, time pressure
  • The Bologna reform has made the study processes more compact and school-like.
  •  Insufficient opportunities for retreat and/or relaxation
  • Double and triple burden, e.g. due to work, part-time job, family
  • Financial burdens

In addition, the study period is a special developmental phase in a person's life. It is considered a critical phase of life that can be accompanied by new challenges (including living alone for the first time, combined with major changes in daily structure, living circumstances, etc.) and expectations, such as a high degree of self-management. During this time, health-related lifestyle factors can be formed, consolidated and developed as a resource.


Steuerkreis Studentisches Gesundheitsmanagement

Student health management is to be developed in the first project phase (2020-2022) of the "alice gesund" project (2020-2024) and established in the second project phase (2022-2024). In order to make this process as close to the users as possible and to make it participatory, the steering committee for student health management (SGM) was introduced in the course of the new project set-up in March 2020.

The members are elected by the Academic Senate.

If you would like to find out more about how the SGM steering committee works, you can find the Selbstverständnis des SGM-Steuerkreises.

You will find general information hier.

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New members wanted for the Student Health Management (SGM) Steering Committee

Are you interested in the topic of health promotion at the university? And would you like to contribute the wishes of your member group or develop and implement your own offers?

Is it important to you to bring in the perspective of sustainability, diversity and/or mindfulness in relation to health promotion?

As part of a cooperation between TK and the "alice gesund" project at ASH Berlin on health promotion for students, which started on 1 March 2020, new members are being sought for the steering committee Student Health Management (SGM).

More information

  • 2 student representatives from the field of social work
  • 1 representative from the field of education and training

Currently we meet somewhat more frequently (approx. every 4-6 weeks) and for 90 min. virtually.

The term of office lasts from SoSe2022 - SoSe2023.

Please register now at
If you have any questions, please contact Milena Holzer (project coordinator "alice gesund") or Franziska Nestler

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Movement and relaxation offers for students

For students

Within the framework of alice gesund and in cooperation with the Techniker Krankenkasse (health insurance company), all members of the university have access to a range of health services.

Students at ASH Berlin can choose from a wide range of exercise and relaxation courses.

Go to the offers

Mental health of students

We - Salome, Alina and Cathi - are studying Social Work together in the Bachelor's programme at ASH Berlin. In the second semester of our studies, we decided to prepare a presentation on the topic of "Mental Health of Students" in the seminar "socio-medical and socio-psychiatric basics" as an examination performance.

Since we had to struggle with psychological problems ourselves, especially during the Corona pandemic, and knew that many others had the same problems, we thought about doing more research and giving our fellow students an overview of the various psychological and health problems during their studies. Of course, we also wanted to address the current situation caused by Covid-19 and show how the problems have worsened for many students during this time. It was especially important to us to illustrate that the students are not alone with their psychological problems and that many others feel the same way. In this context, we also wanted to draw attention to the support services that students can use, such as counselling and help centres.

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Mental health

Students have a higher incidence of mental illness than their non-student peers (Grützmacher et al., 2017, S. 41).

One sixth of the students surveyed showed a generalised anxiety disorder or depressive syndrome (Grützmacher et al., 2017, p. 41).  Since the effects of depressive syndrome in particular can be significant for the rest of one's life, it is particularly important that the promotion of mental health is also taken into account at the university. Dealing with worries and strengthening the factors that keep one healthy can be decisive in coping with mental impairment.

In the survey conducted by the DZHW (German Centre for Higher Education and Science Research) at ASH Berlin in the summer of 2020, 23.4% of students stated that they often to very often experience a depressed mood and/or a melancholy mood (23.9%). Suffering from a mental impairment was reported by 18% of ASH Berlin students.

These figures and other qualitative feedback from the ASH Berlin student body are the background against which the Student Health Management (SGM) steering committee has already dealt with mental health and the possibilities of health-promoting offers for mental health several times in its meetings.  

A working group of the SGM steering committee has now compiled a list of links on the topic of mental health.

We would like to invite you to get information here if you are interested or need it yourself.

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Mental Health Guide

Where can I find general as well as topic-centred information on the Covid-19 pandemic and help against mental overload?

The change in everyday life is a challenge for everyone. Insecurities and overloads occur more frequently.

Articles worth knowing and help telephone numbers can be found under this Link of the BMG can be called up.

Psychological aids for adults are very descriptive and topic-centred hier  listed. 

Accessible explanations in easy language on the Covid-19 pandemic, are available at this Homepage available for viewing.

Multilingual information on the current pandemic situation is provided by the counselling network Migration

How do I explain the Corona situation to a child and where can I find other employment opportunities for children?

Here is some information on the Corona situation and children. There is also more on the Seite of the Family Office of the ASH Berlin.

The pandemic is an ongoing and hopefully soon ending condition. This makes it all the more important to explain the current situation, especially to children. This Videoclip explains this in simple language.

I need help for myself or know someone who needs help.

The Berlin Crisis Service(Berliner Krisendienst) can be reached 24 hours a day by calling +49(0)30 390 63 00 or via the internet.

The following languages are spoken: Arabic, German, Farsi, French, Polish, Russian, Romanian, Spanish, Turkish.

The telephone counselling service (Telefonseelsorge) can be contacted anonymously 24 hours a day by telephone 0800 1110111, 0800 111 0 222 or 116 123 and by chat. They have multiple languages that can be asked for.

Number against grief (Nummer gegen Kummer) for parents: Mon-Fri 09:00-11:00, The + Thu 17:00-19:00

(+49)800 - 111 0 550 or under this link.

The medical child protection hotline (Medizinische Kinderschutzhotline) can be reached free of charge on 0800 1921000 and offers, for example, the possibility of obtaining a second opinion.

Information and a contact point for relatives of people suffering from depression is provided by the Deutsche Depressionshilfe.

Counselling centres that can offer support or advice in crisis situations are listed here.

The StudierendenWERK BERLIN offers psychological counselling service. Currently (as of 03/2021), counselling appointments can be offered within 14 days. Staff members provide counselling in these languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian.

The counselling centres can be reached by email at or by phone from Mon - Thurs 9:00-15:00, Friday 9:00-13:00. They are located in Charlottenburg, Hardenbergstraße 35, 10243 Berlin, tel. 030/93939-8401, and in Friedrichshain, Franz-Mehring-Platz 2-3, 10243 Berlin, tel. 030/93939-8438.

Students can choose where they would like their appointment.

In psychological crisis situations, the Social Psychiatric Service (Sozialpsychiatrischer Dienst) can be reached from Mon - Fri 08:00 - 16:00 on telephone number: +49(0) 90294-5010 or under this link.

Appointments for an initial psychotherapeutic consultation can also be sought through the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (Kassenärztliche Vereinigung). This is offered in German.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Welche Achtsamkeits- und Entspannungsübungen kann ich in den Studienalltag integrieren?


Kleine Sequenzen von sportlichen Einheiten oder Achtsamkeitsübungen, fördern die Konzentrationsfähigkeit und können als Pausen eingebaut werden. Unsere Videoeinheiten sind jederzeit aufrufbar. 

Auch in diesen andauernden schwierigen Pandemiezeiten, ist es von hoher Bedeutung, auf die Signale des Körpers zu hören. Weitere Infos zu Achtsamkeit an der ASH Berlin sind hier einsehbar.

Weitere Informationen und Tipps bietet diese Linksammlung der Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) zum „Entspannten Studium“.

Entspannungsübungen sind bewusste Auszeiten gegen einen stressigen Alltag. Die TK bietet MP3-Dateien zu Entspannungsübungen in deutscher Sprache an.  

Which sports and leisure activities can I take advantage of?

 The offers of "alice gesund" in the Bewegungs- und Entspannungsprogramm (programm for movement and relaxation) are free of charge for students of ASH Berlin. Usually the coaches in the courses are able to speak either English, Frensh oder Spanish. They are open to find solutions that can work for you and the group if you don´t speak German.

It is also worth taking a look at the inexpensive and varied offers of the university and college sports. The offer digital, outdoor and indoor activities.

Gymnastic stretching exercises can also be done at your desk. "Paul" shows how to do this at the following link. The exercises can also be used as a screensaver. The following topics are addressed: Stress/disturbance/risk factors/noise/lighting conditions/proper ventilation.

Why is ergonomics important at the workplace and how do I comply with it?

A video made for ASH Berlin with the support of TK with ergonomic tips and tricks, as well as small relief exercises for (mobile) work and study can be found here.

To supplement this, here is also a pictorial representation of the settings of a computer workstation.

How do I cope with stress and organise a manageable time management?

A structured daily routine, but also room for flexibility, is particularly necessary in pandemic situations. Individually determined units for working, break times meal preparation, sports activities etc. favour the work-life balance.

Pandemic measures demand a lot and often give a feeling of lack of structure and planning. The demands of studying can quickly become overwhelming. Here you can find help for a better sense of well-being despite the demands.  

The StudierendenWERK BERLIN offers advice, support and regular events on topics such as overcoming writer's block, time management, motivation, research tips and much more.

The mood course of the ASH Berlin writing team(Schreibteam) gives advice on academic writing. This guidance can also be listened to as a podcast.

How to actively combat procastination is listed in these short strategies.

This short informational article from TK makes an offer on time management.

I notice that I am acutely and temporarily suffering from stress. What regenerative methods can I use acutely?

Acute stress reaction? How about relaxing breathing (4 sec. inhalation and 8 sec. exhalation)?

Who can I contact if I want to spontaneously exchange ideas with other students?

Nightline is a free exchange of listeners from students for students on any issue that may arise. It is not a psychological counselling service. You can find more information here.

Nightline Berlin Tue - Thu 20:30-24:00: +49 (0) 30-2093 70 666

Nightline Potsdam Mon - Thurs & Sun 21:00-24:00: +49 (0) 331-977 18 34

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